Sorry to see that you are having this problem go here: and use this program, once it is downloaded DO NOT RUN IT YET. Go to your windows button and type "cmd" without the quotations and press enter. After you have done that type in "ipconfig" look for Wireless LAN adapter wireless network connection:
Look for ipv4 adress, write that number down including the dots. After that, type in IP chicken on , after you have done that it should be the first link to pop up. Copy and paste the Ip it gives you into your seach bar at the top. After that you will need to unplug your Router and/or modem. Wait 30 seconds and plug them back in or only your modem if that's all you have and wait 30 seconds again. Now, go back to cmd and type ipconfig and see if that number has changed. If it did that is a good thing, if it is the same, retry unplugging your Router and or Modem. If it did change, go to ip chicken and see if that ip has changed, if it did not, that is also a good thing. If it did change try unplugging your modem and or router and check again for the 2 Ip addresses. If they have changed you have successfully reset your ip and subnet mask, which should now allow you to connect to the survival games. If this did not work PM me for more help. Hope this helps! The reason I had you download it was in case this fix did not help you and you PM me, I can help you further if this does not help.