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Clan Wars [Season 6]

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Aug 29, 2015
Reaction score

"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential...
these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence."
- Confucius

Bracket: Bracket
Youtube: Clan Wars
CW Established: December 1st, 2013

- The tournament will be a Single Elimination Tournament with sixteen clans.
- The Tournament will be hosted on a Private Server.
- A different map will be selected each week from the forum's 'Finished Maps' section. The map will be announced a week in advance of the battles to give teams time to prepare routes during the second of the tournament.
- On the private server, there will be a one minute grace period.
- All battles will be a minimum of a 6v6, 7v7, and 8v8.
- All rounds before the semi finals and finals will be a BO5. The semi finals will be a BO7 and finals will be a BO9.

- Hacking or cheating in any form will not be tolerated in this event. If a member of your clan is caught cheating, your clan will be disqualified from the tournament.
- Players participating in Clan Wars must be a member of your clan. Trial members will not be allowed to play.
- You may play for only one clan for the duration of the tournament. If your clan loses or is disqualified you may not play for another one.
- Do not cause flame on the forums or in game. All issues should be brought to the Clan Wars Staff.
- For a time change to be official, both teams must confirm the date/time change on the thread and with members of Clan Wars Staff (Sr. Staff or higher).
- If there is proof of a server glitch (e.g. Server Crashing, Stopping, Kicking, Invisibility, and Invincibility), the round will be redone.
- All decisions made by Clan Wars Staff are final and must be respected by all clans.

Clan Application:
Clan Name:
Clan Leader:
How many members are in your clan?
How long have you been around?
Clan Thread?
Do you agree to all of the Rules?

Staff Application:
Clan Experience:
Current Clan:
Why you deserve to be staff?: [Paragraph Form]

Recorder Application:
Current Clan:
Do you agree to Upload the videos to a specific CWs YT channel:

IGN | Clan | Forum Account

Techaton | Vendetta | Techaton

Bogen | Rebels | bogen

Sr. Staff
Frog | Vendetta | Frog
Jawsh | Saints | Jawshy
Jake | Vendetta | Sportz

Scout | Emperors | Scout

Rev | Desolate | Trixterzz
Justin | Rebels | Justiinn
Swifty | Vendetta | Swifty
Zouken | Ancient | Zouken
Rocky | Clique | RockstarFilms

Status | Rebels | UpdatinStatus
Sander | Rasclarts | cheezedoodles

Juggerr | Vendetta | Juggernaut
Primeval | Rebels | Primeval

OZ | fexr
X | Dj_Quik
Cereals | Drake
Nobility | Crinkle
Invincible | Tyler
Ancient | Zouken
Xenos | Brndy Soniq
Detention | juanbox87
Valor | SertifiedBlocks

Clique | Mayra Spellyy
Emperors | StealthyGamer
Rebels | Maxy Jccandfriends
Vendetta | Skill Sportz Techaton
Desolate | xDesolate Stabazam

ThePredators | BlacklaasMC PredatorsUS
Rasclarts | RasclartsRELOADED xExtract

1st Round:
- First to 3
- Map: Valedan
- Date: October 17-18th, 2015

Rebels VS Nobility | Rebels Win | 3-0
Valor VS Ancient | Ancient Wins | 3-1
Emperors VS Serenity | Emperors Wins | 3-1
Clique VS Cereals | Clique Wins | 3-1

Vendetta VS Detention | Vendetta Wins | Dqed
Rasclarts VS Invincible | Rasclarts Wins | 3-0
Desolate VS Predators | Desolate Wins | 3-1
Xenos VS OZ | Xenos Wins | 3-1

2nd Round:
- First to 3
- Map: Imperial Venue

- Date: October 24-25th, 2015


Season 1 : Rebels VS Prodigious : Rebels Win : Disqualification
Season 2 : Prodigious VS Rivals : Prodigious Wins : 3 - 1
Season 3 : Triton VS Legacy : Triton Wins : 5 - 3
Season 4 : Destiny VS Rebels : 0 - 0 : RIP in Tech
Season 5 : Rivals VS Triton : Rivals Wins : 5 - 1
Season 6 : TBD

Season 1: Emperors VS Ismerize : Emperors Win : 5 - 0
Last edited:


Sep 29, 2014
Reaction score
tech what happened to u i left so i have no idea
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