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May 22, 2013
Reaction score
You could at least provide constructive criticism instead of bashing on the map. Also, maybe try pointing out what is so repetitive.
I was in a lineup with 2% battery on my phone, I didn't have time to create a detailed list of facts for you. Sorry you got so offended by my lack of a perfectly formed argument, but here's why I thought that.

Most of the maps that I see as being copies of each other were all the same across the board. I can spot a MCG map compared to any other server's SG map anywhere. The harsh mix of block textures (putting in every possible colour texture when it's not necessary), the road styles, the vibrant grass, the same style of jungle tree, same style of buildings; I could go on. Having a cohesive theme in MCG is good and all, but a good theme should still look different from map to map. If you showed me a screenshot of this map and compared it to Zone 85 or Winterhaven or Jurassic Park and I hadn't played SG before, I would assume they were all one map. People want originality in their maps, and though this could be a quality map it isn't necessarily unique enough.

Look at the map update that just happened last month; none of those maps are honestly very unique, and players never play them because of it. There isn't anything that "pops" out at the viewer.

I'm not amazing at explaining myself, but so many maps are built by copying other people's work. The best maps are made by creating new concepts and themes, not by restricting yourself to what others have made. Understand the concepts and patterns that led to the map builders making those decisions, and that will lead you to better comprehension of creativity and also how to innovate and change your map.

- end rant -
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Apr 26, 2015
Reaction score
I was in a lineup with 2% battery on my phone, I didn't have time to create a detailed list of facts for you. Sorry you got so offended by my lack of a perfectly formed argument, but here's why I thought that.

Most of the maps that I see as being copies of each other were all the same across the board. I can spot a MCG map compared to any other server's SG map anywhere. The harsh mix of block textures (putting in every possible colour texture when it's not necessary), the road styles, the vibrant grass, the same style of jungle tree, same style of buildings; I could go on. Having a cohesive theme in MCG is good and all, but a good theme should still look different from map to map. If you showed me a screenshot of this map and compared it to Zone 85 or Winterhaven or Jurassic Park and I hadn't played SG before, I would assume they were all one map. People want originality in their maps, and though this could be a quality map it isn't necessarily unique enough.

Look at the map update that just happened last month; none of those maps are honestly very unique, and players never play them because of it. There isn't anything that "pops" out at the viewer.

I'm not amazing at explaining myself, but so many maps are built by copying other people's work. The best maps are made by creating new concepts and themes, not by restricting yourself to what others have made. Understand the concepts and patterns that led to the map builders making those decisions, and that will lead you to better comprehension of creativity and also how to innovate and change your map.


- end rant -
I do have to agree /w you here. But this has been going on in MCSG's map history since the beginning when they introduced buildings, this really got me thinking though. When I start building my new map I'm definitely going to take what you said into consideration. It'll be hard for others like build teams to do so though because it's like changing your routine. Thanks for this!


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
It reminds me of that map used on Justhellooo's last Clan Wars. I don't remember what it was called, but the kind if have the sane concept.


Aug 10, 2015
Reaction score
mmhm can i have the download link for private reasons? Chest Route finding..
Or another option ect just so i can my chest route or nu?


District 13
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
I feel like I've built this before...

But, actually, I'm not mad. This is of greater quality than Zone 85, despite how similar it is. However, when people criticize originality, don't argue with them... they are right. All lot of people would have trouble telling you what is different about this than Zone 85. The concepts are uncomfortably similar.
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