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Make "Trash Talk" Bannable


Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
Hi SpartanDudeFTW here for an idea to make MCSG a much cleaner place for everyone to enjoy. Recently a person in MCSG decided to stay after he was killed (by myself) and wait for his time to put his rage into text chat for me to see. After a few minutes I die to an aimbotter. After dying I am getting fraps to record the next time the hacker fights someone. In that point of time I am greeted with a person raging claiming that I theoretically targeted him off spawn. This was played on one of the new maps that I didn't have a route on to any tier 2 locations. I get a stone sword off spawn and killed two people right on the spot. I run in a random direction with gold pants and helmet and leather tunic. I run after the person for the loot I see before me. I hit the person off a cliff and know he is low, I chase him for 1 or 2 minutes and then get the finishing hit on the person who would let harass me when I die. This was a true story a person claimed was "targeting". Ridiculous right?

When I see the spectator chat I see someone talking about targeting and calling me a noob and idiot, just out of no where! I respond with saying "Please do not harass me and claim I am targeting you in chat". The person responded with calling me and idiot and noob and will record ever game with me in it to get me banned from MCSG. I say " Good luck recording something that won't happen" and then he leaves. I screenshot the things he said and go go the Minecraft Survival Games Forums and report him for abuse. I was successful with reporting him and getting him banned for 3 days for Harassment/Abuse. An hour or two later I am moved to a moderator chat with several mods and the person who abused me in chat. He claims he hasn't done anything and I was being a baby (great more name calling)! The mods say this was harassment and not many people really report it. The person was furious and started yelling and cursing at the mods saying thing like "I am not even gonna make a mother f%@^ing ban dispute I am just gonna wait it out. I stayed there most of the time with my microphone muted and asked for permission in chat when I wanted to say something. After this person yelled at the mods, he was banned from the teamspeak server for 1 day for "Disrespecting Staff". The staff then thank me for reporting him and helping them get a better understanding of the situation and I leave.

Two days later I see the raging person again on the survival games servers saying "HaHa Spartan I was unbanned!!! XD" I leave the game and go to the only senior mod in the MCSG teamspeak. I tell the Sr. Mod the story and says "Well it isn't allowed and isn't bannable". We are allowed to call people Noobs and Idiots and in chat and get away with it basically? Doesn't sound very good to me. In the rules it says below.

2. Do not disrespect or harass other members: We want people in our community to feel safe and respected.

  1. [User], you suck at minecraft.
  2. [User] is a hacking noob.
ChadTheDJ also claim that
  • Harassment is taken very seriously. If you are caught harassing others, you may risk being permanently removed from our community. -ChadTheDJ
I am sick and tired of people calling each other noobs and idiots and all name calling in this game just because people can't control themselves. Chad obviously put these as examples of HARASSMENT, the rules don't say anything about "Trash talking". Please make MCSG rules against Harassment more strict to make MCSG a cleaner and more enjoyable place to play!!

-SpartanDudeFTW/ Nick
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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
This is a rule that is very loosely enforced.
As you know, there are a large amount of players who do similar things. They call you noobs, they try to provoke you, and they do everything within their power to, well, piss you off.

While MCGamer may say things like "Harassment is taken very seriously" and that if you are caught, you risk being permanently removed, they go and do these things - They ban people for a short amount of time for the first offense, despite explicitly saying that it can be a permanent ban.


Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
I myself completely agree with this. I find it very stressful to die to a team of 3, and see "noob g3t rekt GOML". Therefore, I stand behind your statement. Although it is more of a mute than a ban.
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Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks to all of you who support my statement, it means a lot!! Please share this with anyone you may know so they can hear about this!!


Mar 22, 2014
Reaction score
I like your point here, but trash talking shouldn't be bannable. At least a mute or something. Maybe less. Warnings etc.


Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
I like your point here, but trash talking shouldn't be bannable. At least a mute or something. Maybe less. Warnings etc.
Even though it is called "trash talking" by staff, a lot of people find this as pure harassment that should be dealt with like harassment should be handled.


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
I like your point here, but trash talking shouldn't be bannable. At least a mute or something. Maybe less. Warnings etc.
So you warn them, and then do nothing. Or mute them at worst. For probably a day. Seems legit.

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