- Joined
- Jun 12, 2015
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Why did you guys put a win against Opposite? We won you 5-1, you didnt win us 5-3 LOL fake win clan and dont put loses, amazing clan, continue like this #Toxic
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Dude don't worry i recorded the all cw and we won you 5-3 haha, gf.Why did you guys put a win against Opposite? We won you 5-1, you didnt win us 5-3 LOL fake win clan and dont put loses, amazing clan, continue like this #Toxic
Thank you girl :^)Good luck boys
Sonuç olarak isim değiştirince winleri resetlememiz mi gerekiyor? AHAHAHClan war attığınız klanların geneli (adınız metapoddan retry oldukdan sonra) win yazmış .
Your application is declined. Thank you for applying.In Game Nickname: n0ci//RampageNetro//N3tro
Skype: Nicolaigutten123
Past Clans: all of jdennis' clans
Tell us something about you: I am a mature person and im decent in pvp and like to get new friends
Tell us why do you want to join Retry: I want to join because i want to be a part of a really good clan
Please make a good application and reply again.In Game Nickname:Vaans
Skype: vincenzolombardi
Past Clans: counters empire weaken invaluable rangers
Tell us something about you:adsfdsffjushnirfgib
Tell us why do you want to join Retry:aujdwrbf
Your application is declined. Thank you for applying.In Game Nickname:Vaans
Skype: vincenzolombardi
Past Clans: counters empire weaken invaluable rangers
Tell us something about you: im a good player whit sword and rod
Tell us why do you want to join Retry:is a good clan