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Silent Join Purchase

Do you think the ability to purchase silent join is a good idea?

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District 13
Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
I disagree. I think it gets rid of a large aspect of the game, targeters, its part of the game! I think when people are targeted it either gives them time to learn strategies or tactics to get the person targeting him off.
But what if they target you off corn with a stone sword while you have no regen? There's no way around that, and silent join could prevent that from happening.

Using this feature lets those rich guys run around as a steve silently joining games as other people, who might be good players, and non-donors get targeted like no-ones business, it gives him an unfair advantage, which in a way would be against mojang's EULA. Everyone wants Silent Join so they can be that Steve takin the OP route getting all his good armour without being chased by a 23 team.
It won't be against the EULA, as it gives no PvP advantage whatsoever. If anything, it equalises the players, as the targeted person can play fairly without someone chasing them the whole game.

non-donors get targeted like no-ones business
There's an easy solution. If this were to supposedly be implemented, they could just make it cheaper than Iron, or maybe make it more expensive but a lifetime thing.

Heck it, I want Silent Join, but it would put all the real, good players at a disadvantage as I would be the OP steve that just cleans the fight up. This is one of many reasons why Good Players on either game type have bad ratios.
I don't even get this part. So you're saying that silent join automatically makes you a Steve that cleans good players up?

Plus adding Silent Join to a donor makes him a VIP.
No. They do get the same perks, but donors have to pay for it while VIPs get it for free. There's also the purple name, which attracts a lot more attention than donors.

So. Much. Quoting.


Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
So one thing that bothers me the most about being who I am, is that when I join a server, every single person knows it. With this happening, there is always those certain people who decide, "oh, this guy is good, we should target him". This becomes increasingly frustrating for anyone who is high up on the leaderboards, or is well known in the community as a good pvper. There aren't many ways to stop this as it is in mcsg. You can do /d , but that doesn't really help if you aren't staff or a vip, because it still shows "reven86 has joined". Anyone with half a brain can put 2 and 2 together and tell that the last person who joined, is actually reven86 is /d. Therefore /d becomes a bit pointless.

So I sit there thinking about silent join for staff members and VIP's. Rarely do people actually notice when these people join because it doesn't announce to the server that they joined. Only the most dedicated of people who really wanna know whenever every single player joins will notice these people joining.

So I came up with an idea of possibly giving players such as myself a way to get silent join and as you can guess, I think it would be fair if we had to purchase it.

With purchasing silent join, I really see no downside to it. Mcsg is going to make some money, and players are going to be happier playing the game because everyone isn't going to announce their names when they join anymore. There will be a huge reduction in the amount of "Omg reven86 is /d as timtom1246jk". This will cut down so much of the frustrations of the targeting and would make me and countless others happy as can be.

With this though, has to be some sort of restriction and... qualifications? First off, silent join purchase can't just be for everyone. I propose that in order to get silent join, you have to have some sort of lifetime donor rank, either diamond, platinum or quantum. We can't really have green names and people who only paid for 1 month of donor to have silent join. You can't have someone who buys donor for 1 month, or not at all, then get a lifetimes worth of silent join.With this comes a way for Mcgamer to also make more money. They will not only make money from people paying for silent join, but they would also make money from players buying lifetime donors to get silent join. (if players aren't alright with this, this could be changed to possibly how it is with the stat resets, to where anyone can buy it, but its half price for donors and full price for anyone else. This part is really debatable).

With this of course, Moderators would have to be able to see these players join when they came. The silent join doesn't work against them, but, there is nothing wrong with that, because typically moderators aren't going to just target you off spawn.

So lets see this, I'll make some kind of pro's and con's list, and you guys can comment and add to this list if you like:

  1. Well known and high ranking players won't have to deal with people spamming that they joined.
  2. The /d function becomes useful for players who get to use it.
  3. Happier players
  4. Mcsg makes money off players purchasing silent join
  5. Mcsg possible makes more money if they make it to where only lifetime donors can buy silent join because some players might purchase this lifetime just for the silent join.
  1. Noobs will be mad because they have to kill good players legit now or have to keep a close eye on whoever joins.
  2. I can't think of anymore? O_O
So let me know what you guys think, if you guys got anything to add that I am not thinking of, please let me know in the comments <3.
I use to never get targeted when I didn't have donor, I still don't get targeted idk why xD


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
I disagree. I think it gets rid of a large aspect of the game, targeters, its part of the game! I think when people are targeted it either gives them time to learn strategies or tactics to get the person targeting him off. Using this feature lets those rich guys run around as a steve silently joining games as other people, who might be good players, and non-donors get targeted like no-ones business, it gives him an unfair advantage, which in a way would be against mojang's EULA. Everyone wants Silent Join so they can be that Steve takin the OP route getting all his good armour without being chased by a 23 team. Heck it, I want Silent Join, but it would put all the real, good players at a disadvantage as I would be the OP steve that just cleans the fight up. This is one of many reasons why Good Players on either game type have bad ratios.

------- Overall, I dont think this is happening.

If anything, make it so your disguise name joins, so YoloGeneralxxxx21315523752345 joined the game instead of PotatoeMC (The lord and savior) joined the game *insert fanboys here* hehhehee. c:

This is my opinion, throw all your hateorade at me.


Plus adding Silent Join to a donor makes him a VIP.
lol there are so many things in this that I disagree with. First off, mods and vip's already get silent join, so if this was an unfair advantage... then why do they get it? Mod get it so they can silently join a game to catch hackers, and vip's get it because they want to play in peace in fear of getting targeted. If VIP's can have silent join, I feel like we all should be able to especially considering that some people get targeted way more often than some vip's.. (the top page players).

What silent join does is allows well known players to play games in peace and be just another person, which is what everyone wants.

Lol I hardly see non-donors get targeted like I do. People will literally chase me for 10 minutes straight to kill me when I have NOTHING. Non donors get targeted sometimes I'm sure, but the person who is targeting them, will give up after a few minutes of chasing the, because there is no benefit of killing that person if they have nothing. Good players/well known players however, get people who will have it in already decided that they are going to target this person even b4 the game starts. They see that person join the lobby and instantly they are like "must kill to get a screenshot of me killing him" or "must record myself killing him". Non donors don't have that problem. Giving silent join just allows good players to play as "just another person".

Who says just because you are disguised and have silent join that you are going to get a route to yourself? lol. Most people know the good routes in mcsg by now, so not many people get OP routes all to themselves. All silent join does is stop a lil bit of the people targeting these people who are joining on these routes.

You say that getting targeted makes you learn strats to get away from these people targeting you. Some maps that is possible, but maps like.. avaricia, breeze, icarus and many others don't really give you much options to find a way to open a chest or anything. You're only hope is that you find a weapon randomly on the ground, or you can find someone who will get the person targeting off your back, but more often than not, even if you do find that random person, the person who is targeting you just ignores them and continues chasing you. By the time you do find a way to kil this person, you're route has been taken and you are pretty much screwed. You then have to go around just cleaning up people.

and no its not against the EULA because it gives you no pvp advantage. EULA just stats that you can't let people buy the option of like.. starting a game with a sword, or have regen pots start in your inventory.

I use to never get targeted when I didn't have donor, I still don't get targeted idk why xD
lol thats because you aren't too well known yet among the community. At least not with the noobs in the community. I didn't know who you were til like a month ago really lol.


Sep 28, 2013
Reaction score
I disagree. I think it gets rid of a large aspect of the game, targeters, its part of the game! I think when people are targeted it either gives them time to learn strategies or tactics to get the person targeting him off. Using this feature lets those rich guys run around as a steve silently joining games as other people, who might be good players, and non-donors get targeted like no-ones business, it gives him an unfair advantage, which in a way would be against mojang's EULA. Everyone wants Silent Join so they can be that Steve takin the OP route getting all his good armour without being chased by a 23 team. Heck it, I want Silent Join, but it would put all the real, good players at a disadvantage as I would be the OP steve that just cleans the fight up. This is one of many reasons why Good Players on either game type have bad ratios.

------- Overall, I dont think this is happening.

If anything, make it so your disguise name joins, so YoloGeneralxxxx21315523752345 joined the game instead of PotatoeMC (The lord and savior) joined the game *insert fanboys here* hehhehee. c:

This is my opinion, throw all your hateorade at me.


Plus adding Silent Join to a donor makes him a VIP.
This sounds like a post made by a targeter... Targeting is NOT part of the game. It's something done by abusive jealous individuals who try to ruin someone elses day. Also, you seem to say that because donors/good players don't get targeted, someone else will? That's not how it works. People see a well-known person and they target them. They don't decide to target someone before the game starts and then do /l and decide who looks like a good person to be a **** to. They also don't decide to not target disguised people just because they are steves. Even with /d AND silent join, it would be possible, albeit difficult, to find out who is disguised in your game.

There's my hateorade.


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
I disagree. I think it gets rid of a large aspect of the game, targeters, its part of the game! I think when people are targeted it either gives them time to learn strategies or tactics to get the person targeting him off. Using this feature lets those rich guys run around as a steve silently joining games as other people, who might be good players, and non-donors get targeted like no-ones business, it gives him an unfair advantage, which in a way would be against mojang's EULA. Everyone wants Silent Join so they can be that Steve takin the OP route getting all his good armour without being chased by a 23 team. Heck it, I want Silent Join, but it would put all the real, good players at a disadvantage as I would be the OP steve that just cleans the fight up. This is one of many reasons why Good Players on either game type have bad ratios.

------- Overall, I dont think this is happening.

If anything, make it so your disguise name joins, so YoloGeneralxxxx21315523752345 joined the game instead of PotatoeMC (The lord and savior) joined the game *insert fanboys here* hehhehee. c:

This is my opinion, throw all your hateorade at me.


Plus adding Silent Join to a donor makes him a VIP.
Hacking is also part of the game, but you wouldn't try to justify that, would you? It's not intended for certain players to be chased around and mauled for no reason. Silent join gives 0 advantage (I'm still bad at this game whether people know I'm there or not) and it certainly doesn't elevate someone to VIP. VIP is far more than perks.


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
This sounds like a post made by a targeter... Targeting is NOT part of the game. It's something done by abusive jealous individuals who try to ruin someone elses day. Also, you seem to say that because donors/good players don't get targeted, someone else will? That's not how it works. People see a well-known person and they target them. They don't decide to target someone before the game starts and then do /l and decide who looks like a good person to be a **** to. They also don't decide to not target disguised people just because they are steves. Even with /d AND silent join, it would be possible, albeit difficult, to find out who is disguised in your game.

There's my hateorade.
Couldn't agree more :).

Hacking is also part of the game, but you wouldn't try to justify that, would you? It's not intended for certain players to be chased around and mauled for no reason. Silent join gives 0 advantage (I'm still bad at this game whether people know I'm there or not) and it certainly doesn't elevate someone to VIP. VIP is far more than perks.
Exactly, gives no advantage whatsoever. It just evens the playing field for people who get targeted consistently.


Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
If Diamond+ gets silent join then i everyone would buy it IMO.
Isn't that what MCGamer wants?
More money right?
The /d is pointless if you don't have silent join from Diamond and above.
Just type in the players name that joined and u know who it is.
Great idea!


District 13
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
This would work better as an application process. Where you'd need evidence that you being targeted IS A REAL problem, and this would make your experience on the servers much better.


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
If Diamond+ gets silent join then i everyone would buy it IMO.
Isn't that what MCGamer wants?
More money right?
The /d is pointless if you don't have silent join from Diamond and above.
Just type in the players name that joined and u know who it is.
Great idea!
well I don't think MONEY is all they care about, but it is needed and its a great way to make the community happy, and make money at the same time.

This would work better as an application process. Where you'd need evidence that you being targeted IS A REAL problem, and this would make your experience on the servers much better.
lol well i'd have plenty of evidence.. don't worry xD

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