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Facebook Depression


District 13
Aug 1, 2012
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I dont have a twitter, instagram, facebook or anything like that. I am just like, too much drama XD!


Jan 14, 2013
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I feel bad, but I don't know what to say :( I deleted my Facebook in like grade 9 because I never used it.


Apr 20, 2012
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While I sometimes get a bit...envious of people that are way more popular than I am, I put it all into perspective for me. My fame and popularity in High School or Middle School is not going to contribute anything towards my future. When you move on to College and University, everyone will forget about you so even the popular kids won't be popular any more. Just realize that being on the computer makes you happier than socializing with friends, and whatever makes you happy is what you should be doing. If that's what they want to do with their lives then so be it.


Nov 8, 2013
Reaction score
  • Why am I jealous to see my school mates hang around, when I don't want to...yet I'm jealous
  • And why am I jealous of people writing statuses confidently without giving a f*ck about people judging them
  • How can I gain confidence. I'm scared of the simplest things such as writing a Facebook status and worrying what people will think about me.
Bae, I know what it feels like to be jealous of other peoples happiness, confidence and banter. I once went through it myself trying to get popular, it worked so I'll tell you why ;). 1. It'll probably just be coz ur not there with them and you want to. 2. You wish you could be partially like them and confident in yourself, and it's hard gaining confidence, ik, but it's something that you work on through-out your childhood. I think if you were also a bit more chill about giving a bunnies about people. I even used to get nervous doing a 1 min class talk coz i thought girls would dislike me. But now I'm a confident clown xD I can see you being one aswell. (in a good way ;) ) I also started firing jokes and fun things at people and they knew that I was someone they wanted around, so they invited me into town and other places. 3. It's probably just you being worried about people hating you and not wanting to talk to you and you might not have friends or a girlfriend. It's perfectly normal, as I said I went through it, but I provailed. It helped me. You can gain confidence by making people laugh and especially talking to more girls, but also boys so it doesn't look weird.

I'm not a social guru myself, but I give some darn good advice, and even if you think my advice might not work, TRY IT, trust me. ;)

Gregah // xGG // ur #1 bae


Apr 8, 2013
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You need to remember that, when most people post to facebook, they want to present themselves as having the most amazing lifestyle possible. Their actual lifestyle usually does not quite match up to the one they would have everyone else believe. So instead of being jealous, just choose the lifestyle that you enjoy most and be happy with it. Hope I helped.


Apr 13, 2013
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hello there, i am here to give you a proposition of a follow for follow that would benefit us both greatly! if you are interested please contact me in either here or on my ventrillo server. thanks for your time


Dec 3, 2013
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hello there, i am here to give you a proposition of a follow for follow that would benefit us both greatly! if you are interested please contact me in either here or on my ventrillo server. thanks for your time
o god...


May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hey Baes,

So I'm gonna try keep this short because people don't like reading loads.

So I'm gonna explain what I mean by Facebook depression, I'm a rather shy, unconfident and a self conscious person, in the real world, on the internet, I'm weird and just fun to be around, and what I see on Facebook relates to this.

I see my classmates on Facebook posting pictures of them hanging around with dudes and girls and I look at myself and say, what am I doing, I'm a scrub, unsociable outsider. Today was the only day I actually socialised, went to Nottingham.

So my problem is, I see on Facebook all depressed about me, sitting on my computer all day, while all my school "friends" have fun.

The weird thing is, I WANNA BE ON MY COMPUTER AND NOT GO OUT TO TOWN AND SOCIALISE! But why the hell am I jealous of these people's then!

I'm gonna delete Facebook over the summer, but I can see myself going on it when school starts again. I really shouldn't, but I can't resist looking at all the banter, bs and other stuff people gotta say to eachother.

So my question is....
  • Why am I jealous to see my school mates hang around, when I don't want to...yet I'm jealous
  • And why am I jealous of people writing statuses confidently without giving a f*ck about people judging them
  • How can I gain confidence. I'm scared of the simplest things such as writing a Facebook status and worrying what people will think about me.
Thank you for reading I'd love anyone who could give me some advice!
I am exactly the opposite; confident to say anything to anyone and I say everything straight to peoples faces, sometimes even something bad that I think about them, and they behave nicer and better to me. Some of my friends don't like that I act so close with everyone, but they tell me that and I act differently. I guess this was off topic, but you see how different people can be?

It's totally up to your personality, and if you feel ashamed of what you do. I was the same a year ago, not confident of anything I did, and I was home all the time doing whatever. But December of last year, my friend/classmate had a surgery, and that's when we got really close. She taught me a new way to look at the world and the people living in it. Now I don't really give a fuhq what people think about me, because they won't probably be in my life for so long.

I just realised that this is off-topic, but I guess try to find people near you who have the same interests, I'm sure you'll find some new friends and have fun with them

If this still isn't what you were asking for, I don't know what is wrong with me, but this is what you get >


Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
Gosh, I hated 7th-8th grade.

It's when all the social media crap started, when friend groups divided, people started to care more about the outside than the inside, and some people who used to be my friends left and changed for the sake of being popular.

Sigh, sometimes I wish I could move so I could start over in a brand new place and find brand new friends.


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Gosh, I hated 7th-8th grade.

It's when all the social media crap started, when friend groups divided, people started to care more about the outside than the inside, and some people who used to be my friends left and changed for the sake of being popular.

Sigh, sometimes I wish I could move so I could start over in a brand new place and find brand new friends.
Yep, seems like all everyone cares about is being popular, and getting likes on facebook seems to be a big fuss for the girls...
I am exactly the opposite; confident to say anything to anyone and I say everything straight to peoples faces, sometimes even something bad that I think about them, and they behave nicer and better to me. Some of my friends don't like that I act so close with everyone, but they tell me that and I act differently. I guess this was off topic, but you see how different people can be?

It's totally up to your personality, and if you feel ashamed of what you do. I was the same a year ago, not confident of anything I did, and I was home all the time doing whatever. But December of last year, my friend/classmate had a surgery, and that's when we got really close. She taught me a new way to look at the world and the people living in it. Now I don't really give a fuhq what people think about me, because they won't probably be in my life for so long.

I just realised that this is off-topic, but I guess try to find people near you who have the same interests, I'm sure you'll find some new friends and have fun with them

If this still isn't what you were asking for, I don't know what is wrong with me, but this is what you get >
Thanks Wyz :D BTW, you might wanna change your signature to like a picture of a grapefruit because its kinda getting boring xD


I'm actually quite social with people from school, and some even consider me to be popular.
However, I never have and never will use Facebook.
It disgusts me.
Just delete it, as it's just another way for people to stalk you.


May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Yep, seems like all everyone cares about is being popular, and getting likes on facebook seems to be a big fuss for the girls...

Thanks Wyz :D BTW, you might wanna change your signature to like a picture of a grapefruit because its kinda getting boring xD
Sub 2 ma cahnnel?
Edit: I don't even know what it is, haven't seen it for long time as I always use mobile xP

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