I honestly think, they should accept people on an based on the interview and the written app. Or maybe they should have 'Junior Mods' which basically means, younger mods, that are active on servers and have to record people hacking/spamming/rule breaking, but don't report them, just kick/ban them on the spot. Each ban by Junior Mods has to be reviewed by Sr.Staff (the proof must be shown). If the Junior Mods don't get proof, the banned person gets unbanned. So if they really want to help the servers (like a true mod) they would get the proof, because they TRULY do want to help the servers.
With the 'Junior Mod' idea, it would basically be a trial. First the app has to be professional and mature. If it is, they have an interview, if they sound mature (not as in pitch of voice) but with how they speak and what they would do in certain situation they'd then get 'Junior Mod' and after a certain period of time, they get moderator. I also think people under 15 shouldn't get Sr.Mod and/or above, but at least Mod and people under 10 DEFINITELY should not be allowed any position of staff.
But then the proper staff would have more work. Damn it. And I'm also going to get lots of people giving me reasons why this wouldn't work. Oh well, worth a shot.
I just want to help the servers in some way, because there's so many hackers getting reported, but it takes the staff ages to review them all, so the longer the hackers can hang around. I'd donate, but
1. I have no money.
2. My parents won't buy it for me.
3. They don't help with getting rid of hackers/spammers/etc., it helps pay for the servers.
Side note: Almost a G33ke post?