Might as well answer
Tenebrous12321 .
It has been proven that at this rate, humans will likely die within 150 years. Why? Global warming, caused by us.
It has been proven that nuclear weapons are capable of killing about 10,000,000 people quickly. Nuclear weapons were made by us.
It has been proven that humans have always had criminals, terrorists, pirates, hackers, and more. They are us.
It has been proven that although ISIS has beheaded Americans, some Americans still join forces with them.
It has been proven that humans abuse, kill, and eat animals, and even other humans.
So is there even a barrier stopping humans from figuratively turning into monsters? Yes, it's called prison.
But if there's any way to drive someone insane, it's sending them to a small, nasty, boring, and guarded cell.
Some of us are punishing humans by killing them.
But who is the monster: the killer, or the killer of the killer?
The answer is both.
Here's the positive outlook: humans have been extremely successful. But is it worth having evil in the world?
That's up for you to decide, because I'm probably going to ask myself this question for the rest of my life.