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Can we stop...


Jun 29, 2013
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...I didn't really feel like I was being insulting by saying that. I was just trying to provide the the verdict that the Sr. Staff came to. I'm sorry if you feel like I phrased it poorly.

It just occurred to me that you're probably referring to when staff say "ez, gg" etc. I guess it's something that we trust our staff not to abuse, as it can easily branch into something more serious. It's not something that I've ever felt the need to say, but I don't have a very aggressive mentality towards playing. I feel that it's just the nature of the game. I don't feel insulted when I get poked at by people who kill me. And trust me, I die a lot XD
Yes, I get that.
But you see, there are quite some mentally unstable people on the internet (difficulties understanding boudaries etc.) and they can adapt things like "ez" and "rekt", thinking if the staff does it they can do it too, but due to them being mentally unstable they can worsen the situation and go too far, however when it is made clear that behaviour like this is unwanted they will most likely know that if a regular player (in this case not a staff member, I'd hope) is saying things like this they are disobeying the rules.

EDIT: this also goes for some ununderstanding young children on the internet (no offence meant to any young children, it's a specific group of young children that stuggle with understanding boundaries of what'd acceptable and unaccepable)


Feb 6, 2013
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I like the Huahwi threads, they make me laugh because it's funny seeing people still think he's coming back x3 maybe that's just me though.


District 13
Apr 19, 2012
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Im with the Sr. Staff on the Trash Talk topic... as much as it can be annoying, the distance between that and abuse is really big... if someone was following you around servers killing you and also trash talking you then you'd be onto something; but to be honest, and I dont mean this in a bad way, people are too sensitive at the same time, I dont use expressions like that myself, but if someone else uses them on me, yes I can get annoyed sometimes, but I can just ignore it, odds are, I wont ever play another game with that same player, and even if I do, chances are I wont get killed by that same one again.
If you are annoyed by trash talk, which is understandable, try to just laugh at it, even maybe think of some silly comeback to lighten it up, or at the very least, ignore it, no need to get defensive about it because the person who is trash talking might just be joking without bad intentions, or if they do actually want to annoy you, you are just giving them what they want by getting mad at it.


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
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Im with the Sr. Staff on the Trash Talk topic... as much as it can be annoying, the distance between that and abuse is really big... if someone was following you around servers killing you and also trash talking you then you'd be onto something; but to be honest, and I dont mean this in a bad way, people are too sensitive at the same time, I dont use expressions like that myself, but if someone else uses them on me, yes I can get annoyed sometimes, but I can just ignore it, odds are, I wont ever play another game with that same player, and even if I do, chances are I wont get killed by that same one again.
If you are annoyed by trash talk, which is understandable, try to just laugh at it, even maybe think of some silly comeback to lighten it up, or at the very least, ignore it, no need to get defensive about it because the person who is trash talking might just be joking without bad intentions, or if they do actually want to annoy you, you are just giving them what they want by getting mad at it.
Well, the biggest issue is that trash talk is just to hard to control. If the moderators spent all their time on that, the amount of hackers would soar. What I do have a problem with is Sr. Staff using it, because they are just setting a bad example.
Dec 27, 2013
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For one thing, people fanboi over huahwi and that is the reason why they make those threads, second Huahwi may be taking a long needed break, he has a life believe it or not. He will come back once he is ready.

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