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Techaton's Story

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District 13
Dec 27, 2012
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So back in April of 2012, I saw the movie Hunger Games; I love it. However, I didn't read the books, because reading books is not my thing. I thought to my self, What if there was a Hunger Games Server? I had already been playing the game for a year, so I did what I usually did to find a server I searched "hunger games server minecraft". The first server I find is MCSG, I played a few games on there, however I did not like the servers, because you had to direct connect. Later that month toward the end, I saw Machinma play Survival Games with a bunch of Youtubers, it seemed really appealing to me.

After that I didn't play any Survival Games due to the Direct Connect, So about a month later I found another server called Skitscape's Public Server, I loved it. This server featured Double O Negative's SG plugin (Plugin Clan Wars used), the plugin was brand new. I played this server for hours, since I didn't have to Direct Connect to other servers. I played that server until about June.

In June, I found server ran by Double O Negative and iMalo, it was another Survival Games Server, however this server was less laggy and there were quite alot of less people on this server. I don't remember what they had on the server at the time, all I remember was Survival Games and Spleef. I basically played that until about the End of June. Then I took a break from Minecraft.

So I remember this exact date 7/22, because that is the day I decided I would get back into Minecraft and I would create my own Public Server called Forevercrafterz at one point it had Survival Games, but it made the server lag, I quickly scraped it from the server. On August 1 if I recall correctly is when Minecraft 1.3 came out. This was the worst update Minecraft ever pushed out in my Opinion. For about until End of August, everyone was basically Steves since they had just switched to a new Skin host. Also this update is also known for terribly laggy servers.

So in Mid August, I saw Machinma host a Survival Games 3 Event, basically this inspired me to get back in to Survival Games. At this point in time, my friend tbracer was really enjoying MCSG basically since May when I showed it to him. Tbracer loved the server in fact I remember him actually being quite good at it. He got me in to the server making me realize, the direct connecting wasn't so bad after all. I played it casually usually just on the weekends with Tbracer.

In September I scraped the Idea of my Public server, but I kept a 1.5 GB Server around for fun. Also if I'm not mistaken SG 4 came out that month. I really loved MCSG after SG 4. At this point I still hadn't got a win yet, I was really bad. I remember Columbus day of last year Tbracer, Barfyarfie2, and I played MCSG that whole weekend. So I started playing MCSG less and less, because I got really into Feed the Beast Modpack back in November of 2012.

I really didn't play any SG in November due to the addiction to Feed The Beast at the time. It wasn't till about the First day of Christmas break I played SG. I said to my friend "Its been awhile since they created a new SG Map" ironically later that day Survival Games 5 trailer came out it looked like a great Map. The first I played the map I hated it, because I could barely sprint, because of all the different layers of Snow. At the end of December I got really in SG, because Tbracer and I both got donor for MCSG, it was only Iron, so we were only back in SG for about a month.

In January, I got really addicted to Feed the Beast, again (I never stopped playing, but I was less addicted at that point). FTB Mindcrack and Direwolf 20 modpacks came out that month once again, I was hooked into it. Basically no SG until MCSG V2, I played about 10 games of it, but I couldn't take it I hate V2. I thought it was really hard to get into games, so I didn't enjoy it.

Wasn't until February 28, I got back into SG, but it wasn't on MCSG, it was on the Hive. The first time, I went on to the Hive Forums, I saw something called BSM. I searched the Mod up on Google I downloaded it, then installed it to Magic Launcher. I thought BSM was the best thing in the World, it made me so much "better" at Survival Games. I was extremely addicted since I was so good at it now.

So in April 10th I joined a clan called "Adobe" the leader was bubudu1. I was in that clan for 15 days, no one really skyped or used Teamspeak in that clan. Four days before I left Adobe, a new clan was created it was called Oblivion (Hive). GoryGator and Justamelon (I think that's his name) were the leaders. Justamelon, I never once talked to even though he was a leader.

In Oblivion there were a few really great people GoryGator and Sixorr (Soon to be owner of the clan) Brendalf (Famous MC Skin Creator) deadkillz (I was a big fan of his Youtube and High on the Hive LBs at the time). About a week before I joined Hive I met two really amazing people one named Legacy57 , we have kind of lost touch and FuzzyPB (ORIGINAL BEAVER Richyyyyyyy ) who is person that I am friends with still today and I admire a ton. I got those two people to join Oblivion. The three of us were really great friends, but a few days later there would be another person in our group. The last person was ProShooterBF, he started attacking me on Dry Bone Valley at the Barn, I told him to stop, because we were both in Oblivion. During that game, we added each other on skype, the first thing he said to me was "Sorry and I may lag out, because I have farm internet" laughed to myself considering I got 1 MB down (I still have the same internet). Remember the first we talked, because his accent was very Southern, considering I live in one of the biggest cities in IL.

In late April, I pitched this idea to Gory about a server for Oblivion Members, he thought it was great idea. At the very end of the month Gipp joined Oblivion, so Deadkillz and Gipper did not get along very well, which resulted in Deadkillz getting kicked from Oblivion due to "Maturity Reasons". After this event, I was promoted since I was the owner of the server and Gipper some how got Admin in his first or second day. The next day my server was griefed by deadkillz , Richyyyyyyy , and Xiodon, I told everyone I didn't know who did it, but I only said that since I was a fanboy of Deadkillz.

During April/May on Hive, there was another clan called Flawless led by OMGjustin and Vorgs, people such as BomBashious 20s Richyyyyyyy were in it. Also on Hive there was another called called Fusion PvP led by MaxStormz xExtract UnknownPlayer1 this clan merged with Flawless, so basically they were the Forgotten of Hive. Oblivion was like the Primeval of Hive. Between Flawless and Oblivion, we had some amazing fights on Roxbot before the server was crap. The fights we had on Roxbot were so much fun. One day during one of these fights, I was asked if I wanted to join Flawless since I was so nice to everyone in the Clan, I turned the offer down, however I would have loved to join. I talked to Gory one day telling him one day, I had a bunch of ideas and changes for the clan, I had written literally written all of these ideas down a piece of paper one day, while talking to Pro. Pro and I still laugh at this today, however if weren't for this I would have never become a Head Admin in the clan, I went from Mod -> Head Admin, skipping Admin (Oblivion was a Game of favorites I realized a few months ago).

May was one hell of a month, Flawless disbanded, Oblivion was the best clan For about 3 Hours until BomBashious and hermanhals created an amazing clan called Brotherhood basically "Flawless". Also during may Oblivion started to slowly fall apart. First, Gory and Sixorr joined the Famous Youtube group the Astro Punks, so Logan and Six slowly began to drift away from Oblivion, which meant Gipper and I were the ones leading the clan. In May, Macobeast created the "Fake Oblivion", the clan was Semi Successful, alot of really great people joined this clan, but it didn't last long. The MCSG clan merged with Organization led by Chris_Bro1998 (Astro Punk at the time), they would be called Obliteration if I remember correctly. They unmerged due to some issues such as Clan Wars. Oblivion lasted until its match against Legends, they first played on Rugged Lands, but Canziano may have been using BSM, so there would be a rematch on One of the worst maps ever. During the rematch, Oblivion used my TS, I remember seeing everyone in the Clan Battle Channel. They lost, so they soon disbanded.

At the end of May, Gipper wanted me to leave Oblivion to start our own clan since Oblivion, wasn't going anywhere at that point since Gory was inactive on Hive. Gipper and Gory soon began to have these fights, which resulted in Gory hating Gipper's Guts and him being kicked. At this point I left to lead the clan my self, however I promoted Pro to Admin, also removed Head Admin (Hive Ranks were different then the average Leader, Officer, Elite, and Member) I thought Head Admin was pointless. After Gipper left I was in full control of everything, I could made myself one of the owners of the clan, no one would have cared. In the middle of May a clan called Dynasty disbanded which made some people such as Samharibo join for day or so. I also met CruelDefiance , during May the first time we talked was for two hours or so over skype, we found out we live pretty close together.

At the very end of May I made the decision, I would start my own clan, after I left Oblivion the clan lasted until Gory got on in the Morning, he disbanded it. My clan was called was called Synergy/Nexus and we had another name at some point. It was created the day before Memorial Day, if I recall correctly. Pro and I led once again, another game of favorites. We were the first clan to fight Brotherhood, I have a video of the Round we won, we lost 1-2
. But we didn't last long after this, considering Fuzzy, Pro and I went back to MCSG. I stopped playing Hive at the End of May but my clan lasted until Mid June when we disbanded.

It was the start of summer, I began to relearn how to PvP, I learned the Fishing Rod Tatic thanks to YoYoFrotto and Kranzo on Roxbot. Very early in summer, I met Eborec, who introduced me to Roluxe on the MCSG TS, that night we played Cops and Robbers until about 7:00 AM. During Summer, I got to know Richyyy and Variation really well.

On June 28, 2o13, my life changed when Macobeast texted GoryGator to get on the Primeval TS for a 2v2 tournament, so Cryptic_Gamer, ProShooterBF and I go on also. That night I met some amazing people Fearzon ImNotAFK13 Hiqhlights. I was also go to know Macobeast alot better, I had talk to him before, but that was mostly just Gory and him talking. I stuck around Primeval, because Gory, Pro, and Cryptic applied. At the time they were in dire need of a new TS, I don't remember why, however.

I became really great friends with ImNotAFK13 and Fearzon, I use to talk to those two for hours on end. Sometime in July I got into Primeval, due to being on the TS so much and no one really disliked me to my knowledge. I joined it was right around the time of Clan Wars Season 2, well my friend barfyarfie2, had a server, he wasn't using at the time, I made it into a SG/PvP server for Primeval. Primeval, won their first match against brotherhood 8-0 on Valedan. The second Round was little trickier, however because they would face Forgotten. There was a little problem a few our members raged and told Forgotten some of our Routes. I got on TS 20 minutes before their fight against Forgotten 6/8 were on I told them they had 20 minutes, they thought they still had an hour and 20 minutes but were they wrong. ReaVeZz quickly rushed home, it just so happen the match between Forgotten and Primeval restarted a few times. The score was 0-8, we lost. I almost had to play for us, which was quite scary for me. After the battle Forgotten and Primeval got in a war.

Reavezz and Maco created a clan called Dynasty, which AFK and I were Co-Leaders in. The clan didn't last very long due to fact that AFK and I couldn't stand Reavezz as a Leader, So we quickly got the clan disbanded and got the real Primeval back. I was first member back in Primeval, I was excited about the return.

During June, Gory introduced myself to Dungeon Realms, I only joined it when I played it with him. I quite for while, but in July Gory got AFK, Leo, and Jr. Delta into the game. At the end of July I went on Vacation to Minnesota for a week. During this time alot stuff happened Titans was created. Primeval got alot of new members such as Variation. Also Jr, AFK and Leo were lost to the Dungeon Realms addiction. When I got back from vacation I didn't have my laptop, since I left at a Family members house. During this time, I spent my self working on a New Server called MCPrimeGames. It had SG, Spleef, Bow Spleef, Splegg, OITC, and PvP.

That project for a month and a half until the owner, had some IRL Issues, which led to some server issues. This is in about Mid September. Primeval would also Disband officially for the first time by Hiqhlights, but Pro would recreate it it lasted for about a month until quite a few really great members left, it wasn't because we lost to Forgotten. After this I applied for Forgotten Div. B, but after 1 day, I became inactive.

I was inactive for about 3 weeks, then I came back I applied For Titans, which I got Trial Member. Then I got Pokemon Y and a 3DS, which has made super inactive on Minecraft. Been on the Computer all day today, I maybe becoming a Dev on a server. And I'll be Restarting my Trial Membership for Titans, tomorrow.

*Sorry to Some people, I may have forgot to mention.


Mar 29, 2013
Reaction score
I couldn't bring myself to read the whole thing, but seems good. :)
Last edited:


Discord: prettyyinpink
Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Never met you, that makes the story much more touching :)
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