Although Mooclan is a wonderful community member, and is extremely convincing, I think Chad is doing a excellent job as owner. On the other hand, I do know that all of your concerns aren't seen or resolved; however, we do want you to voice your opinion (in a respectful, flameless way). If you ever have suggestions or concerns on ANYTHING, please do not hesitate to PM me or another staff member. In the last week, I have received a couple suggestions and concerns in my inbox, and some of these ideas have been presented to the rest of the staff team. If you think you have a good idea, please please please contact us. Regarding bugs that people want fixed: If you want a bug fixed, please make a bug report. The developers are working to resolve these issues. To report a bug, please go
here. As you can see, there are 75 issues open, and over 400 that have already been resolved.
I am glad you mentioned the EU Cleansweep,
Mooclan, because I want to remind everyone that this operation will be strengthened in the weeks to come. We are aware of hackers and abusers. While we know that people break rules, we cannot catch everyone. Please, if you are being abused or hacked against, report it. These report abuses are not only helpful in getting rid of hackers, but they make the server a better place. Reports can be submitted here:
Finally, let me address some of the concerns listed in your list:
- I don't know about clan battle servers, but it is something that a lot of people have requested. This is something that I would be willing to bring up to the rest of the clan moderation team.
- The parties, spectating, and friends system is being improved almost daily. As bug reports come in, they are fixed in a timely manner, and are looked into further so that we can optimize your gameplay.
- The disguise system is being worked on, and it will hopefully see many improvements in the months to come.
- I never got to enjoy the survival server, but it is something I would like to see. I know a factions server isn't practical, since it will only cause flame, but there are probably some solutions that can be looked into.
- Although I see your point with TeamSpeak, it's unresolvable. There are always going to be trolls, rulebreakers, and just general issues that we cannot solve at once.
- The creative server is currently undergoing changes, but I cannot tell you much more than that.
- Although teams are disliked, they are inevitable. I think that having half of the servers for teams and half for no teaming would be beneficial, but we would need a lot of community members on board for this.
- I do support a better chat system, and a better way to make people informed of the rules.
- We already discourage negativity and abuse in the community, and we punish those who break our rules. At this point, I do not know how much more we can do.
- Our banning and muting system already works fairly well, and I don't think that it can be improved much more than it was with v2.
- We do want to community to come closer together. This is why we are continuing to create and improve our community events. If you have any ideas for a community event, please contact staff as I explained earlier.
- Finally, we currently have a team of 20 moderators, including myself, who are working with clans to meet their wants reasonably.
Okay, I am done. Hope this cleared up some questions and/or concerns.