Really, the only way to fix this is if the regular CA players apply for moderator, and are actually suitable for the position. If you know of any Canadian players who have applied for moderator and that you believe deserve it, message a senior moderator to recommend them, and explain why you are recommending them. If you know of any Canadian players who would make a good moderator, ask them if they're interested in applying. If they do.. recommend them to Senior Staff.
I am willing to hop on CA every now and then and spectate games. However, my hands are already tied with EU. I will bring up the lack of CA staff in our moderator meeting this weekend, and hopefully the US mods can help cover over there too.
For now, if you wish to play the best part you can in the community, record every single game you play. If you see a hacker, trim the video down to that segment, upload it, and report it. Alternatively, hop on TeamSpeak and poke a moderator with the hacker's name, the server, and what hacks they are using.
At this point, there really isn't much left to discuss, and the thread has basically turned into pointing out which CA mods are active or inactive. Locked.