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Clan Wars [Season 6]

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Aug 31, 2015
Reaction score
Clan Application:
Clan Name: X
Clan Leader: Dj_Quik SkitThePsyco
How many members are in your clan? 27
How long have you been around? original x= 1 1/2 months, my x- 1 week
Clan Thread? http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/x-us.223114/
Do you agree to all of the Rules? Yes
Clan Application:
Clan Name: Suburban terrorists
Clan Leader: anakin and triple
How many members are in your clan? like 16
How long have you been around? v 1 was made 7/10/15 v2 was made 9/25/15
Clan Thread? http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/suburban-terrorists.223481/
Do you agree to all of the Rules? Yes
Clan Application:
Clan Name: Valor
Clan Leader: Myself
How many members are in your clan? 11, will recruit rands if needed
How long have you been around? 2 years bacca
Clan Thread? www.mcgamer.net/threads/valor-us-clan.118179/
Do you agree to all of the Rules? Yes ma'am
Clan Name: The Saints
Clan Leader: Drake, Miguel, and Airflect
How many members are in your clan? 15 more or less.
How long have you been around? Less than 24 hours.
Clan Thread? http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/the-saints-us-team.223835/
Do you agree to all of the Rules? Yes, I agree to all of the Rules.


Feb 24, 2015
Reaction score
Name: Drake.
IGN: Agilities.
Clan Experience: 2-3 years of clan experience.
Current Clan: The Saints.
Why you deserve to be staff?: [Paragraph Form] I believe that i deserve to be staff in the Clan Wars because I've been around the Clan Scenario for quite a long time. I've been through good and bad times. I have also owned many clans and I've been involved in the clan community for about 2-3 years now. I am also a very active person on forums and just online. Despite of what people have thought about me and still think about me, I would still like the chance to be staff in such an amazing event. I can also record as I do have the full version of Fraps. I also have a good gaming PC running over 300 fps while recording. I am also good at detecting hacks as I have confronted many hackers and know what it is like. Also, I believe some of the Clan Wars Staff might know me like Techaton, since I was in Oblivion with him and Jawsh, since him and I have been in many clans together.


Aug 31, 2015
Reaction score
Name: Drake.
IGN: Agilities.
Clan Experience: 2-3 years of clan experience.
Current Clan: The Saints.
Why you deserve to be staff?: [Paragraph Form] I believe that i deserve to be staff in the Clan Wars because I've been around the Clan Scenario for quite a long time. I've been through good and bad times. I have also owned many clans and I've been involved in the clan community for about 2-3 years now. I am also a very active person on forums and just online. Despite of what people have thought about me and still think about me, I would still like the chance to be staff in such an amazing event. I can also record as I do have the full version of Fraps. I also have a good gaming PC running over 300 fps while recording. I am also good at detecting hacks as I have confronted many hackers and know what it is like. Also, I believe some of the Clan Wars Staff might know me like Techaton, since I was in Oblivion with him and Jawsh, since him and I have been in many clans together.
Recommended cuz fam


Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
Staff Application:

: Param
IGN: Param // Zouken
Age: 17
Clan Experience: Owner of Sparta that was in Clan wars Season 4, Leader in Ancient that was in clan wars 5, Owner of ancient (applied for clan wars 6) , US Clan League Captain, Season 5 Clan wars Referee, Referee'd for over 5 clan tournaments, a mod for 3 months (dealt with a lot of clans)
Why you deserve to be staff?: I deserve this spot for multiple reasons but one of the most important or even significant would have to be the fact that I have a great deal of respect for each and every player. I would ensure that this event goes accordingly to how it was planed. I have no intention of sabotaging this event in anyway as it is something I would love to be a apart of. Another reason to accept me as staff would be my previous position as a moderator, I have spent time on making this server something everyone can enjoy and I want to continue that effort to this event. I also referee'd season 5 clan wars and loved it, that's why I am applying for this wonderful position because I thoroughly enjoyed the last one and would enjoy this one even more, my clan participated in the previous 2 seasons. I will try my absolute best to help you make this event successful, I love clans and this is a perfect way to show it.

jawsh recomend m2 pls <3


Aug 31, 2015
Reaction score
Staff Application:

: Param
IGN: Param // Zouken
Age: 17
Clan Experience: Owner of Sparta that was in Clan wars Season 4, Leader in Ancient that was in clan wars 5, Owner of ancient (applied for clan wars 6) , US Clan League Captain, Season 5 Clan wars Referee, Referee'd for over 5 clan tournaments, a mod for 3 months (dealt with a lot of clans)
Why you deserve to be staff?: I deserve this spot for multiple reasons but one of the most important or even significant would have to be the fact that I have a great deal of respect for each and every player. I would ensure that this event goes accordingly to how it was planed. I have no intention of sabotaging this event in anyway as it is something I would love to be a apart of. Another reason to accept me as staff would be my previous position as a moderator, I have spent time on making this server something everyone can enjoy and I want to continue that effort to this event. I also referee'd season 5 clan wars and loved it, that's why I am applying for this wonderful position because I thoroughly enjoyed the last one and would enjoy this one even more, my clan participated in the previous 2 seasons. I will try my absolute best to help you make this event successful, I love clans and this is a perfect way to show it.

jawsh recomend m2 pls <3
Recommended cuz curry


Mar 1, 2015
Reaction score
Staff Application:

: Param
IGN: Param // Zouken
Age: 17
Clan Experience: Owner of Sparta that was in Clan wars Season 4, Leader in Ancient that was in clan wars 5, Owner of ancient (applied for clan wars 6) , US Clan League Captain, Season 5 Clan wars Referee, Referee'd for over 5 clan tournaments, a mod for 3 months (dealt with a lot of clans)
Why you deserve to be staff?: I deserve this spot for multiple reasons but one of the most important or even significant would have to be the fact that I have a great deal of respect for each and every player. I would ensure that this event goes accordingly to how it was planed. I have no intention of sabotaging this event in anyway as it is something I would love to be a apart of. Another reason to accept me as staff would be my previous position as a moderator, I have spent time on making this server something everyone can enjoy and I want to continue that effort to this event. I also referee'd season 5 clan wars and loved it, that's why I am applying for this wonderful position because I thoroughly enjoyed the last one and would enjoy this one even more, my clan participated in the previous 2 seasons. I will try my absolute best to help you make this event successful, I love clans and this is a perfect way to show it.

jawsh recomend m2 pls <3
sparta pvp


Dec 9, 2014
Reaction score
Techaton I'll tell you why later
Staff Application:

: Param
IGN: Param // Zouken
Age: 17
Clan Experience: Owner of Sparta that was in Clan wars Season 4, Leader in Ancient that was in clan wars 5, Owner of ancient (applied for clan wars 6) , US Clan League Captain, Season 5 Clan wars Referee, Referee'd for over 5 clan tournaments, a mod for 3 months (dealt with a lot of clans)
Why you deserve to be staff?: I deserve this spot for multiple reasons but one of the most important or even significant would have to be the fact that I have a great deal of respect for each and every player. I would ensure that this event goes accordingly to how it was planed. I have no intention of sabotaging this event in anyway as it is something I would love to be a apart of. Another reason to accept me as staff would be my previous position as a moderator, I have spent time on making this server something everyone can enjoy and I want to continue that effort to this event. I also referee'd season 5 clan wars and loved it, that's why I am applying for this wonderful position because I thoroughly enjoyed the last one and would enjoy this one even more, my clan participated in the previous 2 seasons. I will try my absolute best to help you make this event successful, I love clans and this is a perfect way to show it.

jawsh recomend m2 pls <3
Name: Drake.
IGN: Agilities.
Clan Experience: 2-3 years of clan experience.
Current Clan: The Saints.
Why you deserve to be staff?: [Paragraph Form] I believe that i deserve to be staff in the Clan Wars because I've been around the Clan Scenario for quite a long time. I've been through good and bad times. I have also owned many clans and I've been involved in the clan community for about 2-3 years now. I am also a very active person on forums and just online. Despite of what people have thought about me and still think about me, I would still like the chance to be staff in such an amazing event. I can also record as I do have the full version of Fraps. I also have a good gaming PC running over 300 fps while recording. I am also good at detecting hacks as I have confronted many hackers and know what it is like. Also, I believe some of the Clan Wars Staff might know me like Techaton, since I was in Oblivion with him and Jawsh, since him and I have been in many clans together.
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