So, how exactly will this update affect PvP, particularly with the fishing rod?
It won't...I mean, it theoretically could...but it won't.
...people still believe that rumor? The fishing rod hasn't changed. Anyone who's tested the snapshots to discover it "doesn't work" hasn't had CraftBukkit/Spigot installed on their server, there hasn't been a stable build yet...
these are the things that make it work. Try hitting yourself with a fishing rod in vanilla in the current update, I can guarantee you it won't work there, either, due to the lack of server modifications installed.
If the fishing rod doesn't work in the next update for whatever reason, you have Bukkit/Spigot to blame, not Mojang. Likely, if it does happen, (which is quite unlikely.) it will be for a completely unrelated reason to the ones that lead people to start this rumor, and probably have nothing to do with Mojang. (Since Forairan said "We will be updating as soon as a stable CraftBukkit/Spigot build is out.", and he implied they won't be as stable and quick as previous upgrades, I'm being lead to believe that it is entirely possible it doesn't work for a extremely short period of time. I can only hope people realize this if it's the case. This is also extremely unlikely, though, since from my understanding, the reason Bukkit/Spigot make it work has to do with one of their core functions, which to my understanding, is handling players more like mobs rather than a separate thing, essentially tricking the server. I do have limited knowledge in this department, though, so this is an educated guess, but I highly doubt they included that as a separate feature, I think it was more of an accident and side effect of it's actually purpose, to be honest.)
Ah yes, that's true. Didn't think about that since it seems to be such a minor thing compared to all of the other new features.
Minor for every other Minecraft server in existence, pretty major for the MCSG community, considering the controversy behind BSM and mass number of "pro players" who have grown accustomed to the double tap.
I'm rather excited, minecraft PVP is going to be substantially more fast paced then before. my understanding, it'll be the other way around.
From my testing in single player snapshots, you will be able to start your sprint in mid-air with the binded sprint. (Fun fact: You cannot start your sprint in the air by double tapping, not even after this update, unless a last minute "fix" was applied...yep, if you want to perform the best possible, you
have to use the binded key...Nice one, Mojang. z.z) As well, though your sprint breaks when you touch a block, as long as you continue to hold down the key and hold forward, it'll start again the instant you stop touching the block. (Even if you're in mid-air, I.E., jumping up a steep hill to get away from a chaser.) Although I have yet to test on players in multiplayer, I can only assume that your sprint will instantly start after hitting them. (It might not even break in the first place if Mojang really didn't stop to think about it...I truly, honestly hope they did.) Because of all this, it will both be far easier to run from a target, since your sprint will never break, (At least not to the extent it did before.) and also be far easier to get away in the first place, since knockback in fights would be greatly increased.
So yes, the fight itself would speed up...then it's just long chases unless your good with a bow. ._. (In other words, less fighting, more chasing. >.>)
Some more detailed info on the new sprinting in comparison to old based on my experience with it:
-With the new sprinting, when you hit the sprint key, you will continue sprinting until your sprint breaks, where you'll have to hit the key again. However, you can just hold the key down, and although you won't sprint when up against a block, you will immediately sprint again as soon as you stop touching the block.
-With the old sprinting, you only had the option to double tap w, which would allow you to keep sprinting until your sprint broke, where you had to re-initiate it. When your sprint breaks, you have to wait until you're not touching a block
and you have to be on the ground. On top of this, you can only sprint as fast as latency allows you to without wobble sprinting.
--All of this means that when a bindable sprint user breaks their sprint on a hill they are attempting to climb, it starts again almost immediately as they jump up. This means hitting somebody with a fishing rod into a one block incline will only slow them down until they jump over the block...or about less than half a second on average. On the other hand, someone who's double tapping will have to jump up the whole block first, hit the ground, and then wait a moment to start their sprint at limited starting speed due to latency, all of which can slow someone down for more than a second, easily. (This is an example with rough numbers on the times, but still.)
...Needless to say, I'm not looking forward to how the new sprinting mechanics will change PvP. Honestly, as obnoxious as the old sprinting system is, it likely creates much more interesting fights with bearable chases than this ever will. The bindable sprint could have been thought out a bit better...and I know this as a fact without even using it in MCSG yet.
On a completely unrelated note that nobody cares about, but I'll include while I'm here anyway:
Friday is my birthday. Hopefully Mojang doesn't completely break the game that day.