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Phoenix EU


District 13
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
HIGN: Zebba11
AAge: 13 (14 in 1 month)
PSkype: sebban.snygg
PWins: 1029
YNationality: Swed
BWritten IParagraph Rof Twhy Hyou Dwould AbenefitY Phoenix: I want to join phoenix because i have lots of friends in here and i found a way to fix my mc to not lag so i finally can play it again :)
Ew not you again .


Feb 10, 2013
Reaction score
Kinda hard to believe that this clan..ehmm i mean family has been here for a whole year! I'm glad i could join this wonderful clan and even more grateful that i was promoted to be a leader of the clan ^_^ Thanks Eskild and Jack, for not letting in to the dark times and always stayed strong even when a ton of players left us. Now we're as strong as ever and let's make this clan survive 1 more year! And i also want to say thank you to all members of the clan who have helped us leaders make this clan what it is today :) Thank you all.


Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
Kinda hard to believe that this clan..ehmm i mean family has been here for a whole year! I'm glad i could join this wonderful clan and even more grateful that i was promoted to be a leader of the clan ^_^ Thanks Eskild and Jack, for not letting in to the dark times and always stayed strong even when a ton of players left us. Now we're as strong as ever and let's make this clan survive 1 more year! And i also want to say thank you to all members of the clan who have helped us leaders make this clan what it is today :) Thank you all.
It was, not gonna lie, a great choice to promote you to leader ;) you are an outstanding leader and you got lots of qualities :)

Anyway.... Man. Been in the same clan for a year, I never actually thought we would live for so long when I created the clan a year ago. Without all the support, the journey would of ended long ago. Ive had uncountable amounts of laughs and memories with you guys, and lots to come! Thanks for making this my best year in MCG <3 dozens upon dozens of great friends earned. Earned quite a few friends that I know I can trust 100%, and I am very grateful for that.

Happy birthday, Sypher/Phoenix.
May we stay here at MCG for much longer <3


First of all I would like to thank dem weirdos who accepted me when I had like 120 wins, I still don't know why they accepted me at the time xD

I have met some of my bestest friends in this clan and I don't know where I would be without this clan it's like a family. This clan has slightly teached me how to pvp xD what is great I guess :p.

I can't believe I've been in this clan since January, it seems like years! I can't wait to see what is to come!

Kris | Kriszy

Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
Oh my, I really can't believe we've been alive for such a long time.

I was one of the lucky players that got invited to Sypher/Phoenix by one of the leaders, Eskild | ZniZ97 / Quadrum_ which was the coolest moderator I knew of back then. Sadly, he had to resign not a too long time ago because of Sypher/Phoenix turning into a blacklisted clan. ;_;

Times went flying by, and I quickly got a lot of new friends. I started to feel welcome in the clan, and I got a bit more, what should I say.. crazy. I got asked several times to come on the teamspeak, but there was just one problem.. I was really shy. So, basically the first months I didn't talk on the teamspeak. I was muted all the time, just listening to the others talking.

Some months later I got promoted to Officer. It was really awesome, and I was so happy. I then started talking a little bit more, but not much. I wanted to talk more, but I was really shy, and just couldn't do it. I can still remember when I got my friend, xxheinexx to join the clan, even though he wasn't the best at the game. He got trial'd, and got accepted. Some weeks later he got kicked for inactivity. I'm still talking to him IRL, and he's a good friend of mine.

Now, I'll go on with one of the hardest times we've had in Sypher/Phoenix. People started to leave, and we got really inactive. RobinAgain, Sphaera_ & arontjuuh left, and made their own clan called Divided. There was a lot of people leaving our clan to join them, but it got much worse when Voei, DerpyDash11, Mykul_ & MahxiXBL made the clan Apocalypse. It was a really bad time, and I think most of us thought we'd have to disband. We "closed" Sypher for some time to recover our players. Luckily though, both new players, and players that left for other clans started to join back. Some time later I got promoted to Administrator, and I was really happy for that.

As you all know, our name was originally Sypher, untill we got blacklisted. We then merged into Phoenix EU, which I don't regret at all. We've now come to the point, where we got Phoenix AU, EU & US divisions. And I feel like we're in a perfect spot atm, and I wouldn't leave this clan for another clan. Thank you for such a great time, Sypher/Phoenix! ♥

I'm now going to mention some of my best friends in this clan. (Sorry if I forgot someone, just PM me and I'll add you.)

TNTime12 / Mark - The amount of times we've laughed together on the teamspeak. I'm so happy I met you.

Ninjasally11 / Sally - You joined us not long time ago, but you're still one of my best friends. I hope you stay for a long time!

Buxtonaters / Bux - You're funny, smart, cool and a really good friend of mine.

I_Am_Mr_Slash3r / Slasha - Great owner, good friend and cool dude in general! c; <3

zebba11 / Sebba - Swedish derp c; You've joined/left us so many times, join us back pls bby!

Quadrum_ / Eskild - You're the one that made this happen, by inviting me to join your clan. Thank you so much! ♥

ThisJKid / Jemine - You're like a bad food to me! c:

jmullins783 / Jack - A really good owner, friend and clanmate. ♥

Voei / Gab - You've left us quite some times, but I'm glad you're back! Best grill gamer meib? 8)

ferno33 / Duncan - Deepest voice in the clan, and really cool. xD

EXPLODING_WRATH / Wrath - I would say you're one of the best players in the clan. c;

DerpyDash11 / Dan - Cool personality, good Officer.

mylilfony / Alex - What should I say? PING PLAYER! ♥

xtoyszy / Christian - We reached 1000 wins about the same time, and we helped eachother out. You're a beast. ♥

xExterminate / Exterminate - People say we sound like eachother, even though we don't think so ourselves. xD

thingy182 / Will - PING PLAYER #2 c: Good friend.

ianianmense / Ian - You left us not long time ago, but you're still one of my best friends! c;

Narwhals14 / Narwhals - You're new, I don't even know if you're a member yet? But you're still one of my best friends.

xExiledBear / Ross - Another really good player, and great person. c;

Guy_Chaos / GuyK - Bow spammer xD Really cool dude!

As I said earlier, if I forgot you, PM me on skype and I'll add you to the list! Thank you so much Sypher/Phoenix! ♥


XoKristofferoX / Kristoffer - Phoenix EU Administrator

Last edited:


Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
I haven't even been in the clan for that long (I don't even think I'm officially in) but, it's actually been the most fun I've had, some of the best players I've met are from this clan.

Happy Birthday Phoenix EU.

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