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Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
@ Thomahawk, Isak, Apple and others.
In Phoenix vs CarpeDiem, Thomahawk has been enter as a targeter.
He was kill 2 members of CarpeDiem at spawn, then he was kill by Phoenix members.( He don't hit Phoenix members)
Tomahawk has been enter on all of arenas was clanwar was play, and he target CarpeDiem members.
CarpeDiem considers Tomahawk as a targeter.
@ 34-0 is correctly, CarpeDiem has been won all 34 clan wars.
That's said, please, stop to post in CarpeDiem topic.
Have a nice day !


Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Quadrum, CarpeDiem Won, Phoenix lose for targeters.
Tomahawk has give items, has been kill CarpeDiem members( and he not hit the phoenix members ), he enter on all arenas and made that = > TOMAHAWK TARGET.
So, i put lose when u can beat correctly CarpeDiem, without targeters and others.
Before post-pone score was : CarpeDiem 3 - 1(or 2 ) - Phoenix.
In next day, was came Tomahawk, with target, and at 4-4, Phoenix was disqualified .=> CarpeDiem win with 5-4.


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
@ Thomahawk, Isak, Apple and others.
In Phoenix vs CarpeDiem, Thomahawk has been enter as a targeter.
He was kill 2 members of CarpeDiem at spawn, then he was kill by Phoenix members.( He don't hit Phoenix members)
Tomahawk has been enter on all of arenas was clanwar was play, and he target CarpeDiem members.
CarpeDiem considers Tomahawk as a targeter.
@ 34-0 is correctly, CarpeDiem has been won all 34 clan wars.
That's said, please, stop to post in CarpeDiem topic.
Have a nice day !
First off: im sure you got no proof to back up your story, if you do, pelase do post it.
When I first found the clanwar, I decided to play as I am not friends with any of the clans playing. I was hoping to ruin the clan war for both of the clans tbh. If I would have been a friend of any of the clans, I would have probbably done /kill. How I found the clanwar for the rest of the games is, I looked for the fullest server in the 170-200 lobbys, as those are the numbers most of the clans play for a clan war. For one of the games, it's not my fault I got a sword off spawn, and all of you went my route. I ended up killing 2 of you. The 3rd one jumped off a bridge. If I was a targeter, I would probbably jump for him, but insted, I continued my route. For a different game (on MoonBase9), I almost killed one of the Phoenix members at one point, but the others came to me and I ran. Other people have no control over randy's such as myself. And I highly doubt you won 34 clan wars. Romanian clans always cheat, and MaulFlame's clans dont have the best reputation, do they? Also, please spend some more time learning English. I mean, you even said "Thomahawk" insted of Tomahawk.


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
Quadrum, CarpeDiem Won, Phoenix lose for targeters.
Tomahawk has give items, has been kill CarpeDiem members( and he not hit the phoenix members ), he enter on all arenas and made that = > TOMAHAWK TARGET.
So, i put lose when u can beat correctly CarpeDiem, without targeters and others.
Before post-pone score was : CarpeDiem 3 - 1(or 2 ) - Phoenix.
In next day, was came Tomahawk, with target, and at 4-4, Phoenix was disqualified .=> CarpeDiem win with 5-4.
Dude, just accept the loss. You lost, it happens, don't make dumb excuses saying that you won. Plus, if you DQed them at 4-4, you wouldn't have played the last round, but you did.


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
Quadrum, CarpeDiem Won, Phoenix lose for targeters.
Tomahawk has give items, has been kill CarpeDiem members( and he not hit the phoenix members ), he enter on all arenas and made that = > TOMAHAWK TARGET.
So, i put lose when u can beat correctly CarpeDiem, without targeters and others.
Before post-pone score was : CarpeDiem 3 - 1(or 2 ) - Phoenix.
In next day, was came Tomahawk, with target, and at 4-4, Phoenix was disqualified .=> CarpeDiem win with 5-4.
We did not targett you guys its not our fault that toma doesnt like you guys and wants to kill you and we have no contacts with tomahawk on skype or anything he is just like another randy that also could have targett you :)


Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
Quadrum, CarpeDiem Won, Phoenix lose for targeters.
Tomahawk has give items, has been kill CarpeDiem members( and he not hit the phoenix members ), he enter on all arenas and made that = > TOMAHAWK TARGET.
So, i put lose when u can beat correctly CarpeDiem, without targeters and others.
Before post-pone score was : CarpeDiem 3 - 1(or 2 ) - Phoenix.
In next day, was came Tomahawk, with target, and at 4-4, Phoenix was disqualified .=> CarpeDiem win with 5-4.
First off: im sure you got no proof to back up your story, if you do, pelase do post it.
When I first found the clanwar, I decided to play as I am not friends with any of the clans playing. I was hoping to ruin the clan war for both of the clans tbh. If I would have been a friend of any of the clans, I would have probbably done /kill. How I found the clanwar for the rest of the games is, I looked for the fullest server in the 170-200 lobbys, as those are the numbers most of the clans play for a clan war. For one of the games, it's not my fault I got a sword off spawn, and all of you went my route. I ended up killing 2 of you. The 3rd one jumped off a bridge. If I was a targeter, I would probbably jump for him, but insted, I continued my route. For a different game (on MoonBase9), I almost killed one of the Phoenix members at one point, but the others came to me and I ran. Other people have no control over randy's such as myself. And I highly doubt you won 34 clan wars. Romanian clans always cheat, and MaulFlame's clans dont have the best reputation, do they? Also, please spend some more time learning English. I mean, you even said "Thomahawk" insted of Tomahawk.


Dec 25, 2013
Reaction score
Quadrum, CarpeDiem Won, Phoenix lose for targeters.
Tomahawk has give items, has been kill CarpeDiem members( and he not hit the phoenix members ), he enter on all arenas and made that = > TOMAHAWK TARGET.
So, i put lose when u can beat correctly CarpeDiem, without targeters and others.
Before post-pone score was : CarpeDiem 3 - 1(or 2 ) - Phoenix.
In next day, was came Tomahawk, with target, and at 4-4, Phoenix was disqualified .=> CarpeDiem win with 5-4.
How are we supposed to control the random?
Our fifth rules says: There will be randoms without a doubt. These randoms we cannot control. Therefore, they will be a double sided blade to both teams. Meaning, if a clan member were to die from a random, then it will count as if the opposing team has killed that specific person.
Is it our fault that he took your route and killed you since he had a stone sword?
And finding a clan war server isn't really hard, the server with a clan war is the fullest lobby in high servers (170 - 200)

Now stop whining and put your loss up, you played well.


Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score
Was the etong screenie WHO saw that please no hateeeeeee


Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
Guys, don't even bother with them anyomore. Let them have their "win". I have also been told they lost to Trivium. Since they are Romanians, they can't play fair and don't even have any proof that we got TomahawkGoesChop into "target" them.

So GGWP, Romania, GGWP.

Also, telling me to kill myself was completely uncalled for. What if I was actually suicidal? Telling me to kill myself might of pushed me over the edge. Think before you tell someone to kill themselves over the internet as they might actually do it.
Last edited:


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
Guys, don't even bother with them anyomore. Let them have their "win". I have also been told they lost to Trivium. Since they are Romanians, they can't play fair and don't even have any proof that we got TomahawkGoesChop into "target" them.

So GGWP, Romania, GGWP.

Also, telling me to kill myself was completely uncalled for. What if I was actually suicidal? Telling me to kill myself might of pushed me over the edge. Think before you tell someone to kill themselves over the internet as they might actually do it.
Dont even bother, romanians cant understand the use of this magicall "English" language.

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