• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.



District 13
Feb 19, 2015
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Who would win in a fight; Chad, Col, or you?
Feb 18, 2015
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How much time do you spend actually playing games on the server instead of just working on it?


Jan 22, 2014
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How did you learn coding? And do you make profits from MCGamer? o_O


May 12, 2013
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Most important questions ever:

Favorite type of cookie?

Fish or Fish?


District 13
Jul 1, 2012
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Being an Administrator takes a lot of dedication and time. So how do you juggle school and being an admin? Is it hard or easy?
Honestly, School has *always* come first, its my priority, and MCGamer is what I enjoy doing in my free time. Looking at the logs of my hours in my history, there are sometimes patches where I can tell school got difficult, and there are good times too.

What do you miss most about pvp?
What is your favorite mcgamer memory?
• Miss Most? Probably when I was considered somewhat good way back when... Basically 1.2.5 PVP
• Favorite memory? Being on teamspeak with fellow mods having a karaoke night.

When did you join mcg and how?
Started playing in april, and joined staff in June of 2012. I loved the concept, and couldn't resist the place.

I've never entirely understood your name.
It was explained to me in multiple different ways.
Is it CA made USA or Cah-meh-du-sah?
Well, technically, its pronounced "C Amadeus A" Because its my First Initial, my middle name, and Last initial. But I take "Cahmehdusah" or "CAMuhDayUs".

Hmmmm, what could I ask.. OH! I know!

  • What's your favorite MCG Game Mode?
  • How did you get into coding plugins?
  • What's your favorite map?
  • Do you own a pencil?
• Favorite game mode? I always Liked party time and deadly decent.

• I said hey, I want to learn a new skill, so I asked a friend (granted it was Ava) for a first tutorial, and from there it was self taught.

• In reminiscent mode? SG2, in Playability? Vallyside-University.

• Yes, several.

Are you a hacker, a cheater, or a pleaser?
Oh man the throwback. Ive missed this inside joke. All of the above man!

What kind of music do you listen to, what artists?
Regularly I listen to soft rock generally, with some occasional pop culture mixed in. Ive one hiphop artist I like who is "E-Dubble". But sometimes, when I'm In the mood for it, I can sometimes go for some heavier rock, evanessence, etc.

Who would win in a fight; Chad, Col, or you?
Well, considering they're both grown men, and I'm a highschooler who is frankly still growing, both of them could beat me up I'm sure based purely on size. (Im not that big/bulky) However, if it were based on skill, that would be different.
So, for the last 10 years, I grew up in the ghetto of south Atlanta Georgia, and lets just say the area wasn't so nice. So, I had to learn to defend myself. I can hold my own in an equal fight.

Favorite cereal?
Chocolate Lucky Charms (Unless you count a bowl of only lucky charms marshmallows as cereal)

Is that YoshiYamiYori/1/!??!?! (ily yoshi)

Separate for CAm:
Why did you take down your videos on your channel D:?
Do you love waffles?
Too old and not quite up to par with my standards. I may get back into entertainment when I can get to college and have some peace and quiet.

Yes, I really like waffles. In fact, I own a waffle maker. Like the kind you use at fancy hotels.

How much time do you spend actually playing games on the server instead of just working on it?
Well, I have a few alts to say the least that I play on a good bit. You wouldn't know if it was me tho. So, I play when I can, or when I'm not enveloped in other games.

How did you learn coding? And do you make profits from MCGamer? o_O
Entirely self taught on Java and the Bukkit/Spigot API.

Does MCGamer make Profits? Yeah, we pay for the servers, as there are a lot to host, and whats left goes into a savings fund where interest can be accrued, and saved for a rainy day.

If I were in it to make money, Id have another job, enough said.

Most important questions ever:

Favorite type of cookie?

Fish or Fish?
Well, I once had a Chocolate Chip, chocolate dipped, oreo nutella cookie.

Porque no los dos?

What's your favorite part about being an admin here? :)
Honestly, being able to make a difference, and its to me about trying to provide a good playing experience and making people happy. I love reading stories, wether posted or sent in privately, that our server has been able to help so many people through tough things.

Favourite MC Gamer Badge?
Definitely that three year badge that I'm coming up soon on. (One month away)

Favourite Moderator?
Professionally I don't pick a favorite. Personally, TotalDramaTony is one of my best friends. But thats because he's my friend, not because he's a mod.


May 30, 2014
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What's your best friend within the community?

Do you have a relationship?

Are you a staff member on any other server?


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
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Who was your first friend in the Community?

What made you apply for Staff?

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