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My anonymous complaints on MCSG as of 7/25/2013 6:31 AM


Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
I completely agree with you in the most part except for the fact on team elite, you are obviosly a part of TE and you have your opinion on the maps, but I would say their maps look good, but have no fun game play and are lacking important qualities.
How do you know he's a part of Team Elite? o_O


District 13
Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
How do you know he's a part of Team Elite? o_O
They seem to be siding with Team Elite where the rest they give an opinion instead of mainly siding with a topic. Im not 100% sure but its just what I thougt


Dec 8, 2012
Reaction score
I disagree with all of this... Especially the young mod part. All of these people on this list are very nice and responsible. They don't just have a mod app, the younger ones have to be interviewed before accepted to go on the usual interview and such. They were accepted in all of these. They must have been good. As for the lightning, I really do like the lightning. Showing the names in the chat twice is always good.

Gotta love dem blamph posts.
Feb 13, 2013
Reaction score
Let's do this *cracks knuckles*

*Insane increase of loot in chests
Yes, there is, in my opinion, too much stuff in chests, but it is being fixed so I won't go too much into detail on this.

Announcing who dies
I don't team with people (None of my friends play MCSG D;), so I wouldn't care if it just turned to thunder and/or lightning when someone died. In fact, I'd embrace it. However, lots of folks don't have microphones, so it is an easy way to see when/if your teammate dies.

*Lightning strikes where someone dies (It can give away your position, and can end the game for you.)
I myself have died because of this. The only time people would probably notice this is if there are only a few people left, they happen to be staring right where the lightning strikes, and they are close-by. Most people probably wouldn't even notice the difference if it was only thunder that occurred when someone died.

*Decrease of map quality
Sure, a couple maps aren't as detailed as others, but most of those don't get picked anyways. But they were still good enough to get onto MCSG, so they must be pretty damn good.
Additionally, TG3 was just added, which is a superb, very detailed map. I think that this addition will make mapmakers want to upscale their own maps to top it off.

*Maps that were removed that shouldn't be? (Opinions?)
Sure, some of my favorite maps were removed, but (correct me if I am wrong) the community probably had polls, discussions, etc. on the subject before doing anything. Also, many, many people must have complained for the staff to even think about removing a map.

*I can see the edge of the force field from 85% of maps, this shouldn't be happening.
I don't know why this is a problem. I'm going to assume that you mean that maps are too small. But small maps can also be some of the most fun to play on. For example, Breeze Island, though quite small, is [debatably] one of the best MCSG maps.

(More will be added later)
Oh goodie.

I don't trust people who are 13-15 moderating our servers.
Forgive my language, but why the hell not? They had to go through applications and an interview to get where they are. The staff here knows very well what type of people to pick and not pick. I have never seen any of the mods you have stated do anything wrong, abusive, unjust, etc. on the forums or in the servers. They all seem to abide by the rules nicely, as well as enforce them (50% of what they say in-game is "Caps"). I'm sure you wouldn't even notice the different if you didn't know their ages.

The next thing I wanted to talk about is the ungratefulness of some people.
Not everyone is going to like the same things you do. People are constantly going to bash on things, and it is much more common to see posts made about hating something, rather than appreciating something. Most of the appreciation threads are to gather likes, anyways. ;)


District 13
Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
As peeople have stated concerns about age I will post a small note. Age is important yes but you need to get the most active and mature players. A lot of younger players are not mature enough to be mod whereas on the other side of the spectrum older players have less time. These are just generalisations and are true in a lot of cases but not all of them. I myself am 17 (18 in September) however my age does not guarantee I am going to be mature. Younger players can be mature too.

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