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The Beginning [US Team]

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Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys, today I'm leaving the clan.
There are so many reasons why Im leaving, and I could go into every single individual one, but I won't, and I'll try to keep this on a more positive tone.
I've been on break for a really long time now, and there have been many reasons why. I haven't been happy with some of the decisions, and I haven't really gotten a say in any of it. But many people think I hate everyone in the clan. I don't hate anyone actually, and far from it. Im not the most energetic sometimes, so I guess that makes me come off negative, which doesn't really make sense but whatever.

Id like to thank everyone for the opportunity to be an officer, and I hope to leave on a somewhat positive note. Good luck with this clan in the future, I know they will do well.
Bye, i hate to say that i never got to talk to you. From anyone writing a letter like this, i have a great deal of respect. I hate to see you go.:(


May 3, 2014
Reaction score
Hey guys, today I'm leaving the clan.
There are so many reasons why Im leaving, and I could go into every single individual one, but I won't, and I'll try to keep this on a more positive tone.
I've been on break for a really long time now, and there have been many reasons why. I haven't been happy with some of the decisions, and I haven't really gotten a say in any of it. But many people think I hate everyone in the clan. I don't hate anyone actually, and far from it. Im not the most energetic sometimes, so I guess that makes me come off negative, which doesn't really make sense but whatever.

Id like to thank everyone for the opportunity to be an officer, and I hope to leave on a somewhat positive note. Good luck with this clan in the future, I know they will do well.
So how about that map... .... ... ...* awkward pause* heh


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
BURRITOZ0123 please do not cause trouble on this thread by posting here. You have been officially warned.


Jul 9, 2012
Reaction score
BURRITOZ0123 please do not cause trouble on this thread by posting here. You have been officially warned.
sorry, i was told to come on here by SertifiedBlocks to post an apology for the flame i had previously caused, and i was shot down by iBearHD very quickly, so i told him not to double post, as it is against forum rules. sorry!

wont happen again, as i have finally realized my purpose in life.
im a giraffe.
this is my final post on this thread.
pce 4 ever doods


Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
sorry, i was told to come on here by SertifiedBlocks to post an apology for the flame i had previously caused, and i was shot down by iBearHD very quickly, so i told him not to double post, as it is against forum rules. sorry!

wont happen again, as i have finally realized my purpose in life.
im a giraffe.
this is my final post on this thread.
pce 4 ever doods
I would just like to say this is the best in the world.


Jul 8, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys, today I'm leaving the clan.
There are so many reasons why Im leaving, and I could go into every single individual one, but I won't, and I'll try to keep this on a more positive tone.
I've been on break for a really long time now, and there have been many reasons why. I haven't been happy with some of the decisions, and I haven't really gotten a say in any of it. But many people think I hate everyone in the clan. I don't hate anyone actually, and far from it. Im not the most energetic sometimes, so I guess that makes me come off negative, which doesn't really make sense but whatever.

Id like to thank everyone for the opportunity to be an officer, and I hope to leave on a somewhat positive note. Good luck with this clan in the future, I know they will do well.
Bye :(


Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
sorry, i was told to come on here by SertifiedBlocks to post an apology for the flame i had previously caused, and i was shot down by iBearHD very quickly, so i told him not to double post, as it is against forum rules. sorry!

wont happen again, as i have finally realized my purpose in life.
im a giraffe.
this is my final post on this thread.
pce 4 ever doods
I was once no scoped too hard and my neck pains are getting worse, I will post a video soon no scope people, no haterz


Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: _Frezzy

Age: 14

Skype Username: zebeatz (I was ten at the time)

Recent Clans: Instinct v1, Exodus v1, Purge, Instinct II, Exodus v2, Trama, TheRemained

Why do you want to join this clan, and what attribute do you have that will help this clan?: I want to join this clan because I want meet new people and I feel like joining this clan will help me succeed that. But that's not it, another reason is because I think this is a great clan, honestly I think this is the clan that I want to stay in for as long as possible. So what attributes do I bring well I'm a pretty funny guy I like to make some jokes, fool around stuff like that. I'm also pretty good at listening (lol) that might seem weird and it is but you need to be able to listen if you want to do good in a clan battles. But now let's talk about MCSG I'm pretty good with the bow, as in if we where in a big fight what I usually do is stay back and just fully charge my arrows so that the attackers have a easier time killing the other team. I'm also pretty good at playing smart I don't just rush in and fight I try to think "what is the best way to win this fight.". Another attribute I can bring to this clan is I can help in battles, I know I probably wont be in battles much but when I am I usually do well.
P.S Some days I might not be as active as other days, my dad is kinda strict.
Acceptd for trial


Aug 29, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: _Frezzy

Age: 14

Skype Username: zebeatz (I was ten at the time)

Recent Clans: Instinct v1, Exodus v1, Purge, Instinct II, Exodus v2, Trama, TheRemained

Why do you want to join this clan, and what attribute do you have that will help this clan?: I want to join this clan because I want meet new people and I feel like joining this clan will help me succeed that. But that's not it, another reason is because I think this is a great clan, honestly I think this is the clan that I want to stay in for as long as possible. So what attributes do I bring well I'm a pretty funny guy I like to make some jokes, fool around stuff like that. I'm also pretty good at listening (lol) that might seem weird and it is but you need to be able to listen if you want to do good in a clan battles. But now let's talk about MCSG I'm pretty good with the bow, as in if we where in a big fight what I usually do is stay back and just fully charge my arrows so that the attackers have a easier time killing the other team. I'm also pretty good at playing smart I don't just rush in and fight I try to think "what is the best way to win this fight.". Another attribute I can bring to this clan is I can help in battles, I know I probably wont be in battles much but when I am I usually do well.
P.S Some days I might not be as active as other days, my dad is kinda strict.
Accepted as Trial!


Aug 29, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: ImTheNarwhal/Intensification/ggnore2eZ
Age: 12
Skype Username: daniel211029
Recent Clans: GhostsEU, TeamSypher, CynixEU

Why do you want to join this clan, and what attribute do you have that will help this clan? I want to join this clan as it looks like a great starting point for me to start playing US. I've pretty much quit EU because of the hackers and the community. I'd like to learn new US tactics and use them to my advantage. I can also show some EU tactics but they've probably all been shown. :p I know you might be hesitant to accept an EU player because of timezones, etc but I can play with 200 ping. The timezones shouldn't really be a problem as I'm in GMT and I can make cw's etc. To pretty much some it up, I'd like to join so I can introduce myself to the US community through this clan.
Accepted as Trial!
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