IGN or Picture of Yourself: CtrlShift_
Type of Art (Avatar, Banner, etc.): Avatar
Image Size, Default Res is 800x800 for full body, 500x500 for upper body/face: 500x500
What you want it to look like (be specific!): Same type of picture as Purge's/Garren's. I have short brown hair, a slight smile on my face, I'm white, and have a red shirt and wear jeans.
Where will you be using this Avatar/Banner/etc? (link): Probably Minecraft forums and possible social media if I feel like it (Possibly Facebook, Twitter, most likely Minecraft forums and MCSG.
Style, do you want it to look Minecrafty? Or a more cartoony (my avatar) / realistic representation of yourself/your avatar?: a more cartoony picture that has nothing to do with my minecraft picture. I like how you did Garren's/Purge's picture so something like that.