Minecraft IGN:MeatalclawMC
Wins/Games:213/2100 (doesn't give a damn about ratios)
Written Paragraph of why you would benefit Phoenix: Well, I've been wanting to join a clan with good players and them being active. I have the skill of someone who at least has 400 wins (though my win to loss ratio may be bad, I don't care), I also have been wanting to meet more and more people on the mcsg community. I have played games with a few members that I've been wanting to meet. I believe If I join this clan I can get better at the game and get more well known because of how scocial I am. People have also kicked me out of clans because I have a mild case of ADHD, and I'm hoping that doesn't ruin my chances of getting in the clan. I am a good listener, I can follow orders quite easily, I am not one to judge much, I am nice.