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Community Vote: The great map voting debate 2014!

Raffle Voting

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Dec 13, 2013
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Look, for example let's say a map gets 18 Votes and another map gets 3 votes and wins what is the point of even voting there's a reason it's got 18 votes because the lobby wants to play it. If maps are only getting played because of the % I say remove them.
Jul 11, 2014
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I think it should be removed because I was play a game one time and there was a map with 23 votes and a map with 1 vote. The map with 1 vote won and it didn't make any sense.


Feb 18, 2014
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Raffle voting started as a community idea that originated in this thread here:


It got overwhelming support and honestly we all thought it was a great idea to combat with maps being overplayed way too much and giving underplayed maps a chance to be played. The reactions with the in-game and forum community was almost split in half as both sides brought up very good points about the old system vs the new. So we decided that we should let this voting system sit for a month to see if the overall feeling changes more in favor of this system. It seems still after little over a month, people started to get use to it but still some complaints about the system.

Since then, yesterday we posted an update on our twitter saying we will remove this system and go back to the drawing boards to see if there is a better way on making the majority happy:


Now after posting this, the players in support of this new system (including the people who like it now and hated it before) started posting on the site stating very good reasons to keep this system over the older way.

http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/search/9625945/?q=Raffle Voting&o=date

So, time to start a debate that is both positive and negative on Raffle Voting and give your opinions why we should keep, remove, or change it! Please take the time to write out your reasons as saying "it sucks" or "it rules" doesn't help this debate.

So, how do you feel about Raffle Voting?
I really like the raffle voting, I am a HUGE fan of the map Survival Games Ancient Japan, and it never gets the most votes, guess I'll never be playing that map again... D: Anyways, I'm just really glad MCGamer's higher authority really listens to the community! Good luck to you!

I think it should be removed because I was play a game one time and there was a map with 23 votes and a map with 1 vote. The map with 1 vote won and it didn't make any sense.
Most likely the map with 23 votes was something like Valleyside, or SG4, everybody votes for them because they like them, and than let's say the map that had 1, maybe SGAJ, my favorite map won... I would be extremely happy, where as for others... not so much. So just switch the maps, what if it was SGAJ getting 23 votes, and nobody liked it, and Valleyside won, which is everybody's favorite map. I don't know where I'm going at about this, so... yeah! xD :D

I think it should be removed because I was play a game one time and there was a map with 23 votes and a map with 1 vote. The map with 1 vote won and it didn't make any sense.
Most likely the map with 23 votes was something like Valleyside, or SG4, everybody votes for them because they like them, and than let's say the map that had 1, maybe SGAJ, my favorite map won... I would be extremely happy, where as for others... not so much. So just switch the maps, what if it was SGAJ getting 23 votes, and nobody liked it, and Valleyside won, which is everybody's favorite map. I don't know where I'm going at about this, so... yeah! xD :D
I tagged Chad because I am late to respond to this thread, but what I am going to say may fix the debate.

The main dislike that raffle voting gets from the community is when a map that has less than a 20% chance of getting voted gets picked. For example:

The Survival Games 4 (18 votes; 44%)
Breeze Island 2 (4 votes; 1%)
The Survival Games 3 (1 vote; 0.2%)
Moonbase 9 (6 votes; 15%)
The Survival Games 2 (12 votes; 30%)
*Numbers and Percentages are estimates.

Given the scenario above it is clear that either SG2 or Sg4 should be chosen. However, what brings negative feelings towards the raffle system is when SG3 (that has a 0.2% chance of being picked) gets picked.

In order to fix this, any map that doesn't get at least 30% or higher of the votes should be thrown out. So, in the scenario above it would either be Sg2 or Sg4 being picked while the others are thrown out.

This is a very reasonable solution to the problem. It provides a way to still add variation, keeps the very good idea of a raffle vote, but guarantees that maps that don't get at least 30% of the popular vote don't get played.

I think I made my resolution clear, but if not, just respond with a question.
Don't know if this would be correct, but what if each map has about 22.22%? Again, I didn't feel like doing the math, so if this is impossible, just disregard my statement in general.
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