KYou'll probably get your sketch when I do the second or third batch of them.
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KYou'll probably get your sketch when I do the second or third batch of them.
Yup. If all goes to plan, you'll get yours on Monday (I generally prefer to not do any stuff on weekends).Im next?
Do one for my friend Waffles .
He is too lazy to apply. Just keep everything the same as mine except the skin.
His IGN is http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/stats/player/HATERonYOU/
This counts as his, not mine. I want to apply for a banner, just I need to think about when.
ummmThe first was so good. I wanted another
Type of Art (Avatar, Banner, etc.): Avatar
Image Size (Default Res is 1280x720): defualt
What you want it to look like (be specific!): Bow pulled.
Where will you be using this Avatar/Banner/etc? (link): Forums, skype.
Style (Do you want it to look Minecrafty? Or a more cartoony/realistic representation of your avatar?): Cartoony
LEL use hisummm
nononono use his. Mines outdated ;PLEL use his
I guess use mine then KorStoneswordnononono use his. Mines outdated ;P
That looks awesome!XxChaos1107xX
Finished. This one took longer than expected.
Sketch done.
Sketch done, please specify what name you want it to be exactly (include whether all caps or caps + lower case)
Sketch done