Axel | PlazaGames
Congratulations to every single one of you! Thanks for being there and helping us around getting rid of all those rule-breakers <3
- Alex
- Alex
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
You will receive the Silver medal actually. Whenever Jamie (AlpakaWhacker) is able to hand them out. Don't bother him about it though, it's his Birthday today!Glad to help and it was a great time. Wish I got the forum badge but it was a good time participating!
Oh ok! Well happy birthday AlpakaWhacker. I'd give you a cool accent as a present but you already have oneYou will receive the Silver medal actually. Whenever Jamie (AlpakaWhacker) is able to hand them out. Don't bother him about it though, it's his Birthday today!
Without all the cleansweeps I guess we'll have to do #swarms insteadOh ok! Well happy birthday AlpakaWhacker. I'd give you a cool accent as a present but you already have one