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Community Poll: Leaderboards Reset with Newest Update?

Assuming your old statistics would be saved separately, would you like the leaderboards to be reset?

  • Yes. I support Legacy Leaderboards, new statistics to track, and a global leaderboards reset.

    Votes: 883 53.7%
  • No. I don't want a global leaderboards reset nor new statistics to track. Keep everything as it is.

    Votes: 761 46.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Old Timer
Jul 13, 2012
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for all you know, another 2 years down the line, they'll do it again.
That right there almost made me change my vote. I still might if I don't get confermation Col_StaR that this new leaderboard is changeable and we won't get another poll like this in 2016 or 2017.


Mar 27, 2013
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Does it matter if someone is experienced or not? Everyone gets an opinion, just like voting IRL. Majority wins no matter what you say.
You don't really see that if you've played a lot your opinion is more important than the opinion of a noob with 30 wins ? This ISN'T IRL so not everyone should be taken into consideration...


Jul 15, 2014
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Quick Update! Chad has scheduled a Leaderboards Reset Discussion Q&A for October 4th at 3:00 PM PST, and is expected to last for two hours. It will likely take the place of the Staff Q&A, but if we have time left over, we'll do Staff Q&A stuff too.
Time and Date scheduler: LINK.

Hello Tributes,

There are some exciting things on the horizon for MCGamer, such as a very big update that is planned to be released quite soon. While we won't spoil the surprise of what's in store, we will freely admit that this update will bring quite a few suggestions and features that you all have been clamoring for.

But now we find ourselves in a position that we must ask you, the community, for your input.

Poll Information

Poll Question:
"Assuming your old statistics would be saved on a separate "Legacy Leaderboards" page, would you like the leaderboards to be reset for a fresh start?"

Topic Summary:
Our current MCSG leaderboards and the information they contain is nearly 2 years old. The new update brings with it the chance to augment and improve our current leaderboards system. With the update, we would be able to increase the number of statistics we could track per person, as well as build the necessary backbone to track some more complicated stats as well (daily leaderboards, anyone?). However, we could only track those new things if everyone's stats are reset, allowing us to work with a clean slate for everyone.

As such, the release of the network update would be the perfect time to "start again fresh" with a global reset of the MCSG, QQ, and SGC leaderboards. In addition, we would offer "Legacy Leaderboards" for historical reference (see below).
But we also acknowledge that some people may wish to continue using the statistics they have been building up for the last 2+ years. Do note that if we continued to use the old statistics, we would not be able to add in new things to track.

Do note that all statistics up to that point would be saved on a separate leaderboards, called the, "Legacy Leaderboards". Here, everyone's old MCSG, SGC, and QQ statistics from V2 to the new update would be saved for players to see. These leaderboards would not be updated, but it would be kept for historical reference.

Argument Summary:
Arguments in favor of a global reset:
    • The current leaderboards are very stacked against new players. Players who have just recently started playing don't have a chance at becoming one of the top 100 players simply because they're competing with players with a year's worth of experience or more.
    • A fresh restart would be fair and fun for everyone. It's fun to start a new game, and a global reset would be like starting a new game for everyone.
    • New competition, level playing field. By having a global reset, everyone's stats start at zero. Not only will this give everyone a chance to be an awesome rank on the leaderboards, but that encourages renewed competition between players as everyone races to be the new top player.
    • New players and interest rejuvenation. Many new competitive players are simply too intimidated to by the long-standing players on the leaderboards. They look at the leaderboards, attempt to climb, and then give up and leave because they can't compete with players with a 2 year head start. But with a restart would give new players a decent chance at competing, allowing them to play longer and become a new member of the community.
    • Legacy Leaderboards is awesome! Anyone who fears that the stats they worked so hard on will be forgotten have nothing to fear. Their effort won't be a waste as their stats are memorialized, and they'll be getting a new leaderboards to work towards again. It's the best of both worlds.
    • New statistics! I love numbers! And we can't have those new numbers if we don't do the reset.
    • Regional Leaderboards, Daily Leaderboards, Monthly Leaderboards, and more! You can't get those with the current system.
Arguments against a global reset:
    • It is not fair to hardcore players who have worked so hard for their stats. Despite the presence of the Legacy Leaderboards, these players want to continue building their stats for the sake of climbing the leaderboards. Resetting their stats would put their effort to waste.
    • By having a global reset, hardcore players will get demoralized that their stats are gone. This may encourage those same players to stop playing, and thus reduce competition ingame.
    • I just don't like change.
Vote Summary:
A vote "Yes" means:
    • Everyone's statistics would be reset upon release of the update, giving everyone a global fresh start with stats on the new system.
    • The new leaderboards will feature a greater number of statistics items due to the a global reset status. This will eventually include Regional, Weekly, and Monthly Leaderboards.
    • The Legacy Leaderboards page would be created to offer historical reference for statistics prior to the update.
A vote "No" means:
    • Everyone's statistics would not be reset upon release of the update. Everyone's stats will be carried over from the previous leaderboards.
    • The new leaderboards will not have any of the new statistics items. The new leaderboards would only track the same statistics that the old leaderboards does. There will also be no Regional/Weekly/Monthly leaderboards.
    • The Legacy Leaderboards page would not be created, as it would be unnecessary.
Questions, Answers, and Clarifications (updated 10/1/2014):
  • Who will make the final decision?
    • Chad will make the final decision, as with all large-level decisions like this. However, rather than blindly making a decision based on his perspective, he wanted to see everyone's opinions of such a plan before making the final decision.
  • When will the Leaderboards Reset Occur?
    • If Chad approves the global reset, the reset will likely occur when the network updates occur. There is currently no set date for when that should be released, but the keyword here is, "sometime soon". We will make an announcement to make everyone aware.
  • Why not create a Lifetime Leaderboards, or two sets of separate dynamic Leaderboards? Something other than Legacy Leaderboards?
    • As stated in this Front-Page Announcement, number-crunching and statistics tracking on a scale that we have requires a lot of server power and resources. In order to accommodate for two different leaderboards systems, we would need to double the cost of the statistics server expenses. In turn, we would need to increase the price of the items on our webstore, which we do not believe would be a worthwhile move. As such, we would prefer to stick with only one statistics system and run with that.
  • Why can't we just augment the current leaderboards with the features of the new leaderboards?
    • Our current leaderboards system is old, almost 2 years old. When it was created, there was no intention for advanced statistics, regional stats, or weekly stats, because those things hadn't been thought of yet. Furthermore, they were coded to a different standard than our current coding abilities. As such, it has proven to be needlessly difficult to add new features to the old leaderboards system. It was decided that starting fresh, with a brand new leaderboards system, would be a better way to implement new features that people have been asking for.
  • Why not just have Regional/Weekly/Monthly leaderboards?
    • We can do those with the new Leaderboards system! But, for the reason stated above, we would not be able to do those on our old Leaderboard system because they weren't designed to include those. As such, we need to use the new leaderboards, and that includes a global reset. So if you want Regional/Weekly/Monthly leaderboards, you must vote Yes!
  • Why not just carry all of the old statistics over to the new leaderboards?
    • Because we would be merging old statistics with some brand new ones, many of the statistics tracking would be unrepresentative. Imagine having a player with 2 years worth of wins, but only a few day's worth of another statistics. It would generally look unprofessional and goofy, and a fresh start would behave and appear much better. In addition, part of the reason we want to do a global reset is to set the record clean for new and old players alike. It's a fresh start for everyone.
  • What are these Legacy Servers everyone talks about?
    • We have no idea! There has never been any mention of any Legacy Servers, only Legacy Leaderboards. So just to clarify: there will be no sort of additional in-game servers based around this decision. Legacy Servers don't exist, but Legacy Leaderboards are a proposal.
  • Why not just give everyone a free stats reset?
    • The answer is highly related to the, "Why not just carry all of the old statistics over to the new leaderboards?" question. Giving the voluntary option of resetting your stats is different than enforcing a global one. Furthermore, it defeats the purpose of a global reset, since not everyone will be reset thus there will be no level playing field for everyone. Simply put, this would not accomplish what we set out to offer, so it is not an option.
  • What about people who purchased Stats Resets recently?
    • As stated in a previous post, those instances are unfortunately a matter of bad timing that we are not responsible for. Someone buying a stats reset prior to the announcement and our decision to do a global reset are separately-occurring events, and we have to treat them as such. Do know, however, that if a global reset is approved, users will be warned ingame of the pending reset; if the users still wish to purchase a reset even with that knowledge, they do so on their own accord.
  • If we had a Legacy Leaderboard, would we have a seperate ingame command to search up Legacy stats? Something like /LStats?
    • Sure. That shouldn't be too hard to add.
  • Can I change my vote in this poll?
    • Yes, you may. There should be a little "Change Your Vote" Button at the top of the thread. I don't think the in-game polling can be changed, however, so you cannot change that vote.
Also, be sure to vote in our in-game poll as well! The results of both polls will be used in the final verdict.

Questions? Comments? Opinions? Feel free to ask them below.
Note: we can only answer questions that pertain to the poll itself. We are not at liberty to discuss the details of the update. You just have to wait for the official announcement.
Pls install antihacks


Feb 25, 2014
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I voted yes, this would make everyone more competitive on MCSG. This way clans would become more popular. There also is a chance of boosting and other ways of cheating.
Thing is, there is so many people that want to be #1 they will have to use hacks to get to the top. I don't want that to happen since there is already too much no-life hackers out there :p


Apr 21, 2013
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Jeez, where are all the arguments for yes? 90% of the posts on this thread are in support of not resetting the leader boards. I hope the people who want the leader board change are seeing the in game vote and thinking they don't need to argue for their side. ):

Anyway, a few quick points I'd like to make:

  • Yes, the leader board reset may introduce more 'tryharders' towards the start, but this isn't a negative point at all. More people playing on the servers is good, not bad.
  • I doubt the amount of boosters and hackers will increase by a noticeable amount. If anything, we may see some more boosters for a little while, but eventually it will just be like it is now.
  • People will complain and whine at first, like with any change, but eventually they will get over it and keep playing. This always happens; change is good.
  • To the people that wish for daily leader boards and so on: they have stated multiple times that it is not possible to do this because their system is out dated. They can do this if the leader boards are reset.
  • Why do people keep saying that this is wasting players' hard work? It doesn't really make sense. Their hard work is going no where. They have all the skill and reputation they have gained through those hours of playing, which is what truly matters, that is going no where. The leader boards is just a bonus to this. The legacy leader boards is a good compromise, they are clearly thinking about the players.
  • Even if the leader boards are not changes now, they will be changed eventually. It is inevitable, there is no way this same leader board will be up and running for the years to come.
Wrong wrong wrong wrong, wronggg


Apr 21, 2013
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Er, I'm not saying you and the others have this rank to show off in ten years, I am simply asking will that rank matter to you in ten years, and pointing out some of the reasons behind choosing one of the two options (the poll options).
I have not voted myself, but have you thought of the other players? the ones who don't aspire to become high because a lot of people have just too many wins to overcome, and that discourages them from playing. Just from looking at it a lot if the competition within mcsg is between the first 200 players (or however many th leaderboards stretch to). How can one person hope to overcome someone who has played for years? (2 I think should be the range though not certain). I know people want to keep the leaderboards the way they are because they do not want all of their hard work for not. However this brings it back to the question, will it matter it to you years from now?
If the number of wins people have 'discourages' them from playing and they just want an easy rank, they should get the hell off the server :) And it doesn't matter if the rank will mean anything to me in a few years, it means something to me now. Ever heard of living in the present, not the past or the future?:p


May 5, 2013
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Jeez, where are all the arguments for yes? 90% of the posts on this thread are in support of not resetting the leader boards. I hope the people who want the leader board change are seeing the in game vote and thinking they don't need to argue for their side. ):

Anyway, a few quick points I'd like to make:

  • Yes, the leader board reset may introduce more 'tryharders' towards the start, but this isn't a negative point at all. More people playing on the servers is good, not bad.
  • I doubt the amount of boosters and hackers will increase by a noticeable amount. If anything, we may see some more boosters for a little while, but eventually it will just be like it is now.
  • People will complain and whine at first, like with any change, but eventually they will get over it and keep playing. This always happens; change is good.
  • To the people that wish for daily leader boards and so on: they have stated multiple times that it is not possible to do this because their system is out dated. They can do this if the leader boards are reset.
  • Why do people keep saying that this is wasting players' hard work? It doesn't really make sense. Their hard work is going no where. They have all the skill and reputation they have gained through those hours of playing, which is what truly matters, that is going no where. The leader boards is just a bonus to this. The legacy leader boards is a good compromise, they are clearly thinking about the players.
  • Even if the leader boards are not changes now, they will be changed eventually. It is inevitable, there is no way this same leader board will be up and running for the years to come.
My boy flop has some good points


Sep 12, 2013
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Jeez, where are all the arguments for yes? 90% of the posts on this thread are in support of not resetting the leader boards. I hope the people who want the leader board change are seeing the in game vote and thinking they don't need to argue for their side. ):

Anyway, a few quick points I'd like to make:

  • Yes, the leader board reset may introduce more 'tryharders' towards the start, but this isn't a negative point at all. More people playing on the servers is good, not bad.
  • I doubt the amount of boosters and hackers will increase by a noticeable amount. If anything, we may see some more boosters for a little while, but eventually it will just be like it is now.
  • People will complain and whine at first, like with any change, but eventually they will get over it and keep playing. This always happens; change is good.
  • To the people that wish for daily leader boards and so on: they have stated multiple times that it is not possible to do this because their system is out dated. They can do this if the leader boards are reset.
  • Why do people keep saying that this is wasting players' hard work? It doesn't really make sense. Their hard work is going no where. They have all the skill and reputation they have gained through those hours of playing, which is what truly matters, that is going no where. The leader boards is just a bonus to this. The legacy leader boards is a good compromise, they are clearly thinking about the players.
  • Even if the leader boards are not changes now, they will be changed eventually. It is inevitable, there is no way this same leader board will be up and running for the years to come.
How can you say it's not wasted time and again, the legacy leaderboards is a terrible exchange for our time and effort. I don't think I've seen one person who's in the top ranks who would like it (other than those who have practically quit playing). I feel like it's a huge waste of time and effort considering I've spent 1 and a half years to get to where I am now why should I need to reset and do it all again?

Oh and believe me the amount of hackers are most definitely going to increase, if it isn't bad enough already.

To the people that wish for daily leader boards and so on: they have stated multiple times that it is not possible to do this because their system is out dated. They can do this if the leader boards are reset.

That is the only good argument for the yes vote in my opinion and the worst argument in my opinion is the "not fair for new players". That one completely throws me because I don't understand how people can say it's not 'fair'. Everyone starting at zero wins sounds fair to me, not people who spent years to get 1000-4000 wins getting reset to zero.
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