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Do you believe in god?

Do you?

  • yes

    Votes: 113 55.7%
  • no

    Votes: 98 48.3%

  • Total voters
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Mar 9, 2013
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I'm surprised that there are more people who believe in God on the poll than I thought. '.'


Dec 20, 2012
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Lulu, I haven't seen Zietgeist, but I know what you're getting at.

And it's true, most religions borrow from others before them. They needed to do that when it transitioned from one religious age to another. In fact, Jesus' original date of birth may not have been on the 25th of December, it just borrowed and fit perfectly with earlier 'pagan' rituals and holidays. Several religions before Christianity itself did that. In fact, most religions did not differ to much from the one before them. It's like evolution, just for religion. Each new layer added something else humanity needed at that time. Old christianity of Rome was very strict. In fact, you could be 'sent to purgatory' unless you payed a fee. That... seems to be just a way to fund their cause, but also a way to enforce the turbulent times.

Over all of human history, even around when we first started depicting our lives on the walls of caves, religion has been there. It seems like humanity needs it, something to have hope in, something to look forward to. Zeitgeist, translated literally from German, means 'Time Spirit'. This could mean the religion of the time or how that age of humanity works, what it believes in. A lot of human history has had a religion to rely on and base themselves off of. Beliefs often clash and lead to wars and fighting and knives in the dark. Recently, in a lot of places (not so much some places in the middle east, and other places), there has been a kind of religious peace. Such a mixed culture full of various religions hasn't happened this well, yet there is still turmoil, if only in thoughts, in these religious-mixed areas. Can religions truly co-exist? It doesn't seem like its working very well right now. My father's a blacksmith, and he's been told he'd go to hell because he works with fire. Beliefs like this just point out the outdated extraneous laws of most religions, and they still contain the old mentality of out-expanding your religious enemies. It's the entire reason people knock on your doors to interest you in Jesus Christ.

Religious upheaval is still a thing that can happen. Just recently, within the last few centuries, during the 'Second Great Awakening' of the 1820s, Mormonism took a great leap. Allegedly, this rise to the new world of religion came with the usual bloodied noses and blackened eyes. A holy war, you could say, was fought to establish itself in the modern world. There will be transitions of religion, but will humanity ever be able to give it up?

There have been thousands of generations who believed their own faith, who believed that they were in the right and everyone else was in the wrong. Empires, Civilizations, Nations, all with their own religious denominations, all of them proclaiming themselves different and the correct one. Today's modern religions are, for the most part, no different. They have a set of ethics that isn't much different from the other, yet they alienate 'others'... Believe what you want, follow the ethics you want. You don't necessarily need a religion to be an ethical human. In heart, religions are the same: founding, transition, beliefs, existence. We're all really not that different, we just govern ourselves in different ways. Some need and/or know religion, others don't.

I have so much more to say, but I don't know who will read it...
One day, I'll read this.


Jul 17, 2012
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I don't care if god exists or not. I'm not open to following rules written in a book, but if it's real, cool. I'd rather just live my life the way I wan to than model everything I do on a book/ set of rules. If what i'm saying is off based, oh well. :L I hate this topic, because there's always that stubborn person that believes he/she's right and will stop at nothing to yell about why they're "Right" I never pick a side.


Sep 3, 2013
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To be honest I'm surprised there hasn't been a flame war here yet.


I am growing up in a very religious family and so from a young age I have believed in God. My dad was a pastor for 12 years, is ordained in two separate churches, and still preaches on the occasional Sunday. My parents actually met each other while working in Christian groups in colleges, so its safe to say that my family is as Christian as it gets.

My parents haven't forced Christianity on me, and for that I am very grateful. However, up until recently I completely believed in everything my parents believed, because when you're a little kid you naturally try to be like your parents. Over the last year, though, I have found it increasingly harder to believe in an almighty being. I have gotten to a point in my life in which I am just very confused. One thing I am certain in, though, is some of the teachings the Bible says. I wholeheartedly believe in the power of being kind to others. I have found that Humans react much better to kind words than harsh words, so I try to be as nice as I can whenever I can.

I don't know if I believe in God, but I do know that some of his teachings are absolutely right.
Jun 22, 2013
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I am growing up in a very religious family and so from a young age I have believed in God. My dad was a pastor for 12 years, is ordained in two separate churches, and still preaches on the occasional Sunday. My parents actually met each other while working in Christian groups in colleges, so its safe to say that my family is as Christian as it gets.

My parents haven't forced Christianity on me, and for that I am very grateful. However, up until recently I completely believed in everything my parents believed, because when you're a little kid you naturally try to be like your parents. Over the last year, though, I have found it increasingly harder to believe in an almighty being. I have gotten to a point in my life in which I am just very confused. One thing I am certain in, though, is some of the teachings the Bible says. I wholeheartedly believe in the power of being kind to others. I have found that Humans react much better to kind words than harsh words, so I try to be as nice as I can whenever I can.

I don't know if I believe in God, but I do know that some of his teachings are absolutely right.
My parents were very similar although no where near as religious (I think my Dad believes in a God but I am really not sure about my Mum). They sent me to a catholic school because the school didn't just teach you how to pass exams it also taught you how to be a good person. I personally developed into being an atheist but it was great that my parents let me develop that opinion on my own rather than forcing something upon me.
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