Very interesting read, Moo.
I have always been a believer that the two genders are equal. Though each has its strengths and weaknesses, I don't think the world can be peaceful if it elevates one over the other. This is why I'm glad to live in the 21st century; we are closer to gender equality than we ever have been.
Unfortunately, there are forces that are trying to turn women into something they are not. Women are often portrayed in popular culture as being excessively rude, blunt, or exploitive, which I do not think accurately portrays them. Meanwhile, on the internet, people are treating females as either dumb and simple-minded beings or some sort of rare specimen that needs to be worshiped.
People need to stop leaping out of their chairs every time they see a female in Minecraft and just accept that
- Yes, they play the game too.
- Yes, they can be good at the game too.
- No, they're not as special as you're making them out to be.
But like I mentioned earlier, each gender has its ups and downs. I tend to see men as more creative and women as more organized. Another way I see it is that men are the instigators of change in society and women are the catalysts. When it comes to PvP, I can see why people would say that girls aren't as good. From my past experience, I rarely run into a female with more than a 1/10 ratio. I have also only ever ran into three people in game with more than a 1/3 ratio who are legitimately female. It's not like chess, where the average female player is just as good as the average male; I think that men simply spend more time dedicated to video games and think about them more. The idea of getting thrown into an arena with 23 other people to slaughter them simply appeals more to males. Please don't take this as sexism, as it's simply a strength of one gender. Girls are far less likely to get into trouble or hack, yet a surprising portion of females become moderators I guess you could say they are better at being positive contributors to the community.
"Remember, there’s a reason why people used to (And in my opinion, still should) consider females the ‘finer’ gender of the two."
Mind elaborating,
I'm going to say something, even though Moo already did.
This is a very interesting point. As for why women used to be considered the finer gender, I think that women have often been thought of as the weaker, yet more virtuous and submissive gender. (I don't necessarily agree with all of that.) In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a common argument made against giving women the right to vote was the idea that women were too "pure", and that giving them the chance to get involved in politics would result in the moral degradation of society. Women have often been reserved as the gender with simpler roles involved with domestic work, not meant to get involved in large issues, with the duty of raising children who would become good people.
In the last century, the level of morality held by the average person has decreased. Whether or not this is because of women's involvement in politics and the shifting gender roles that have occurred, I don't know.
I agree with Moo that men are definitely the rougher gender. Men have often gotten overly riled up with seemingly small issues. This is not necessarily a bad thing, though. If we are always content with out lives the way they are, then we will not see any reason to progress socially. If it weren't for the want of having an uncorruptable government, the founding fathers of the US wouldn't have taken such extreme measures to write a balanced constitution. Later on, John Marshall, for example, chief justice of the Supreme Court for dozens of years, would grow disenchanted with the lack of power allocated to the judicial branch, and sway many court cases to equalize the power of the judicial branch with the other two branches. Figures like John Marshall feel a need to correct things that have small effects on their personal lives, which is a very male mindset in my opinion.
So basically, I think men have more insight on what may be best for the long term future, because of their pride and self-confidence. I also think men are more creative, and look for solutions to problems in more diverse places. I find that men are more commonly split between two extremes of morality. Women tend to be more organized and have a more natural but lesser vehemence towards morality. Women are more gentle and less often risk takers and are more reasonable in critical situations. I don't think either is better or more intelligent than the other. When we talk about equalizing genders, we need to talk more about equalization of opportunities than the equalization of outcomes.