This doesn't seem like a very effective way to prevent hackers in my opinion. To show this, I present... Story Time!
A child gets put in time-out for disobeying their mother's rule. The child is annoyed, but soon realizes why their actions were wrong. The child's time-out is lifted, and they are allowed to play again. Problem (hopefully) resolved!
A child gets put in time-out for disobeying their mother's rule. The mother tells the child that they may be removed from time-out if they do 20 jumping jacks. The child proceeds to do as many jumping jacks as possible in as short amount of time as possible, and is let out. The child then learns that they can do whatever they want, at the price of 20 jumping jacks. Problem not solved.
Sorry if these examples seem like they were written by a sleeping 16 year-old. They were.