Favorite TV Show(s): Too many to list but here we go.
How I Met Your Mother
Arrested Development
Cheers (classic)
The Office
30 Rock
(tip of the iceberg)
Why you like it/them:
HIMYM: Was my gateway drug to sitcomes. Everyone is really funny, and Neil Patrick Harris just completes the package with his dirty jokes. (Even though rewatching it finding out he's gay is a bit weird..)
F.R.I.E.N.D.S: Basically HIMYM in the 90's. This show has everything HIMYM has except 1 other character, as well as everyone is a perv
Arrested Development: Less of a sitcom for me, more of an interesting storyline which I follow.
Cheers: What can I say? It's a bar hangout sitcom with a ex baseball pro playboy as the owner.
Fraiser: Spinoff of cheers, nuff said.
The Office: Witty, Cruel, Mocking humor. My thing.
30 Rock: Similar in style of humor to the office
VGHS: My dream world...a high school about playing video games.