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My anonymous complaints on MCSG as of 7/25/2013 6:31 AM


Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
Ok, after reading your little 'complaint' here, this is what I pointed out.

You like:
-The revamped lobby
-The quality of some maps
-Some things about MCSG V2 (which you didn't really specify)

You dislike/are disappointed about:
-The quality of newer maps
-Amount of chest loot
-The chat colour
-Inability to place water/lava
-Lightning strikes where people die
-Names of the people who die appearing
-Age of most moderators
-The people who say how much they HATE the revamped lobby.

Notice how your list of dislikes is noticeably longer that the list of things you like, and that most things in the 'dislike' list are complete nitpicks (Chat colour, lightning strikes, etc.)

I also find it odd how you don't want any flaming on this thread, but specifying how much you dislike these changes and the people who dislike the changes you actually like, it only makes me think that you WANT there to be a flame war on here.

By the way, that other thread you linked to, I have a strange feeling that it was also created by you.

I would specify the reasons why I like MCSG, but this isn't a thread ABOUT that is it...? And we can have some disagreements without flaming, there's a difference, between a small disagreement and a flame war. It seems that when someone makes a thread with a disagreement on it everyone assumes it would be a flame war, I'm trying my best to keep it positive here, I'm trying.


Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
I would specify the reasons why I like MCSG, but this isn't a thread ABOUT that is it...? And we can have some disagreements without flaming, there's a difference, between a small disagreement and a flame war. It seems that when someone makes a thread with a disagreement on it everyone assumes it would be a flame war, I'm trying my best to keep it positive here, I'm trying.
True, true, not all arguments turn into flame wars, however it really doesn't help the case if you emphasize on how much you dislike some things by using all caps and/or bold font on certain words.

Oh, and it wouldn't hurt to specify on what you do like about V2, even if that isn't the general topic of the thread. It would make you sound a lot less 'pessimistic' about the whole update.


Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
If a staff member is mature, regardless of age, let them be moderator. If they only accepted 18+, there would be a severe lack of moderators...


Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
True, true, not all arguments turn into flame wars, however it really doesn't help the case if you emphasize on how much you dislike some things by using all caps and/or bold font on certain words.

The bold/caps really have no meaning, they are just key words. If people need to re-read a certain part, the bold can help direct them instead of skimming the wall of text again. - That I thought was the purpose of it.


Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
The bold/caps really have no meaning, they are just key words. If people need to re-read a certain part, the bold can help direct them instead of skimming the wall of text again. - That I thought was the purpose of it.
It can be used for that purpose, but it depends on how people read it and what context they put it in. For example: you put the caps and bolded words in the context of making the thread more easy to follow, whereas I (and possibly a few others) put it in the context of emphasis. So you could further express your opinion on certain things. I'm going to leave it at that.


Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Hold on I KNOW the limit was raised to 15, so for that reason they shouldn't be demoted or the anything, and exceptions can be made for young people aswell, but is there any ACTIVE moderators, that are over 18? The average server on several video games including minecraft's staff is around 16-30.


District 13
Sep 29, 2012
Reaction score
Great post about everything(except for the stuff about staff, because some of it is untrue (most likely due to info that isn't well know publicly)) and I agree on a few things, especially the opness of chests, which are being fixed in the VERY near future.


District 13
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
I read the post, and I wanted to put a bit of my input on the moderator age problem that you stated.

There's various simple reason as to why people who are 18 or older don't apply very often (and trust me, they don't.) When you hit that age, your life changes a lot. I was one of the few 18+ moderators at the time moderating the servers actively last summer, and I had absolutely no problem with it. When you reach 18, responsibilities start pouring onto you, and you eventually find yourself with less time to play Minecraft, let alone dedicate hours a week to actively moderating. The reason why players who are still within that high school age are the perfect fit for a moderating position (if they're mature enough, of course), is that simply put, they have the most time to dedicate. When you're 14 or 15, you don't need a job, which is something that can really damper the amount of time you put into video games.

One last reason, which may not seem very obvious, is that most players who are 18+ generally aim for a much higher position than moderator. It would be false to say that they ALL expect a higher position, but it's true that many wouldn't be happy with holding a simple moderator position for 6 months and no promotion to the Sr. staff side of things. Take a look at the general chunk of Sr. staff, many were the standout younger mods, and the rest are the older group of people. Go even higher to the admin team, and you'll find it's even more the case (with some exception of course.) Not only the active ones, I'm also including past admins and sr. staff.

Anyways, your generality of 16-30 year old's playing this game (the majority) is false. The majority is actually in the 10 - 16 range. It may seem the opposite with the amount of well known YouTuber's being older and all of that, but it's not.


Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
I read the post, and I wanted to put a bit of my input on the moderator age problem that you stated.

There's various simple reason as to why people who are 18 or older don't apply very often (and trust me, they don't.) When you hit that age, your life changes a lot. I was one of the few 18+ moderators at the time moderating the servers actively last summer, and I had absolutely no problem with it. When you reach 18, responsibilities start pouring onto you, and you eventually find yourself with less time to play Minecraft, let alone dedicate hours a week to actively moderating. The reason why players who are still within that high school age are the perfect fit for a moderating position (if they're mature enough, of course), is that simply put, they have the most time to dedicate. When you're 14 or 15, you don't need a job, which is something that can really damper the amount of time you put into video games.

One last reason, which may not seem very obvious, is that most players who are 18+ generally aim for a much higher position than moderator. It would be false to say that they ALL expect a higher position, but it's true that many wouldn't be happy with holding a simple moderator position for 6 months and no promotion to the Sr. staff side of things. Take a look at the general chunk of Sr. staff, many were the standout younger mods, and the rest are the older group of people. Go even higher to the admin team, and you'll find it's even more the case (with some exception of course.) Not only the active ones, I'm also including past admins and sr. staff.

Anyways, your generality of 16-30 year old's playing this game (the majority) is false. The majority is actually in the 10 - 16 range. It may seem the opposite with the amount of well known YouTuber's being older and all of that, but it's not.
Gotta love dem blamph posts.
Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
Good post, I can agree with most of it, even the nitpicks. But for the record I should be on the list of below 15 mods.


District 13
Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
I completely agree with you in the most part except for the fact on team elite, you are obviosly a part of TE and you have your opinion on the maps, but I would say their maps look good, but have no fun game play and are lacking important qualities.

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