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I see how you can think that, I have a section to the pictures that are wide open. But that isn't the level of detail in the map. Anyway, do you have any specific ideas I could add for detail? Thanks again for your feedback!Looks good, however it looks to open. I think it needs more detail ect. just to keep it interesting.
Maybe you could add small Native American camps? Just something to spice it up a bit.I see how you can think that, I have a section to the pictures that are wide open. But that isn't the level of detail in the map. Anyway, do you have any specific ideas I could add for detail? Thanks again for your feedback!
Thank you!! <33333I hope this map gonna be accept. <3
I added a download link to the thread, feel free to download and play it! (You may change your mind about it!)It looks nice, it looks REALLY nice…
its 'looks' really small, thats the only complain I have
Thankyou so much!I added a download link to the thread, feel free to download and play it! (You may change your mind about it!)Nevertheless, thanks for your comment!
;D no problem!!Thankyou so much!