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Phoenix - AU Clan

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Aug 24, 2012
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Well, I can't say I've kept it to myself or it's been a secret. Everyone in Phoenix know's it's been coming and I'm just tired of clans in general. I'd much rather focus on YouTube and playing solo, improving my skill (Which I'm incredibly dissatisfied with anyway) and moreover having fun without having to worry about clan rivalries and the such. Does this mean Phoenix is disbanding? Hell no, why would I let a legacy such as this go to waste? Whenever sad times come, there's generally better times foward and that's why I'm promoting CoDsNo65 or snochet65 as his IGN to leader, I fully entrust this clan to him and know it's going to go as well, if not better under his control.

Here is the history of Phoenix.

I started my first clan, AU Rebels when I was twelve years of age. After a break-up within the clan Phoenix was formed, however lets go back to AU Rebels. Zeno was told by another old AU player, Gagaking that he should start the AU Rebels division as AU servers had been lacking in the clan scene. As I was told about this I jumped at the opportunity to lead. The requirement was around 50 or so wins, back then all I cared about was fun and so did the AU rebels. We were rivalled by another clan named the KCC lead by Ninga and although the rivalry was small and lacked it was still there. That's perhaps what started the first ever clan rivalry in AU. Shortly after the KCC disbanded and no clan battle was had. AU Rebels were absolutely flourishing and we had been stacked with skilled players such as Gustav Mahikano (Kytria) and Billa (Billabongboy98). Not only have these two players been incredibly successful throughout their career, but also became two of my best friends. Another clan during this time emerged who were quite possibly better, or the same skill level as AU rebels. It was an Asian clan named the Beijing Ducks (They had OP connections as the servers were hosted in Asia at the time) Skip forward until the AU Rebels broke into two sides. What I considered to be the loyal members joined with me and left the other members to part. Phoenix was born, I had hope for this clan and man was I right.

As the AU scene still lacked in clans the clan battles we got were scarce. After a while a few opposing clans were created such as pegasus, unique and a few other small clans. Clan scene is still small so Phoenix is basically just practising, waiting for the day more clans would show up, we gained and lost members over the days but overall.. It was all right. We were having fun as a family and that, to me is what a clan should be. Anyhow no clan battles were had during that time until the time I became a moderator. And that's when Phoenix disbanded. I was a moderator for 2 months and the clan split up. There were multiple offspring of Phoenix all of them disbanded relatively quickly except the clan named Biffs. During my time as a moderator I saw clans from another perspective and when clans like Apex and Blitz arrived I knew I wasn't going to let them walk high and mighty and as from there I resigned respectively from moderator duties and revived Phoenix. Apex and Blitz were considered the top two at this time. We instantly got clan battle requests from both but I denied them both as I wanted to train and get our A-Team up. That A-team was, by far the best team I've seen for a long time until perhaps this age. Anyhow, we started to accept clan battle requests and we destroyed. Dinosuar_Dan101 and I became an unstoppable force and as you can see in our clan battle history it turned out fairly nicely.

Now people started to see why Phoenix was proclaimed as the #1 AU clan. After taking a 3-1 victory against Blitz fairly easily we decided Apex was the next target.. Although that battle was postponed for way, way to long. We did in fact end up winning 3-1. We participated in multiple clan tournaments and won every single game we played and it was fair to say that it was great. We were at our prime, recruiting some of the best AU players alongside our team made us even stronger and I went out and looked for the best players to increase our roster. (Seriously, just look at it if you disagree we have the best roster on MCSG as of current.) But alas, things became boring. After climbing up so high, how high can you get from there? Well, the answer is not much higher. What comes up does have to come down. We got incredibly inactive in the clan battle scene and have only just started coming back but I no longer feel I'm needed for this clan and would rather focus on my own pursuits. Phoenix has been blessed with success throughout it's whole career and I'm proud to say I started this legacy. I'm 14 now. I've matured through this clan and seen the highs and lows and made friendships which I can see never breaking. I'd love to thank everyone in Phoenix for the wonderful time I've been given. A few in particular, however everyone has equally made this the best time of my gaming career. Now let's wrap this up and go forward to the thank you's.

Gustav Mahikano - Words can seriously not describe our friendship. You always know what to say and have guided me if I've ever been lost. We've had great times together and still do. I can't wait to play LoL more with you and we can talk about how I'm better than you and I make you look bad so I have to secretly pretend I'm a Yi, although we know I'm a challenger smurf. ;)

CoDsNo65 - Cameron, accepting you into Phoenix was quite possibly the best choice I've ever made. I've watched you grow, not only as a player but as a person as well and we will continue to grow like that. I entrust Phoenix to you as I know you'll do a great job. I can seriously talk to you about anything and we are connected, 42's for life essentially.

Billa - You'll get your skill back and return to the godly state you used to be, trust me. It's safe to say you were the best in AU and still maybe are, history repeats itself and I'm leaving to try and increase my skills. Stay bad like you always are.

DinoMcsg - You're terrible at the game and an absolutely bad friend and your Internet is godly and.. Yeah that's all a lie. God Mitch, when are we going to meet up irl already? .-.

To the people not mentioned, don't worry. You should know I appreciate all of you. I wish Phoenix nothing but success and I promise I will return one day, maybe not as leader and maybe I'll have to take orders from Cameron, but I'll be back.

Goodbye my lovers, goodbye my friends. <3


Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys, i'm here to apologise to all of the Phoenix members I haven't gotten along with well over the past. It is ruining our great experience in the MCSG community and I would love for it to stop so we can enjoy our time here. I am very sorry for what i've done in general and I hope we can move on

Darkrai - We get along most of the time, but for all the crap i've done such as ruining clan wars, saying GG10 etc, I'm sorry for that and I hope it will not continue in future. Your a great clan leader and you show respect towards everyone, thanks for that!

Snochet - You have been one of my best friends since the start of my MCSG career and I can't thank you enough for making it so enjoyable, thank you for that and sorry for all the stupid mistakes i've done (Make Toxic ;-;).

Robert/Damo/Kooksey/Fluffles - Hey guys! I know I like to cause arguments between us and I'm sorry for that. Hopefully in future we can stop this nonsense and just enjoy our time with MCSG. Deep down I know you guys are nice and friendly and I hate to argue with you guys. It would be great to stop all this and just move on, thanks.

To all the rest of phoenix and in general the community, I'm sorry for everything bad i've done and I hope we can all get along and stop the arguing/fighting.

Have a good day and happy easter everyone!
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