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Community Vote: Battle of the Islands, Fire or Ice?

What map should we remove?

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District 13
Nov 11, 2012
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I actually wanted for Freeze to replace Breeze and Demon's... :/


District 13
Oct 9, 2012
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I think that Freeze should be removed due to the fact that freeze is like the exact same thing as breeze.. in the way that all people do is run and you cant get them! Also demons breeze always makes me happy when someone im chasing just falls into the lava throught a hole. :3


District 13
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
Although it may sound ridiculous, I've spent a while thinking about this.
It is a clear issue, I mean lets be honest, the amount of times in a day we play some form of breeze is OVER 9000.
BUT, with this said, I like the different types of the map-- it really 'spices' things up.

Now, before I go off on a tangent about the original Breeze, I'll jump back on-topic.

I believe that Demons Breeze should stay.

Why would you want Demons Breeze to stay, I hear you ask? Demons Breeze is original, fun, well-built, and more.

Name one map we have (other than Breeze of course), that has a relating theme to the lava, 'demon' aspect. There is none at the current time, which is exactly why I believe Demons Breeze is as fun as it is. Even though it's a rendition of the original Breeze, playing it is a whole new experience, unlike any other map, besides the original Breeze.

Now name all the maps with a relating theme to Freeze; Solar Frost, and Teweran SG1, with the addition of any I might have forgotten. This is fine, I have no problem with ice maps, but it can feel repetitive, with a consistent reoccurring theme, and relatively similar gameplay.

Now, that's not the only reason I don't like Freeze as much as I do Breeze, that would be silly. As stated before, I thought about this for a while. I really like both maps, and more than respect the creators, and the time they put into the maps, which is why I spent so long writing this, and making my final decision.

With all that said, there are various, respectable reasons for anyone to like, or dislike either. Since I'm going for keeping Demons, I will list why I believe Demons holds on advantage to stay, rather than freeze. In reading them, please remember I genuinely respect both maps, and the creators, this is just my opinion, expressed in the most honest, yet kind way possible.


Freeze island. Many would call it "Home of the ice chase", or "Cheap ice PVP", which, is, unfortunately true.
Ice chases are probably the number-one reason this map is disliked, and probably the only arguable reason against it.

With the consistent ice landscape, it's a never-ending run, either chasing, or running like a chicken with its head cut-off from your predator.

Running from a fight is an understandable strategy, but a lot of times, on ice, these runs can take ages, especially if the player you're trying to chase refuses to take a chill-pill and fight you >.>.

PVP is painfully hard to do on ice, with players slipping and sliding as they try to strafe, or move around in a battle.
I'm not one to speak of PVP hardships, considering I'm not very good, but from what I've taken away in my silly attempts as PVP, it's pretty dang hard.

Now, we still need to give a fair chance to Freeze. Taking the ice PVP and absolutely pitting it against the map really isn't fair, we need to look at it's other features.

Talking about good features, those aren't hard to find. The map is beautifully crafted, and designed, with the ever-cool looking avalanches, and yes, of course, Le0's sexy ice-dragon. All of these make the map a serene sight, reflecting upon the glass-like ice. It's a map that I find, truly beautiful.

For a ruined island, this map is pretty sexy ;).

Now, with the negative PVP aspect, repetitive ice-theme, and then the compliments, those are my honest thoughts on Freeze.

The fact there are 2, possibly more other ice-base maps sort of brings down the 'creativity' in a way, and the playability after playing those other maps.
Ice fights really crap all over this maps parade as well, bringing its playability down, down, down.
This map definitely has upsides, it's pretty sexy, with an assortment of awesome, creative builds, but unfortunately for me, the other 'negative' aspects drop it down, past Demons.

Now, that's all been said, and I haven't even gotten to Demons yet ;). I'll pause here, and you can go grab some popcorn.


Demons Breeze, arguably one of my favorite maps.

Why, I hear you ask; it's so laggy! Well, for me, someone who never plays with sound, lag isn't an issue, probably luckily so.

This is exactly why so many of you dislike Demons. It's a lot like the ice fights on Freeze; these maps just can't win!

For me, I prefer Demons to stay, over Freeze, because as I Briefly mentioned in the introduction, it is original, I've yet to see any maps with the same lava, 'hellish', theme. This makes for an interesting, new, gameplay experience, between this and other maps.

I also enjoy Demons for the crazy, heart-pounding additional suspense it adds. Not only do you need to be consistently aware of your surroundings for other players, you need to watch every step to assure you don't drop into the lava, and roast, along with your gear.

This frustrates a lot of people, but for me, I like it. It adds a whole new level of suspense to an already crazyily suspenseful game.

TL;DR (You're welcome :p) All in all, I'd like to see Demons stay. If it was my choice, I'd just remove the original Breeze-- I like these both much better, but it isn't.

Additionally, let me just remind everyone this is an opinion thread. Everyone has an opinion, which is clear. Heck, that's why Demons and Freeze were made in the first place-- to relieve some of Original Breeze's excessive gameplay.
This experiment made it clear that MCSG really can't win with maps. For example:

Original Breeze~ Too much water!

Freeze~ Too much ice!

Demons~ Too much lag!

Every map has a downside, which relates to opinion. Everyone will always have an opinion, and every map will always have a downside.

In the end, #KeepDemons.


District 13
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Both maps have a HUGE lack of detail, and their gameplays are also not exciting at all. If I were to decide, I would remove them both to keep the originality of Breeze Island, but unfortunately I am not. Freeze Island has the worst gameplay in my opinion, yet, Demon's Breeze is horrible too. Remove Freeze Island for now, one day Demon's Breeze will get removed too, believe me.


Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
Freeze has sooo much as and ice chases go on forever. For Demons Breeze to get rid of lag all you have to do is turn off your sound. :)


Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Demon's breeze is just so different and entertaining, but Freeze island is just no...... the ice is just too much. and make pvp more difficult than it should be.

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