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Instinct II [US & CA]

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Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
1.) Name: David
2.) Age: 13
3.) Minecraft IGN: Magify
4.) MCSG Wins: 37
5.) MCSG Games Played: 114
6.) Premium [Y/N]: Yes
7.) Maturity [1/10]: 8 or 9
Availability [1/10]: 7 or 8
9.) Skype Username [PM if you don't want to share]: Im in the chat already
10.) TeamSpeak/Skype [Y/N]: Yes
I have OP ping, It's 90 but I can get a lot of combos, it's like I have 15 ping :p. I am pretty decent with my bow, I say I can hit about 7 or 8 shots out of 10. Both my sword skills and bow skills are above average of the decent PvPer. Another strength is my ability to use to rod. I am very good at knowing were someone is going so I can rod them and get off the first hit. I am also pretty decent with a FnS, I also love to spam it sometimes :D. I also have a great reaction time. I know what to do most of the time in a scary moment of the game. I also try to play as smart as possible, But sometimes #420blazeitYOLOswag. I am also very good at block hitting, but I mostly do it in intense moments. I am also good at teamwork. I know when someone is low, and when to fight and not to fight them. Also, I am pretty decent at strafing, I am trying to improve on it as it help's a lot when fighting someone. I can also do the turn around hit when someone is chasing me I will just turn and get a hit and keep running. I am also good with my secondary's, such as fishing rod, bow, and FnS.
8.) PVP Weaknesses: I'm not so good at water fight's. sometime's I play really offensive, too offensive, I might just rush the person I am fighting and then they will end up killing me. And obviously, hackers. Most of the time they are hard to kill, unless you just FnS and bow spam them :D.
12.) Why should we accept you?: You should accept me because I think I would help out this clan with-in clan war's. And I feel like I would become better and know the community better with-in this clan.
13.) Are you active [Y/N]: Yes, in about 3 week's or so my baseball season will be over and I will be playing everyday for about an hour or 2. On the weekend's I am very active as I usually do nothing :D. But right now I am not that active during the week as I have baseball all day after school. I might come on sometime's, but not all the time.
14.) Were you invited?: No, but since I got trial in Purge I decided I would join this one. And my friend Ray(xTranzio_) is in here, and he reccomended me to join this clan :D.
I don't have that many wins but I think the w/l is pretty good. Thank's for viewing this!


Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
1.) Name: David
2.) Age: 13
3.) Minecraft IGN: Magify
4.) MCSG Wins: 37
5.) MCSG Games Played: 114
6.) Premium [Y/N]: Yes
7.) Maturity [1/10]: 8 or 9
Availability [1/10]: 7 or 8
9.) Skype Username [PM if you don't want to share]: Im in the chat already
10.) TeamSpeak/Skype [Y/N]: Yes
I have OP ping, It's 90 but I can get a lot of combos, it's like I have 15 ping :p. I am pretty decent with my bow, I say I can hit about 7 or 8 shots out of 10. Both my sword skills and bow skills are above average of the decent PvPer. Another strength is my ability to use to rod. I am very good at knowing were someone is going so I can rod them and get off the first hit. I am also pretty decent with a FnS, I also love to spam it sometimes :D. I also have a great reaction time. I know what to do most of the time in a scary moment of the game. I also try to play as smart as possible, But sometimes #420blazeitYOLOswag. I am also very good at block hitting, but I mostly do it in intense moments. I am also good at teamwork. I know when someone is low, and when to fight and not to fight them. Also, I am pretty decent at strafing, I am trying to improve on it as it help's a lot when fighting someone. I can also do the turn around hit when someone is chasing me I will just turn and get a hit and keep running. I am also good with my secondary's, such as fishing rod, bow, and FnS.
8.) PVP Weaknesses: I'm not so good at water fight's. sometime's I play really offensive, too offensive, I might just rush the person I am fighting and then they will end up killing me. And obviously, hackers. Most of the time they are hard to kill, unless you just FnS and bow spam them :D.
12.) Why should we accept you?: You should accept me because I think I would help out this clan with-in clan war's. And I feel like I would become better and know the community better with-in this clan.
13.) Are you active [Y/N]: Yes, in about 3 week's or so my baseball season will be over and I will be playing everyday for about an hour or 2. On the weekend's I am very active as I usually do nothing :D. But right now I am not that active during the week as I have baseball all day after school. I might come on sometime's, but not all the time.
14.) Were you invited?: No, but since I got trial in Purge I decided I would join this one. And my friend Ray(xTranzio_) is in here, and he reccomended me to join this clan :D.
I don't have that many wins but I think the w/l is pretty good. Thank's for viewing this!
If you have any alternative accounts please tell me. You have been accepted as trial. Stay active on the teamspeak for a better chance at becoming member.
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