Here is your signature!Could I also maybe get a signature too? If so;
IGN: Signing
Background: A jungle
Text: My name and anything that looks good
Items held by player?: An arrow and a bow
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
Here is your signature!Could I also maybe get a signature too? If so;
IGN: Signing
Background: A jungle
Text: My name and anything that looks good
Items held by player?: An arrow and a bow
Oh no.. What happened to Xeno's head?! We will have to try to fix that, his skin is really weird, sometimes his head shows up as white xDCaptain Dak
Your order is complete!
I didn't follow the crouching and stuff because it looked really weird.
View attachment 10312
Background: Mountains with shading ? A bit like yours
Text:Minialan9 No.1 Panda Owner of #InfernoElite
Items held:A bow and a diamond sword
Colour theme?:Green and shaders
Other info: Life
IGN: EpicDonkey66
Background (please note, for a drawn one you must pick a single colour): Mountain
Drawn or Rendered?: Rendered
Items held (not for drawn ones) Bow
What is your skin? (Drawn avatars only):
Other info: nerp
IGN: Carzmoviefan
Text: MCSG with Carz
Font: The font of the text in the Minecraft chat (I said that so professionally)
Map Background: Same map as the map I played in the episode (I will probably inform you more about this when we talk to each other)
Will you need the numbers changed per episode (if applicable): Probably not, but they will definitely need titles.
Channel: CarzPlaysMCSG
tahnks ;3
EDIT: I will also need a YouTube background. I can tell you more about this later.
IGN: Cat_On_A_Poptart
Text: I just want it to say "MCSG w/ Cat" Or something like that.
Font: Anything that looks cool
Map Background: Holiday Resort
Will you need the numbers changed per episode (if applicable) No
Channel: www.youtube.com/CatOnAPoptart00
Will add you allYou know, how we are like besties?
*uses friendship to gain advantage on queue*
IGN: hwracer
Background: Minecraft [ Normal forest NOT JUNGLE]
Text: Surprise me
Colour theme: Surprise me
Items held by player?: Surprise Me
Other info: Surprise me
Do your stuff, make it look good lulu