Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
1 word, THANKS!one word:
wow amazing![]()
Survival Games
Section Six is a military and scientific facility built upon a deserted island in the tropical coast of South America. This facility was built after the virus “Scenio” took away half of Earth's population. Section Six was one of six safe havens in the whole world where the Scenio Virus did not have the capabilities to spread. Now this safe haven is falling and crumbling, due to different strains of the virus surfacing and infecting the residents of Section Six.
Can you survive?
X: 0 / Y: 68 / Z: 0
Deathmatch arena: X: 0 / Y: 36 / Z: 0
300 Blocks