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Goodbye & mc story

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Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
I come on the forums periodically and i noticed i got an achievement for being apart of the forums for 3 years, and i also noticed a few of my old friends doing this. I did of these in the past but i continued to play mc for a few for months but now i have completely left.

I started playing MC when my cousin bought an account "FuzzyC00kie" for his friend's birthday present. My cousin being the fag he is played on the account aswell and gave it to me. I played survival and factions for a while until Antvenom uploaded his first youtube survival games and i was instantly interested (This was in May-June of 2012). I found MCSG when it was only servers no hub and you had to disconnect and refresh to find the available servers. I immediate made friends as I was open to skyping anyone. I met a lot of good players such as doctorhunters and matthewsheppeard. Together we got hella wins. i had about 60 at the time which was top 300 of mcsg*. Then i met Elisha mutang who helped me with pvp and later became rank 1 for a while. I kept to myself after I stopped talking to these people until i met dimond1646. We became good friends. I made a clan in which we later merged with another clan to form Aqualites. I met a lot of good friends there such as sportsfan and samglasgow. Eventually i got banned for some stupid ass Good and stopped talking to sportsfan and samglasgow. I got unbanned and kept to myself while accumulating wins. I didn't give a Good about games, I only cared about wins which made my ratio horrible. A lot of people made fun of me for my stats but bunnies them bunnies. So later I started making more clans, like a whole bunnies lot. I had a few that were extremely successful such as TheReturn, Trespire, and some other ones. I gained a lot of friends from these clans and other clans i joined. I met people like Revature, Aurorav2, btstriker, likeabozz1, and other kids. I had fun but then i got banned for gamma in october of 2014. I made Trespire under Makobeast which was given to me from noofy. I had a hella alot of fun but was annoyed with carrying the Fuzzycookie bad ratio name. I made a new account, Trivical, and started playing on there. I had a very good ratio until stat reset, but after words had an amazing ratio on Solo sg on my second account, itstrivical. I made multiple youtube channels, FuzzyC00kieSG, ItsFuzzyCookie, Trivical, which accumilated over 2000 subscribers. I got hate for being FuzzyCookie on Trivical. People cared a lot about me being him so i gave about 2, 3 people some hands. They caught my fade. I stopped playing in September 2015. Anyways this is taking too long to write thanks for being chill.

important people: Revature Likeabozz1 Sportz Dimond1646MCSG AuroraVersion2 Noofy

thanks who ever was down with me​


Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
It's great to see you with so much experience in the community since the beginning, and it's sad to see you go. Good luck with everything in the future!


District 13
Jun 28, 2014
Reaction score
I remember when ancient beat trespire like a whole bunch.
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