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TeamSypher [EU Elite]

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Oct 12, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?: Cai
How old are you?: 13
What’s your ingame name?: My old one is DisguisedZombie, but it's hacked, I don't know but apparently MC was hacked... Buying a new one.
In which country do you live?: Britain
Skype/TS name?: Skype: DisguisedZombie and I have TS.
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: Gold donor ran out.
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 500): I think I had 250+.
How many games have you played?: About 1450+
What are your PvP Strengths?: Sword, FnS and Teamwork.
What are your PvP Weaknesses?: Bows, improving quickly with rod.
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): My teaming skills are very good, I communicate well and let others speak. I won't disobey a plan that has been made.
Why do you want to join?: I haven't been in a clan for a while, plus it is a really strong clan.
Why should we accept you?: I feel I am good enough PvP-wise. I enjoy playing clans and Im active on MCSG.
Which clans have you previously been in? #Ghost, #ZethoX (Disbanded)
How active will you be?: I have a lot of sports Irl but I try to play as much as possible.
What is your favourite map?: I like, Sg4, Valleyside, Sg highway, Icarus. Mainly ValleySide.


Nov 8, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?: Cai
How old are you?: 13
What’s your ingame name?: My old one is DisguisedZombie, but it's hacked, I don't know but apparently MC was hacked... Buying a new one.
In which country do you live?: Britain
Skype/TS name?: Skype: DisguisedZombie and I have TS.
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: Gold donor ran out.
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 500): I think I had 250+.
How many games have you played?: About 1450+
What are your PvP Strengths?: Sword, FnS and Teamwork.
What are your PvP Weaknesses?: Bows, improving quickly with rod.
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): My teaming skills are very good, I communicate well and let others speak. I won't disobey a plan that has been made.
Why do you want to join?: I haven't been in a clan for a while, plus it is a really strong clan.
Why should we accept you?: I feel I am good enough PvP-wise. I enjoy playing clans and Im active on MCSG.
Which clans have you previously been in? #Ghost, #ZethoX (Disbanded)
How active will you be?: I have a lot of sports Irl but I try to play as much as possible.
What is your favourite map?: I like, Sg4, Valleyside, Sg highway, Icarus. Mainly ValleySide.
rekomndtn <3333
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