Until recently, I've been the quiet guy who doesn't talk, or say anything that adds anything new to the discussion anyway. In fact, I spent weeks just stalking the forums, not posting anything, in fear that people would disagree with me. When I did post, it was normally just agreeing with someone else; I never spoke my mind, I waited for someone else to speak for me. On many occasions, no one spoke my opinion, and those threads became a completely one-sided discussion.
Then, users posted threads on topics that I felt strongly about or was strongly against. I finally decided to post my opinions on a completely one-sided discussion. People disagreed with me; in fact, I was the only one who was on my side of the debate. I think I just stopped posting on that thread, or maybe I admitted that I was wrong, even though in my head I didn't think so.
In the weeks later, I gradually started posting more and more. I would still sometimes write posts, then decide not to post it, because I deemed it too controversial. I began to counter majority of the points the other side made, which is the main point of a debate. I was speaking for myself. I guess that's what I learned: that I can't let anyone speak for me, because everyone's opinion differs, even if it's only by a tiny bit.
Now, to be told that I'm "flaming" for voicing my opinion? Well, I'll be blunt, I don't care. It's funny because what's happening now is the very thing I was afraid of, long ago. The me, months ago, would be completely frightened of being disagreed with, and would probably just admit that my opinion was wrong. But the person I am now doesn't care about what others think of my opinion. They can judge or hate me all they want; I don't care.
Don't get me wrong: I will take others' arguments into consideration. But if I believe that their argument is flawed, I will counter it. And I hope to always be this way, no matter what anyone thinks of me.