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TeamSypher [EU Elite]

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Th1NgY | Will

Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
What's your name?: Will
How old are you?: 13, 14 in 20 days ^_^
What’s your ingame name?: Thingy182 <3
In which country do you live?: UK
Skype/TS name?: thingy182
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: No ;-; It ran out. I cri. But I will probably get gold again.
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 500): 1052 :D
How many games have you played?: 3800 ;-;
What are your PvP Strengths?: Firstly I am really good with the fishing rod when it comes to using it to get sword combos, I use the fishing rod to hit people into blocks to make their sprint stop, I use it to try and boost friends and I also use it when running to turn and hit them with it to get a bit of space between them. I am also good with strafing and swords as I have 12 ping to MCSG which means I get VERY good connection, this also means I can get combos quite easily. Another thing I am good with is the flint ans steel. As I am a long time MCSG player I have had a lot of work trying to get my flint and steel to the best it can be. I am good when I use the offensive flint and steel if I run at them and I am even better at the defensive flint and steel, this is if I am being chased. Finally I am EXCEPTIONALLY good with the bow. This is the item I have really spent all my time working on. The reason I am good at this and come to get the name "Bow spammer" from a lot of my friends is that I can guess where people are going to dodge and I can then start to get quite good bow combos from doing that. One more thing I am good at is parkour/speed parkour. This is very good if I need to run away from people and trying to get to places quickly, my knowledge of the maps also helps with this.
PVP Weaknesses:I realise that everyone has them, even those other then hackers and giant teams, so I would say that I have a couple. My first one is the fact I sometimes get too cocky and run into fights I can't win, this is mainly due to the fact that I usually think I can take people on and I think I am better then them when I am not. The other thing I think that I am not that good at is water fights. Although I may win a lot of them I get much, much lower then I should as the opposition always manages to get underneath me.
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): I LOVE YOU GUYS. So awesome?
Why do you want to join?: Becasue I loved my time here and I miss you so much ;-;
Why should we accept you?: Because I can bring in Jemine?
Which clans have you previously been in? This one (twice), Apocalypse, and a ton others I am too lazy to name?
How active will you be?: More active then all yo' noobs!
What is your favourite map?: The cool ones.


Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
What's your name?: Will
How old are you?: 13, 14 in 20 days ^_^
What’s your ingame name?: Thingy182 <3
In which country do you live?: UK
Skype/TS name?: thingy182
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: No ;-; It ran out. I cri. But I will probably get gold again.
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 500): 1052 :D
How many games have you played?: 3800 ;-;
What are your PvP Strengths?: Firstly I am really good with the fishing rod when it comes to using it to get sword combos, I use the fishing rod to hit people into blocks to make their sprint stop, I use it to try and boost friends and I also use it when running to turn and hit them with it to get a bit of space between them. I am also good with strafing and swords as I have 12 ping to MCSG which means I get VERY good connection, this also means I can get combos quite easily. Another thing I am good with is the flint ans steel. As I am a long time MCSG player I have had a lot of work trying to get my flint and steel to the best it can be. I am good when I use the offensive flint and steel if I run at them and I am even better at the defensive flint and steel, this is if I am being chased. Finally I am EXCEPTIONALLY good with the bow. This is the item I have really spent all my time working on. The reason I am good at this and come to get the name "Bow spammer" from a lot of my friends is that I can guess where people are going to dodge and I can then start to get quite good bow combos from doing that. One more thing I am good at is parkour/speed parkour. This is very good if I need to run away from people and trying to get to places quickly, my knowledge of the maps also helps with this.
PVP Weaknesses:I realise that everyone has them, even those other then hackers and giant teams, so I would say that I have a couple. My first one is the fact I sometimes get too cocky and run into fights I can't win, this is mainly due to the fact that I usually think I can take people on and I think I am better then them when I am not. The other thing I think that I am not that good at is water fights. Although I may win a lot of them I get much, much lower then I should as the opposition always manages to get underneath me.
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): I LOVE YOU GUYS. So awesome?
Why do you want to join?: Becasue I loved my time here and I miss you so much ;-;
Why should we accept you?: Because I can bring in Jemine?
Which clans have you previously been in? This one (twice), Apocalypse, and a ton others I am too lazy to name?
How active will you be?: More active then all yo' noobs!
What is your favourite map?: The cool ones.
Declined ddos threats


Accepted, Rank: Lieutentant. Welcome back scrub.<3


Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
What's your name?: Jonas
How old are you?: 16
What’s your ingame name?: iProGames
In which country do you live?: NORWAAAAAAY
Skype/TS name?: iProGames on both
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: Diamond donor
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 500): Like 1.2k
How many games have you played?: like 4.6k
What are your PvP Strengths?: PIIIIIING
What are your PvP Weaknesses?: PIIIIING
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): I think my teamskills could be a lot better, seeing as i love to kill them when it only us left. (RIP thingy) <3. But if i tryhard, which i do alot i can play good in a tem
Why do you want to join?: Cause ImNissen is Cheerleader <3
Why should we accept you?: Cause my fapbox is to gud
Which clans have you previously been in? Apoklipse, forgotn
How active will you be?: As active as my dad is in bed. (very active)
What is your favourite map?: VALLEYISDE


Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
What's your name?: Jonas
How old are you?: 16
What’s your ingame name?: iProGames
In which country do you live?: NORWAAAAAAY
Skype/TS name?: iProGames on both
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: Diamond donor
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 500): Like 1.2k
How many games have you played?: like 4.6k
What are your PvP Strengths?: PIIIIIING
What are your PvP Weaknesses?: PIIIIING
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): I think my teamskills could be a lot better, seeing as i love to kill them when it only us left. (RIP thingy) <3. But if i tryhard, which i do alot i can play good in a tem
Why do you want to join?: Cause ImNissen is Cheerleader <3
Why should we accept you?: Cause my fapbox is to gud
Which clans have you previously been in? Apoklipse, forgotn
How active will you be?: As active as my dad is in bed. (very active)
What is your favourite map?: VALLEYISDE
Accepted - Rank: Sergeant! Welcome back <3
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
OH SHUCKS! No cheerleader? Dang it! I worked my butt off for this! This is definitely a good punishment that will leave me sad. LOL I DONT GET CHEERLEADER? lol some punishment
I'm curious, what's your problem with us? Without trying to be rude, can you get off the thread you have been asked to, surprisingly your jokes actually didn't make me laugh, thanks for trying though.


Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?: Isak Zejnic. This is a tryharding app
How old are you?: 13
What’s your ingame name?: isak_boss
In which country do you live?: Sweden
Skype/TS name?: Isak.zejnic my skype name and my ts name is isak or more names
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: i have diamond
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 500): i have 329 i started to have a bad computer and lost like 1500 games and 90 wins
How many games have you played?: 3300+ ish games i typed the reason how many wins do you havew
What are your PvP Strengths?: FnS i played alot on swish and trained up my FnS skills
What are your PvP Weaknesses?: my weakness is rod and Kristoffer i fail with my hotkey sometimes so i need to train more with the rod.
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): My teaming skills is good with my IRL Friends. I teamed with Pure we have a nice teamwork. And i dont know who i am good to teaming in sypher i know pure. Eruzia i didnt play so much with him but we was in same clan so we little good teamwork.
Why do you want to join?: TeamSypher is one of the best clans eu i hear about. I arguimenting with Eskild cause i get ts banned. I messaged him on skype a message and he agree on the message. And i posted very necessary comments on the thread i need to say sorry about that. And i know my chance is dont so good but i tryharding to get in.
Why should we accept you?: I am good with the FnS and sword. Reason: i played alot on Swish and trained up my FnS skills i am good to make a tourn-around i trained alot on it too and i can take out 2 team very easy.
Which clans have you previously been in? The Return II React EU Rehaz Divided and more.
How active will you be?: I dont know i can be active near i can if i am busy icant be active or on holiday.
What is your favourite map?: SG4 Holiday Resort Demons Breeze Breeze Island 2 Valleyside University Vida Cova :)

Thanks for reading my application! Colonels And Generals! <3


Nov 4, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?: byron
How old are you?: 14
What’s your ingame name?: coscobplaymc
In which country do you live?: colombia
Skype/TS name?: Its Private if i get a accepted ill send it to you
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: iron donor
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 500): 1043
How many games have you played?: 4434
What are your PvP Strengths?: sword and fns
What are your PvP Weaknesses?: playing safe
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): i think i play better with a team because i interact with the people that im waking to.
Why do you want to join?: because your a cool dude xD
Why should we accept you?: im kind of good at pvp
Which clans have you previously been in? ive been alot dont remeber ( sorry )
How active will you be?: 12-8 most likely
What is your favourite map?: Chernobyl 2015


Feb 10, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?: byron
How old are you?: 14
What’s your ingame name?: coscobplaymc
In which country do you live?: colombia
Skype/TS name?: Its Private if i get a accepted ill send it to you
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: iron donor
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 500): 1043
How many games have you played?: 4434
What are your PvP Strengths?: sword and fns
What are your PvP Weaknesses?: playing safe
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): i think i play better with a team because i interact with the people that im waking to.
Why do you want to join?: because your a cool dude xD
Why should we accept you?: im kind of good at pvp
Which clans have you previously been in? ive been alot dont remeber ( sorry )
How active will you be?: 12-8 most likely
What is your favourite map?: Chernobyl 2015
Please provide more information in your application such as pvp strengths & weaknesses, why you want to join, teaming skills etc. Then we might take your application into consideration. Other then that, good luck :)
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