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Majestic [EU Clan]

Mar 16, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Elliot
Minecraft IGN(s): Minecraft_Hill
Skype Name: TheMinecraftHill
Do You Have TeamSpeak? Skype but I can get TS
Amount of Wins: 155
Amount of Games: 1000, I got good at pvp a month again sorry
Win/Loss Ratio: Not sure
Languages You Speak: English
When You Play MCSG: Almost everyday
PvP Strengths: Fishing Rod, strafe, bow and Crit Hitting
PvP Weaknesses: Water Battles, teams or 3-4
Clan Experience: I used to be in #Gravity which I ran but got closed and experience on Hive
Previous Clans: #Gravity, Hive: Team Pyro.
Why Do You Apply For Majestic? It's the only clan that looks like it wins clan battles and people who look pretty decent at the game. I would love to join this clan and to improve it by the slightest of 5% :)


Feb 10, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Spec (Not my real name, but I don't want to tell that here. For the same reason, I didn't include my skype name in the application)
Minecraft IGN(s): Specton
Skype Name: I'll PM you, or Chock can tell you.
Do You Have TeamSpeak? Yes, I have teamspeak.
Amount of Wins: 254
Amount of Games: 1201
Win/Loss Ratio: 0.21149042464 (Copy-pasted from the Google Calculator, yay)
Languages You Speak: Dutch, English, French and German to a certain extent
When You Play MCSG: Every day, although I don't play hours on end.
PvP Strengths: The sword, and I tend to know what's the smartest thing to do in a certain situation
PvP Weaknesses: Flint and Steel, although I have improved at dodging FnS (still kind of bad though) , my placing is pretty horrible
Previous Clans: #ParadoxPandas, although I didn't stay there for a long time (I went on vacation and when I got back they disbanded), and I lead Infliction, which officially split up today after more and more people decided to leave the clan (we (or at least I) had an amazing time in that clan)
Why Do You Apply For Majestic? Majestic is different than all of the other clans, seeing as friendship plays an important role. I have looked at several different clans, but this one seems to be one of the very few, if not the only one, where winning is not the only thing they're aiming for. The clan I lead before was a clan that was about the same thing: a group of friends who were competitive but where friendship played a very important role as well, and as we have split up I am basically looking for about the same kind of clan. Also, Chock. <3


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Spec (Not my real name, but I don't want to tell that here. For the same reason, I didn't include my skype name in the application)
Minecraft IGN(s): Specton
Skype Name: I'll PM you, or Chock can tell you.
Do You Have TeamSpeak? Yes, I have teamspeak.
Amount of Wins: 254
Amount of Games: 1201
Win/Loss Ratio: 0.21149042464 (Copy-pasted from the Google Calculator, yay)
Languages You Speak: Dutch, English, French and German to a certain extent
When You Play MCSG: Every day, although I don't play hours on end.
PvP Strengths: The sword, and I tend to know what's the smartest thing to do in a certain situation
PvP Weaknesses: Flint and Steel, although I have improved at dodging FnS (still kind of bad though) , my placing is pretty horrible
Previous Clans: #ParadoxPandas, although I didn't stay there for a long time (I went on vacation and when I got back they disbanded), and I lead Infliction, which officially split up today after more and more people decided to leave the clan (we (or at least I) had an amazing time in that clan)
Why Do You Apply For Majestic? Majestic is different than all of the other clans, seeing as friendship plays an important role. I have looked at several different clans, but this one seems to be one of the very few, if not the only one, where winning is not the only thing they're aiming for. The clan I lead before was a clan that was about the same thing: a group of friends who were competitive but where friendship played a very important role as well, and as we have split up I am basically looking for about the same kind of clan. Also, Chock. <3
You have a 4.7 ratio...

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