- Joined
- Jul 23, 2015
- Messages
- 4
- Reaction score
- 5
Fortress pyke was the best map. RIP
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
NO WAY. Survival Kindom cannot be removed from 24 Player servers! It was one of my favorite maps, and think about how long it's been on the servers! It was an awesome map that had been on the servers for more than 2 years, you can't just remove it from 24 players, nobody plays 48 men servers, I don't want it to be forgotten...The maps that will be retired/removed will be as follows...
Fortress Pyke - 24 Player
Shady Hollow - 24 Player
Survival Kingdom - 24 Player *
Teweran Survival Games 3: Futuristic City - 24 Player
The Lost Zoo - 24 Player
Disappointed :c I loved fortress Pyke :/Fortress Pyke - 24 Player
You should add the entire list, it would be quite interesting.For full transparency, here is a list of the lower played maps along with how many times each map has been played every week for the last 5 weeks. Hopefully explain why the maps above are being removed. Maps Highlighed are the maps being removed.