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If you got a pop-up ad on our site, please read.

Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
I get pop ups that are so inapropiate I dont want to post them here. I get nude pop ups and other really bad stuff. They are also ads on the side or the screen. This community is great and very kid freindly but it does not help when you have nude ads and pop ups. Some of them even speak! Also is I am in a conversation with a mod or sr.mod and I have the forums opened while I am in teamspeak video ads turn on and inturrupt everything. I can never keep the web site open when I do other stuff.
I have a little brother who sometimes goes on the forums and I bet a lot of young kids go on it too and I dont think it is really good if they see this. Not all of the ads have bad content but they are really annoying. I get them between 5-10 times in a day.
It is really annoying please fix this.
Ads you get are based on what you visit (cookies)...
And if you don't like ads: ADBLOCK!


District 13
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
MCSG can get sued for posting nude ads I think.
I dont want that to happen. It is not only nude ones it is like dateing sites and other stuff. I am just wondering if others are having the same problem I am and how can I fix this.
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
I dont want that to happen. It is not only nude ones it is like dateing sites and other stuff. I am just wondering if others are having the same problem I am and how can I fix this.
Yea, hope not, but the people that sue MCSG will have a reason. And I get these stuff whenever I pause my adblock too. From when I was 8 and my parents would let me like 30 mins to the computer, I would get these nude stuff. After history-cleaning, for any site or anything, they still get advertised for me.

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