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A Forums Contest


Feb 24, 2013
Reaction score
MCSG Is Not Just a Community!

I have made a lot of friends through this wonderful and friendly community but the best experience I personally remember is the day I met my group of closest friends whom I play on the MCSG servers with. I remember I was still so new to the whole Minecraft idea, and I could barely figure out how to craft a sword. During this time I found the MCSG servers and decided that I would love to give it a try, since I have seen a bunch of youtubers play the Hunger Games on this server. During this time the MCSG community was holding the PMC Map Contest, and I remember this being my first game ever. I had no chest routes and immediately thought, "think like Katniss" and darted away from spawn as fast as I could. I was being chased by a team of two girls, who I am so proud to say are my best friends to this date. I was so terrified to fight them, so instead I jumped in water and swam around until deathmatch, which by the way scared the crap out of me when I was instantly teleported!

At deathmatch there was the team of two girls, myself, and another team of two, in full iron. So in order to stay alive I teamed with the two girls who had chased me the entire game. I ended up coming in second place after killing the team of full iron and then killing one of the girls. After that we met up in another lobby together and exchanged Skype contacts. They introduced me to all their friends and I had finally found a huge group of 12 people to play multiple games together during my bleak and boring school year. Sadly the group fell apart but I remained friends with the two girls, Taylor and Molly. They have helped me a lot not just to learn about Minecraft but in real life situations. I remember the time I had felt was right to tell my parents about my sexuality, they talked me through it and explained that everything would be okay. They really helped me through a challenging part in my life. Throughout the time I had been playing with these two girls I always thought, "I really can't call them my friends because I don't know them, I can't talk to them outside of electronic devices and we can't exactly hang out." But to be honest I'm so proud to call them my friends. They are the most supportive people in my life. They went out of their ways multiple times to help me in game and out of game.

When the time came for me to tell my parents that I was gay, I remember just moments before Molly and Taylor both called me to give me a pep talk, even though they both had plans, with their family and work. They took the time to motivate me and give me strength to tell my parents that I am homosexual. I cried for a good half hour because I was so touched by their kindness, they are truly the best friends anyone could ask for. I don't think I would have had the courage to tell my parents that day or any other day if it was not for their love and support. Thankfully the conversation with my parents went very smoothly and I was so happy to get this weight of my chest, it was just like Molly and Taylor had told me. I explained to my parents I waited so long to tell them because I believed they would be distraught or ashamed of me, Taylor and Molly helped me through every scenario and allowed me to gain the courage to express myself and open myself to my parents and every loved one. I am so grateful for all their support and love that they have given me.

The most touching memory I can personally think of, is when I had lost my grandmother. I remember that Taylor and Molly spent all night laying in their beds to talk me through this over Skype, they spent an entire night listening to my cry and reminisce about all the little things that made my life better having her with me. They helped me through so many important and hard times in my life that I honestly don't think I would have been able to do by myself or with anyone else. I love these two girls so much that I consider them family with all the things we have been through. And because of this, we have planned to meet and spend an entire week together in Sydney, Australia . If it was not for the MCSG Community and all the hard efforts of the staff to keep the server running, I would never have met such wonderful friends. I owe a lot of thanks to this community and I am so grateful for all the efforts they make to keep this server productive and safe for everyone. If it was not for this community my life would not be the same without these two girls in my life. I am glad that a server like this one exists and allows for people to make bonds such as mine.

I want to thank the MCSG staff for all their hard work and all your efforts to keep this server going. It might just be a game for past time to some people but to me its a gateway for people to step out of their comfort zone and to express themselves and make new friends. I believe that the MSCG community has helped me to express myself and to become a more out going person, I can't express how grateful I am for all your hard work. This community is so supportive and kind, I feel like I make a new friend everyday just from the forums and status updates. Thank you so much for all your help and I appreciate all you have done for this community. Love you all ♡.


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Can I submit something I previously wrote? I wrote a short-ish story about my two year anniversary here a few months ago and I would like to know if I could submit it :3


District 13
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
"One Click"

We all came to this place- this server- expecting to play a game. A game we just so happened to stumble across one day. A game we may have never happened to play if it weren't for that one click.

One click.
One conversation.
One game.
Everyone thinks of something different when asked what their favorite, or simply most memorable experience through this community is.
Maybe it's the first game you played. The confusion, and excitement you felt as you were teleported into the arena, and stood in awe of what surrounded you. The adrenaline rush as you raced towards corn, or away from it.
The feeling of your first kill- your first death.

Maybe it's the first like you received on the forums.
The first clan you joined- the first clan you left.

It could be the nail-biting wait that came with applying for moderator, or the ecstatic feeling of seeing that green "Accepted" tag on your application.

Each and everyone one of us joined this community with nothing. We came here only to play a game, maybe get a few wins, but look what it has become.

Look at all the experiences everyone has talked about here- all the moments- all the opportunities.

My best experience is the day I clicked on the link to this website, and joined a server.
The day one click led to thousands of laughs, thousands of memories, and thousands of opportunities.

The day one click led to some of the best friends I've ever had, and some of the greatest lessons I've ever learned.

It may be one click.
It may be one game-
but it will never be just one experience.

There will come a time when we all have to move on, and although we will leave behind our profiles, and our statistics, we will never leave behind the thousands of memories we've made.

We may lose our love for the game itself, but we will never lose the love for the experiences.
The experiences that have opened up so many doors, shown us so many friendships, and led us to so many

Just one click.

"Even when I'm old and grey, I won't be able to play it, but I'll still love the game."
- Michael Jordan


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
"One Click"

We all came to this place- this server- expecting to play a game. A game we just so happened to stumble across one day. A game we may have never happened to play if it weren't for that one click.

One click.
One conversation.
One game.
Everyone thinks of something different when asked what their favorite, or simply most memorable experience through this community is.
Maybe it's the first game you played. The confusion, and excitement you felt as you were teleported into the arena, and stood in awe of what surrounded you. The adrenaline rush as you raced towards corn, or away from it.
The feeling of your first kill- your first death.

Maybe it's the first like you received on the forums.
The first clan you joined- the first clan you left.

It could be the nail-biting wait that came with applying for moderator, or the ecstatic feeling of seeing that green "Accepted" tag on your application.

Each and everyone one of us joined this community with nothing. We came here only to play a game, maybe get a few wins, but look what it has become.

Look at all the experiences everyone has talked about here- all the moments- all the opportunities.

My best experience is the day I clicked on the link to this website, and joined a server.
The day one click led to thousands of laughs, thousands of memories, and thousands of opportunities.

The day one click led to some of the best friends I've ever had, and some of the greatest lessons I've ever learned.

It may be one click.
It may be one game-
but it will never be just one experience.

There will come a time when we all have to move on, and although we will leave behind our profiles, and our statistics, we will never leave behind the thousands of memories we've made.

We may lose our love for the game itself, but we will never lose the love for the experiences.
The experiences that have opened up so many doors, shown us so many friendships, and led us to so many

Just one click.

"Even when I'm old and grey, I won't be able to play it, but I'll still love the game."
- Michael Jordan
That was impressive.


Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
EyeHasNoIdea's Entry

I happen to be on vacation so I am writing this on mobile, so I can't make this as fancy as I wish.

Sooooo my best mcgamer memory... This occurred perhaps before there was a hub. However I am not quite sure. I played survival games when there was mobs, so it's hard to remember.

It was the original Solar Frost. Blamph was in the lobby. At eleven years old I was probably the biggest fanboy there was. However Solar Frost was not a map I was good at. I was in the lava room when I punch a guy off the parkour. Luckily anything good he had landed on the snow. Since Solar Frost is the smallest map in the world came down to the final four. I was fighting atwatt, a highly skilled player. I used the flint+steel, a tactic not so popular at the time. When I was getting low on health Blamph actually assisted me. He then shot and killed atwatt with an arrow. At that point I rushed in and grabbed all the loot. Blamph asked for a fair fight, and to my surprise I shared the loot. I remember him typing in chat food. I swear I dropped at least 3 apples and then alot more food upon request. Here is the part I laugh at all the time. I am 1v1ing Blamph, and fail to hit him once. Yes, there is a video of me getting ten hearted. After that point I was refreshing his YouTube page like crazy. Finally it was uploaded. I had not realized how much help I was in getting Blamph a decent recording. At the time I was at a party on someone elses YouTube account. In the comments you can read my 11 year old self fanboying like crazy. To this day I have no clue if the person knows I had commented on his account.

This made me want to keep playing mcsg. I was going to quit after having to switch accounts, and not getting as much wins. Today on my account, EyeHasNoIdea, I have nearly 900 wins. About 4x the amount on my original account.

Here is the link to the video. Who knows? Maybe Blamph will come back to YouTube.
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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score

Hello, and welcome to a highly dramatized story, written and directed by a bovine…

Creeping along the edge of the ravine, I crawled forth on my stomach, peering over the edge. Upon locating my target, I edged backwards and brought myself up to a crouch. Breathing quietly, I jogged across the bridge, and notched an arrow. Drawing my bow, I lined it up with my right eye. Exhaling quietly, I released the arrow, and closed my eyes. Upon hearing the cannon signaling a tribute’s death, I lightly stepped back, and escaped into the trees.

Seven arrows left. That’s all I had. I would have to go back and retrieve his sword, or else risk facing close combat virtually unarmed. Tethering my rope to a sturdy tree, I sprinted once again to the edge of the ravine, uncoiling the rope behind me. I can’t stay in the open for long, I told myself, keeping an eye out for any abnormal movements around me.

Rappelling into the ravine was fairly straightforward, but required not only too much time, but too much energy. By the time I reached the bottom, my shoulders burned and my hands were blistered from the rope. Glancing upwards to make sure I wasn’t being followed, I jogged over to the remains of my latest victim. Searching through his corpse was gruesome, but quite necessary. Finding no sword, I silently cursed his soul. Upon emptying a pocket, however, I located two things: a diamond, and a pair of sunglasses. Pocketing the sunglasses, I counted my diamonds; two. It would be just enough for a diamond sword.

Pulling myself back up to where the rope ended, I slowly ascended, and eventually was safe within the peaceful forest. Eating a few carrots, I waited for my pangs of hunger to fade, and in turn my injuries to heal. Time to head to a crafting bench, I suppose, I thought to myself, reflecting on what I found within the ravine.

Checking the area ahead using my compass, I made sure to take several arduous yet entirely necessary detours in order to lose any potential hunters; at the cornucopia, I would be out in the open and easy pickings for anyone with ranged capabilities. I silently stalked into the direct center of the map using an underground tunnel, constantly checking my surroundings. Dashing into the center of the cornucopia towards the crafting bench, I hurriedly crafted my diamond sword. Placing the items in the correct slots, I took a precious moment to marvel in the item that was forming before my eyes.

That is, until I felt a searing pain on my legs. The edges of my vision blurred red and I dropped my diamond sword next to the fire. Pushed away from my only melee weapon, I scrambled to eat a golden apple while a specter danced in front of me. Head jerking and arms flailing, I had encountered a Nodus-user. A powerful drug, if taken in excess it could take over one’s mind, giving them abnormal abilities but also an insane thirst for blood. They must have been sponsored… Drawing two arrows at once, I fired them in quick succession, but missed in my haste. Reaching back, I fired my arrows one by one, eventually running out. There were two arrows lodged within my adversary’s shoulder, and another in their thigh, but they continued to steadily limp towards me. Strafing to their left, I used my last flint and steel in the hope that they would catch fire. Much to my disappointment, the Nodus-user instead tried to find a path around it. I sprinted towards my diamond sword, snatched it up from the ground, and stood tall on my feet.

Pulling out my sunglasses, I equipped the shades and drew my new weapon. A surge of light struck from the sky, and I was nearly knocked away by the ensuing drumroll of thunder. When my eyes recovered from the visual shock, I looked up. Where there was one fire and one tribute, now stood a bonfire and dozens of pieces of burnt flesh lying around. In the center of the bonfire, a grey form stood out. A large metallic hammer, engraved with a single word: Ban.

Falling to my knees, I took in the sight in front of me. Glancing to my left, I noticed something had been added to the chat.

[MCSG] LeafyGreenTea has been banned. Reason: Hacks.
[MCSG] The games have ended!
[MCSG] Mooclan has won the Survival Games.

(http://imgur.com/iaKURD1 If the image doesn't work)

Please note that this story was not based off of a single game, and I never actually encountered LeafyGreenTea. It was fictional, but I hope that it captured my love for the Survival Games. Also, I'm pretty sure Leafy coded his own hacks, but I called it Nodus in the story for simplicity.
If this story does not qualify, as it is not based off a single memory of MCSG, please let me know before the contest ends so that I can write another one, if possible. I would have written it based off of a fond memory, but they all happened so many months ago that almost all of my games have merged into a blur, and I can't seem to recall any individual game. I don't really play MCSG much nowadays, and most of my recent games haven't been very eventful.

Edit: I didn't proofread this, so when I showed it to my little sister, she found two errors. xD thanks lil' sis.
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District 13
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
EyeHasNoIdea's Entry

I happen to be on vacation so I am writing this on mobile, so I can make this as fancy as I wish.

Sooooo my best mcgamer memory... This occurred perhaps before there was a hub. However I am not quite sure. I played survival games when there was mobs, so it's hard to remember.

It was the original Solar Frost. Blamph was in the lobby. At eleven years old I was probably the biggest fanboy there was. down to the final fourt came.d

Edit: Accidently hit post-still writing.
Nice story eye!


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Hello, and welcome to a highly dramatized story, written and directed by a bovine…

Creeping along the edge of the ravine, I crawled forth on my stomach, peering over the edge. Upon locating my target, I edged backwards and brought myself up to a crouch. Breathing quietly, I jogged across the bridge, and drew my bow. Notching an arrow, I drew the yew bow, lining it up with my right eye. Exhaling quietly, I released the arrow, and closed my eyes. Upon hearing the cannon signaling a tribute’s death, I lightly stepped back, and escaped into the trees.

Seven arrows left. That’s all I had. I would have to go back and retrieve his sword, or else risk facing close combat virtually unarmed. Tethering my rope to a sturdy tree, I sprinted once again to the edge of the ravine, uncoiling the rope behind me. I can’t stay in the open for long, I told myself, keeping an eye out for any abnormal movements around me.

Rappelling into the ravine was fairly straightforward, but required not only too much time, but too much energy. By the time I reached the bottom, my shoulders burned and my hands were blistered from the rope. Glancing upwards to make sure I wasn’t being followed, I jogged over to the remains of my latest victim. Searching through his corpse was gruesome, but quite necessary. Finding no sword, I silently cursed his soul. Upon emptying a pocket, however, I located two things: a diamond, and a pair of sunglasses. Pocketing the sunglasses, I counted my diamonds; two. It would be just enough for a diamond sword.

Pulling myself back up to where the rope ended, I slowly ascended, and eventually was safe within the peaceful forest. Eating a few carrots, I waited for my pangs of hunger to settle, and in turn my injuries to heal. Time to head to a crafting bench, I suppose, I thought to myself, reflecting on what I found within the ravine.

Checking the area ahead using my compass, I made sure to take several arduous yet entirely necessary detours in order to lose any potential hunters; at the cornucopia, I would be out in the open and easy pickings for anyone with ranged capabilities. I silently stalked into the direct center of the map using an underground tunnel, constantly checking my surroundings. Dashing into the center of the cornucopia towards the crafting bench, I hurriedly crafted my diamond sword. Placing the items in the correct slots, I took a precious moment to marvel in the item that was forming before my eyes.

That is, until I felt a searing pain on my legs. The edges of my vision blurred red and I dropped my diamond sword next to the fire. Pushed away from my only melee weapon, I scrambled to eat a golden apple while a specter danced in front of me. Head jerking and arms flailing, I had encountered a Nodus-user. A powerful drug, if taken in excess it could take over one’s mind, giving them abnormal abilities but also an insane thirst for blood. They must have been sponsored… Drawing two arrows at once, I fired them in quick succession, but missed in my haste. Reaching back, I fired my arrows one by one, eventually running out. There were two arrows lodged within my adversary’s shoulder, and another in their thigh, but they continued to steadily limp towards me. Strafing to their left, I used my last flint and steel in the hope that they would catch fire. Much to my disappointment, the Nodus-user instead tried to find a path around it. I sprinted towards my diamond sword, snatched it up from the ground, and stood tall on my feet.

Pulling out my sunglasses, I equipped the shades and drew my new weapon. A surge light struck from the sky, and I was nearly knocked away by the ensuing drumroll of thunder. When my eyes recovered from the visual shock, I looked up. Where there was one fire and one tribute, now stood a bonfire and dozens of pieces of burnt flesh lying around. In the center of the bonfire, a grey form stood out. A large metallic hammer, engraved with a single word: Ban.

Falling to my knees, I took in the sight in front of me. Glancing to my left, I noticed something had been added to the chat.

[MCSG] LeafyGreenTea has been banned. Reason: Hacks.
[MCSG] The games have ended!
[MCSG] Mooclan has won the Survival Games.

(http://imgur.com/iaKURD1 If the image doesn't work)

Please note that this story was not based off of a single game, and I never actually encountered LeafyGreenTea. It was fictional, but I hope that it captured my love for the Survival Games. Also, I'm pretty sure Leafy coded his own hacks, but I called it Nodus in the story for simplicity.
If this story does not qualify, as it is not based off a single memory of MCSG, please let me know before the contest ends so that I can write another one, if possible. I would have written it based off of a fond memory, but they all happened so many months ago that almost all of my games have merged into a blur, and I can't seem to recall any individual game. I don't really play MCSG much nowadays, and most of my recent games haven't been very eventful.

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