• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

A Forums Contest


Mar 1, 2013
Reaction score
Here it is, the not-so-anticipated story! I hope you guys enjoy it!

“1 of 24”

By RC_4777​

“RC_4777 has joined the game.”

I was greeted by the blue message as I joined the server. The familiar welcome was my only welcome; no one else paid much attention to me, or I to them. I was 1 of 24. Why should they?

It was just over a week since I had first seen the welcoming text on the Minecraft Survival Games servers. In that short time I had been hooked on this game. The sense of discovery, anticipation, and action was irresistible, and quite fun. Although I had not come out on top of one of the 24-man deathmatches yet, each loss inspired me to try again and win. All I wanted was to be the 1 of 24: the sole survivor, the lone victor.

I was soon teleported onto a pedestal in a circle of 23 others just like it. I looked around at my opponents, and they looked at me. I glanced behind me and over the cluster of trees titanic skyscrapers loomed over me. The clock was winding down. I was faced with a choice: run towards the cornucopia, a deadly zone with great rewards but great danger, or flee into the unfamiliar city.

I rushed forward as fast as I could. Forward into the city that is; what do you think I am, an idiot? I’ve read the books. You never go for the middle. I pushed branches out of my face and sprinted away as fast as I could. I needed to distance myself from the bloodthirsty tributes getting ready to hunt me down. I broke the tree line and came onto a street going around the small park area I had just emerged from. I went left towards another street branching off from the main road I was on. It went farther from the center, exactly where I wanted to go. As I made my way towards the road I noticed other tributes running to other parts of the overgrown urban sprawl, and I could hear cannons signaling the death of other tributes. But I paid them no mind – I needed to keep moving.

A row of buildings lined the street on both sides, covered in dense underbrush and creepers. The street extended to an enormous glass dome that surrounded the whole area and turned to the right. I needed to find cover and hopefully find some chests with food and equipment, so I picked a nice building with large windows. The windows lit up the building so I could see inside but the mess of vines obscured the view of any would-be assassins. As I stepped into the building I saw bookshelves everywhere with a staircase leading up to a second level. I scoured the shelves for anything of value but my search was fruitless. I decided to head up the steps. As I pushed a vine out of the way I saw a small chest at the top of the flight of stairs. I hurried over to it and opened it up. Inside I found some morsels of food, a pair of tough leather pants, and a sharpened wooden axe. I was relieved to find some sort of equipment to defend myself with, even if it wasn’t very advanced. A quick look around the room revealed no other secrets, and I slid down a vine out one of the large back windows.

As my feet hit the ground, I noticed something in my peripheral vision: a quick flash of golden and silver light far to my left. I ducked behind a nearby building and cautiously peered out from my cover. I saw another tribute arrogantly walking around in plain sight, armored with new plates of gold and iron armor. He lazily carried an iron blade in one hand and had a bow and quiver across his back. My heart raced as I hastily got back into cover. I waited a minute in pure panicking, praying he didn’t walk towards me. Eventually I found the courage to peek out again. This time, I saw nothing but a field and run-down buildings. I made sure it was safe, then slowly crossed the field.

I came to a path along a beach as the sun started fading. I felt scared and expose din my lack of cover, and there wasn’t anywhere for me to hide. Then I realized I could hide in the forest across the river during the night to avoid the monsters soon to come. I swam across the river, very thankful that the current was weak. The sun finally set as I went into the forest.

Suddenly, I heard a voice. “Hey, you!”

I quickly turned and faced the stranger. He was holding a wooden axe like my own and was crouching on the beach. “Do you want to team up?”

His question made me nervous; a partner was a valuable asset, but his friendly disposition could be a trap. Still suspicious, I called back to him, “Yeah, sure.”

I swam across the river and walked up to him. As I approached him, I noticed a hint of brown in the sand. I pointed it out to my new teammate and we brushed off the sand, revealing a chest. We opened it and found a thick leather tunic and 2 stone swords. We each took a sword and I took the tunic. We then began to walk together back towards the way I came. Still wary, I decided to walk behind him. I then heard my stomach growl, and realized how hungry I was. I offered my new ally some food, and my partner and I split the few pieces of meat I had. It wasn’t enough.

My teammate decided that he wanted to explore the building next to the one I had entered earlier. He slowly opened the door and, glancing around, made his way up the steps. I began to follow him, but I had my doubts. I couldn’t kill this man like this, but I wasn’t so sure about his morals. I decided that the risk of staying with him was too high to outweigh the benefits, so I quickly ran out the door and ran away, steering clear of monsters on the streets. I silently wished him luck as I made it past a row of buildings.

After a night of evading monsters and slowly going hungry, the sun began to rise as I neared a broken bridge over another part of the river. I jumped at the jolting sound of a cannon blast. I was half asleep because I was so tired. Then an announcement stated that deathmatch would begin in 60 seconds. That woke me up. I had never made it to deathmatch before. I tried to get myself awake and hype myself up for this final battle. The countdown winded to a close. 3… 2… 1…

I was teleported back to the pedestals from earlier. I looked for my opponent and spotted him to my right. It was my old teammate! As much as I didn’t want to, I had to kill him. I steeled myself and the deathmatch began. I rushed towards my opponent, sword raised, yelling like a maniac.

BOOM! H e disappeared and the cannon sound rang out. I stopped in my tracks, confused. What had happened? I then noticed an announcement: “Tribute RC_4777 from District 7 has won the Survival Games!”

What?!? I stood there dumbfounded. I had no explanation; to this day I do not. But suddenly the joy of success filled me. I was the 1 of 24: the sole survivor the lone victor. It was the best feeling in the world.

Now, sitting here, reflecting, I am still the 1 of 24. I have come so far. Even when I do not win, I stick out like a creeper in a cave. I am a VIP, a big shot, the talk of every lobby. People call out for my attention and try to take me down for glory and attention of their own. But even in this network of many VIPs, both of the rank and not, I stand out. I am a familiar face to all forumers and a friend to many. I am the #2 poster of the whole network; I am 1 of 2 million. And while it may seem like some distant title for someone else, we all have the capacity to be 1 of 2 million. The potential is in all of us, from the highest administrators to the lowest tribute. We are all 1 of 2 million; you are 1 of 2 million. Now show everyone else.
Gee gee


Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
story of pics n gingar​

Today ladies and gentlemen, we will be telling you the story of Pix (PixelPancake) and Gingar (Ginger). This story will contain tragedy, romance, murder, and quite a bit of swag. Now lets ge to the tale!!!!1!!111!!!

1 day in the held-in-high-esteem MCGamer Network, PixelPancake was sitting in the MCGamer minigame hub, crying because his girlfriend (4nonhumans) had left him. 4non went to another man named T-Shade, and they got married and had 26 children each named after a letter of the alphabet. Pix was contemplating life, and wondered if he should search for love or let it find him. He decided to relax and calm his nerves but playing the frequently-updated and played gamemode, ZedChase. It was really hard to get into one of the 8 lobbies, since they were so full all the time. Eventually, pix made his way into a lobby. In this lobby, he saw none other than 4nonhumans and T-Shade making sweet love while the game was going on. Our hero broke down into tears and punched a hole in his monitor. He then punched and destroyed his computer, and went to the other room to play Call Of Duty on his Wii. He went to play multiplayer mode and was suprised to only see one other person in the game, OnlyGinger. Pixel thought to himself that this was going to be an easy game, since everyone knows gingers suck at everything. Pix was suprised when he got quickscoped from behind as OnlyGinger proceeded to scream over mic at how terrible he was.




Pix heard these words over and over again, and began thinking of his ex, 4non, and how he said similar things to him. Pixel knew this was a match made in heaven, and immediately added OnlyGinger to his Wii Friends List. OnlyGinger accepted and then they started to talk on WiiChat for hours a week, then those hours a week, became hours a day, then hours a minute, then hours a second! Soon, they were so captivated with love and ecstasy that they decided to meet up IRL. Ginger lived in Haiti, and Pix lived in Switzerland, so Pixel was going to have to kayak over to Gingy’s homeland. It took 6 months, but it was definitely worth it. When our hero arrived, he was greeted by looks of disgust, since Swiss people are so ugly. Pixel just made his way past and went to find Ginger’s house. He took out his ChatNow talking device and called Gingy. Gingy lived in a massive walk in freezer that was attached to the back of some rich dude’s hut.

Pixel n Ginger had their ceremonial greetings and then played Super Smash Brothers on Ginger’s Wii for 9 days straight. After that, Pix propsed to onlyginger with a chicken sandwhich from Chik Fil A. Ginger said yes, but then said he was unfortunately already engaged to the town bully named Tyler. Our hero knew just what to do to keep his new found love. He was going to have to 1v1 this dude on SoupPvP. Pixel kayaked back home, fixed his computer, brought it back to Haiti, and then set up a LAN party with the bully. They logged on and Pixel used his legit Nodus cheats to beat him. After that, Ginger and Pixel had a ceremonial tribal wedding and then had 27 children named each letter of the Alphabet and the last one named “I Hate Allen AKA 4nonhumans”. But Pix never found out about the small Norwegian child Gingar adopted, named “Hugh Laurie”, and stuck into the other 27 children. And everyone lived happily ever after playing Pokemon Showdown.


(Ginger PixelPancake 4non Aipom )
@Tyler I DatPikachu
Last edited:


District 13
Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
story of pics n gingar​

Today ladies and gentlemen, we will be telling you the story of Pix (PixelPancake) and Gingar (Ginger). This story will contain tragedy, romance, murder, and quite a bit of swag. Now lets ge to the tale!!!!1!!111!!!

1 day in the held-in-high-esteem MCGamer Network, PixelPancake was sitting in the MCGamer minigame hub, crying because his girlfriend (4nonhumans) had left him. 4non went to another man named T-Shade, and they got married and had 26 children each named after a letter of the alphabet. Pix was contemplating life, and wondered if he should search for love or let it find him. He decided to relax and calm his nerves but playing the frequently-updated and played gamemode, ZedChase. It was really hard to get into one of the 8 lobbies, since they were so full all the time. Eventually, pix made his way into a lobby. In this lobby, he saw none other than 4nonhumans and T-Shade making sweet love while the game was going on. Our hero broke down into tears and punched a hole in his monitor. He then punched and destroyed his computer, and went to the other room to play Call Of Duty on his Wii. He went to play multiplayer mode and was suprised to only see one other person in the game, OnlyGinger. Pixel thought to himself that this was going to be an easy game, since everyone knows gingers suck at everything. Pix was suprised when he got quickscoped from behind as OnlyGinger proceeded to scream over mic at how terrible he was.




Pix heard these words over and over again, and began thinking of his ex, 4non, and how he said similar things to him. Pixel knew this was a match made in heaven, and immediately added OnlyGinger to his Wii Friends List. OnlyGinger accepted and then they started to talk on WiiChat for hours a week, then those hours a week, became hours a day, then hours a minute, then hours a second! Soon, they were so captivated with love and ecstasy that they decided to meet up IRL. Ginger lived in Haiti, and Pix lived in Switzerland, so Pixel was going to have to kayak over to Gingy’s homeland. It took 6 months, but it was definitely worth it. When our hero arrived, he was greeted by looks of disgust, since Swiss people are so ugly. Pixel just made his way past and went to find Ginger’s house. He took out his ChatNow talking device and called Gingy. Gingy lived in a massive walk in freezer that was attached to the back of some rich dude’s hut.

Pixel n Ginger had their ceremonial greetings and then played Super Smash Brothers on Ginger’s Wii for 9 days straight. After that, Pix propsed to onlyginger with a chicken sandwhich from Chik Fil A. Ginger said yes, but then said he was unfortunately already engaged to the town bully named Chuck Nathan. Our hero knew just what to do to keep his new found love. He was going to have to 1v1 this dude on SoupPvP. Pixel kayaked back home, fixed his computer, brought it back to Haiti, and then set up a LAN party with the bully. They logged on and Pixel used his legit Nodus cheats to beat him. After that, Ginger and Pixel had a ceremonial tribal wedding and then had 27 children named each letter of the Alphabet and the last one named “I Hate Allen AKA 4nonhumans”. But Pix never found out about the small Norwegian child Gingar adopted, named “Hugh Laurie”, and stuck into the other 27 children. And everyone lived happily ever after playing Pokemon Showdown.


(Ginger PixelPancake 4non Aipom )


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
A story that was foretold, of miner9823
A youthful player of the age of a sixth grader, an ambitious child who had wished, and dreamed of great goals, and careers. Possibly becoming an astrophysicist. Or maybe a writer. He would dream of goals of which he would dare to traverse through challenges and trials to succeed in. Despite his unpleasant, and boring birthday with his family of more than twenty people, had he begged and begged to his father to finally purchase Minecraft for his twelfth birthday.

Through years of procrastination and surfing the internet, had that child been inspired to log in to his first ever server of the grand mcsg server for his first, ever time... Thus, began the great journey of miner9823.

His first attempt.
May the games begin! Yelled the announcer, as a vast majority of unfortunate volunteers hastily dashed to the cornucopia. Desperately scavenging tools for survival. The fortunate miner9823 had barely survived the traumatizing bloodbath as he he gazed upon the chaos reigned cornucopia once more, sweat gushing, and dripping down his forehead and fingers as he had watched in horror to beheld by what had happened in the cornucopia. Moments passed after he had stumbled across a hidden chest in the ground. A refreshed, stone sword has been discovered! However, the celebration of an increased survival chance had not lasted, as a savage user, to which he hadn't recognized his name. He had sprinted with fury, dashing and swinging his sword furiously at miner9823. The next brief moment, loud thunder occurred and had the unfortunate miner9823 found himself floating blissfully in the air. Deceased.
Thus he had become a soul of the survival games 4 map. However, the youthful miner9823 was quite stubborn. Always he was eager to continue until the bitter ends. Thus, through optimism he had began to continue playing the great servers of the Minecraft Survival Games!

His Greatest Win.

Desperate competitors hastily dashed to the frozen cornucopia of the Solar frost terrain. Each pushed, shoved, punched one another as they raced towards the cornucopia. A majority of unfortunate players have been struck and have not lasted long within their life span. The remaining tributes that were fortunate enough to survive, which included miner9823, had fled within the frozen caverns and holes that were yet to be discovered with secrets and mystery, or certain death..

miner9823 was unfortunate and had not claimed much from the cornucopia. Food, and resources were scarce and buried deep beneath the icy underground, waiting to be scavenged. A loud thunder had occurred yet once more. Three tributes remain, preparing to start death-match! To the horror miner9823 had seen. Anxious, nervous, yet excited to have survived so long within the treacherous games. Hour-like moments past, and had that unfortunate miner9823 experienced a petrifying ambush. Merely a weakened, wooden sword by his side and leather armour that was equipped. However, panic struck alongside with a great sweetness of fortune, as he barely fought off the vicious tribute and brutally murdering him. miner9823 was weakened, stiff and trembled, shivered alongside with fear and frost. miner9823 hastily prepared himself with gold pants and iron boots. He had discovered a golden apple to which he had planned to save for the final death-match between him, and the possibly tremendously frightening tribute. But had he prepared himself? It was not enough. Ten seconds before death-match! Yelled the announcer.

Whoosh! The remaining tribute and miner9823 had been transported within the icy wastelands that was arena-like. It was unrecognizable. The remaining two had been assigned into miniature igloos. Now was his last hope, the golden apple. He had quickly feasted upon its magical magical, yet golden power. He felt more stronger, yet slightly more confident.
Death-match had begun..

The tribute, and miner9823 had quickly dashed out of his igloo. And gazed upon the glory, and power of what the remaining tribute had beheld. Iron and gold armour, glistening within the snow, a shining gold armour, which represents the many souls it has been struck upon. Thus, the battle for survival raged on, miner9823 was peasant-like, weak and nimble. However, miner9823 had begun striking him closer, and closer to his overestimated demise. Miner9823 has won the survival games! Out of all odds, miner9823 had defied them all. Thus, he had survived a great ordeal, and won. Won his greatest win, all in the courtesy of a magical, golden apple.

Cease to the Hunger Games!
A whole year had past, miner9823 had been unfortunate with winning commonly. He was stubborn, yet desperate not to lose his points, which represented the dignity he had left. Battlegrounds was a seemingly adequate place for him to practice, fight and enjoy combating other players without losing, or gaining anything. He had also discovered the creative server of MCSG, where he had begun socializing, playing, creating and building with wonderful, trustworthy friends. However, miner9823 had rarely played the Hunger Games since then. Has he was once again stated, desperate to conserve the little dignity he had left.

Unfortunately, creative has shut down, and Battlegrounds was still yet to arrive to public. Patiently waiting miner9823 did. Everyday, he would log on and the first action he would do is check on MCSG. But nevertheless, a vast majority of games were shut down, required for development. Only the Hunger Games was still up, and rising to more fame, as it was the only game that was capable of functioning. Those were the dark days for MCSG, although that was merely to miner9823's standards and perspective.

The rising, of MCSG of course!
Alas! A time that was seemingly eternal had passed! Patience, yet worry accompanied miner9823 as he logged on to the MCSG servers. Every time he had logged on, would always have made him cringe with sadness knowing that the server has been downhill. However, the time patiently waiting and idling has passed, there it was. A grand, new spawning area, beautiful and gigantic trees that roamed the spawn. Great pillars mounted the skies to the limit. It was a glamorous, a magnificent sight. It had felt to him that MCSG has been reborn, a community, that rose from ashes. Despite that the dark times for miner9823 had never occurred. He was absolutely overjoyed to witness the server anew.

Unfortunately, a majority of game types were yet, still temporarily disabled. However, Battlegrounds was online, updated, anew. "I wonder what Battlegrounds has to offer!" Whispered miner9823, as he began to approach the signs, which lead him to the great, Kitpvp servers. However, for miner9823, he was yet, still youthful, and new to the server, and had issues to adapting to it. But that had not stopped him from playing.

Despite creative closed down, and categorized as a social meeting area, miner9823 has met and fought with good friends in Battlegrounds, and although he rarely contributed the the Survival Games, he was still eager to play when his friends offered him, which caused fortune for him, as one game, he had begun playing on breeze island. May the games begin! The announcer once more yelled. Thus, they swam for the cornucopia, they had punched, pushed, shoved, and drowned players to finally guide themselves to the center of the arena.

Throughout the game, miner9823 had played, looted, and killed. However, the moment came when he had been chased by a vicious player, an announcement mysteriously popped up in to the screen of the chat. "Creative is back online after several months of fixing it! We apologize for the long wait!" He was absolutely overjoyed. Despite he had gotten himself killed once more in the Hunger games, he immediately rushed towards the creative server. Desperate to reunite with old friends, and old projects..

Creative reborn. Unfortunate, or Fortunate?
The moment of rejoice had not lasted for long. Despite his greatest efforts of searching, miner9823 had lost everything. His friends have disappeared off in to the midst, never to reunite. His projects were absolutely obliterated out of existence as they had updated the creative server, in to a more civil, organised, and lag free environment. However, through deep sorrow, and thick, muddy regret and misery miner9823 was in. He had thought...
"This could possibly help me make a fresh start. I must try to move on."
Thus, he had done so, he had slowly adapted himself in the anew environments of creative, having the realization that new rules have been applied. Like redstone use is not permitted, along with bonemeal and saplings. Although it was self-explanatory to why they have disabled it for mediocre users.

Through miner9823's time in creative, he had met a vast majority of players who were kind, considerate. His own, dreamlike virtual reality had become true within the range of merely a computer screen! He had met great friends, celebrities, even great friends who were celebrities like StanMiniShow and StewartMiniShow. Who were absolutely incredible builders, and absolutely warm hearted and kind.

Friends he built with, and friends he chatted with, like Snife777, Momoray18, Infinity_Dragons, and many more. Thus it had inspired him to finally have a voice, contribute to Teamspeak. A brand new challenge to overcome..

Hello, Old friend.
Teamspeak was a challenge indeed. He had felt far too shy to even murmur a greeting, he had no voice of saying, as he had always assumed himself awkward, weak. Although Momoray18, she was a special person. She had the courage, the heart of a lioness to guide miner9823 through the servers anew, that were far too much for miner9823 to bear. But she had supported him, she had found his voice.

Nothing better could happen, everything was absolutely perfect for miner9823. He had succeeded, however, during his time building with his good friends, a message popped up in his screen, saying... "Hey! Do you remember me? I'm ER123123123. I used a friend's account, but now this is my real one!" Whispered Miss_Electric. Hello, old friend, miner9823 had cried of joy. He had the greatest fortune to meet his good, old friend again. They had rebuilt their relationship, she got better at building the last time they met, he made a mountain for her, as she placed a youthful poppy on the peak. It was a moment to never forget.

Myself today, Myself tomorrow.
Thus had come to yet another chapter's end of miner9823's story. He had experienced the pessimistic, yet the optimistic values of what was beheld towards the MCSG servers. An ambition had arose anew. To change the servers for the best, to finally make the perfect community. To become a moderator, and help those in need, and bring justice to those who shall be served it. To contribute the vast developing community, and serve it loyally.

There are journeys still yet ahead for the youthful miner9823, youthful, weak, and nimble. But his imagination, and ambition shan't fade away. Thus, was his great experiences in the servers of Minecraft Survival Games.

Thank you for reading. :)
Woa! I think this is the first 3rd person story! Nice ;)


Mar 14, 2014
Reaction score
A few clicks

I join a lobby; unaware of what lies ahead, I glance at the countdown as that scene changes. I spawn in unfamiliar terrain; I have no knowledge of the arena and have no tactic of winning. Beads of sweat gather on my forehead, players are dashing towards spawn, uncertain of where to go I move away from the chaos and go my own route. I spot several chests all containing unwanted loot, I am way to under-geared to fight and am struggling with food. Lighting is echoing across the map as players are quickly dying. I am trudging across the landscape until suddenly I see a team; they are equipping armor and picking up loot, most likely from a player they just killed. I head the other direction with only the memory of their names. Disappointed that I might have to fight them later I decide to use my only iron to craft a flint and steel. After my encounter I carry on in the search for chests. I kill a few players, all under-geared so I barely benefit from there death. The map looks dystopian; the terrain is wrecked by some sort of attack and is spotted with traps, which makes it difficult to navigate. Past a trap I find a tier 2 chest, I iron legs and helmet and a golden apple, which can be a game changing asset. 60 seconds remain, and the scene changes. I glance to my side and see the team; they both are equipped with full iron armor and rush at me. I fend one of them off with an arrow shot, knocking him back slightly but not far enough for him to miss his hit. I run around corn, stopping once in a while to shoot an arrow. I stop and rush one of the players, getting many critical hits on him. His teammate knocks me back but I quickly set him on fire. They back up as I lunge forwards finishing one of the players. It is at this moment in the game that I am very low; I eat my golden apple which regenerates most my hearts. Adrenaline rushes through my body, my heart beats faster and with a few clicks I win. A few clicks, that’s all gaming really is, but for us it’s so much more.


Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
Here it is, the not-so-anticipated story! I hope you guys enjoy it!

“1 of 24”

By RC_4777​

“RC_4777 has joined the game.”

I was greeted by the blue message as I joined the server. The familiar welcome was my only welcome; no one else paid much attention to me, or I to them. I was 1 of 24. Why should they?

It was just over a week since I had first seen the welcoming text on the Minecraft Survival Games servers. In that short time I had been hooked on this game. The sense of discovery, anticipation, and action was irresistible, and quite fun. Although I had not come out on top of one of the 24-man deathmatches yet, each loss inspired me to try again and win. All I wanted was to be the 1 of 24: the sole survivor, the lone victor.

I was soon teleported onto a pedestal in a circle of 23 others just like it. I looked around at my opponents, and they looked at me. I glanced behind me and over the cluster of trees titanic skyscrapers loomed over me. The clock was winding down. I was faced with a choice: run towards the cornucopia, a deadly zone with great rewards but great danger, or flee into the unfamiliar city.

I rushed forward as fast as I could. Forward into the city that is; what do you think I am, an idiot? I’ve read the books. You never go for the middle. I pushed branches out of my face and sprinted away as fast as I could. I needed to distance myself from the bloodthirsty tributes getting ready to hunt me down. I broke the tree line and came onto a street going around the small park area I had just emerged from. I went left towards another street branching off from the main road I was on. It went farther from the center, exactly where I wanted to go. As I made my way towards the road I noticed other tributes running to other parts of the overgrown urban sprawl, and I could hear cannons signaling the death of other tributes. But I paid them no mind – I needed to keep moving.

A row of buildings lined the street on both sides, covered in dense underbrush and creepers. The street extended to an enormous glass dome that surrounded the whole area and turned to the right. I needed to find cover and hopefully find some chests with food and equipment, so I picked a nice building with large windows. The windows lit up the building so I could see inside, but the mess of vines obscured the view of any would-be assassins. As I stepped into the building I saw bookshelves everywhere, and a staircase leading up to a second level. I scoured the shelves for anything of value but my search was fruitless. I decided to head up the steps. As I pushed a vine out of the way I saw a small chest at the top of the flight of stairs. I hurried over to it and opened it up. Inside I found some morsels of food, a pair of tough leather pants, and a sharpened wooden axe. I was relieved to find some sort of equipment to defend myself with, even if it wasn’t very advanced. A quick look around the room revealed no other secrets, and I slid down a vine out one of the large back windows.

As my feet hit the ground, I noticed something in my peripheral vision: a quick flash of golden and silver light far to my left. I ducked behind a nearby building and cautiously peered out from my corner. I saw another tribute arrogantly walking around in plain sight, armored with new plates of gold and iron armor. He lazily carried an iron blade in one hand and had a bow and quiver across his back. My heart raced as I hastily got back into cover. I waited a minute in pure panicking, praying he didn’t walk towards me. Eventually I found the courage to peek out again. This time, I saw nothing but a field and run-down buildings. I made sure it was safe, then slowly crossed the field.

I came to a path along the sandy bank of a river as the sun started fading. I felt scared and exposed in my lack of cover, and there wasn’t anywhere for me to hide. Then I realized I could hide in the forest across the river during the night to avoid the monsters soon to come. I swam across the river, very thankful that the current was weak. The sun finally set as I went into the forest.

Suddenly, I heard a voice. “Hey, you!”

I quickly turned and faced the stranger. He was holding a wooden axe like my own and was crouching on the beach. “Do you want to team up?”

His question made me nervous; a partner was a valuable asset, but his friendly disposition could be a trap. Still suspicious, I called back to him, “Yeah, sure.”

I swam across the river and walked up to him. As I approached him, I noticed a hint of brown in the sand. I pointed it out to my new teammate and we brushed off the sand, revealing a chest. We opened it and found a thick leather tunic and 2 stone swords. We each took a sword and I took the tunic. We then began to walk together back towards the way I came. Still wary of betrayal, I decided to walk behind him. I then heard my stomach growl, and realized how hungry I was. I offered my new ally some food, and my partner and I split the few pieces of meat I had. It wasn’t enough.

My teammate decided that he wanted to explore the building next to the one I had entered earlier. He slowly opened the door and, glancing around, made his way up the steps. I began to follow him, but I had my doubts. I couldn’t literally stab this man in the back, but I wasn’t so sure about his morals. I decided that the risk of staying with him was too high to outweigh the benefits, so I quickly hurried out the door and ran away, steering clear of monsters on the streets. I silently wished him luck as I made it past a row of buildings.

After a night of evading monsters and slowly going hungry, the sun began to rise as I neared a broken bridge over another part of the river. I jumped at the jolting sound of a cannon blast. I was half asleep because I was so tired. Then an announcement stated that deathmatch would begin in 60 seconds. That woke me up. I had never made it to deathmatch before. I tried to get myself awake and hype myself up for this final battle. The countdown winded to a close. 3… 2… 1…

I was teleported back to the pedestals from earlier. I looked for my opponent and spotted him to my right. It was my old teammate! As much as I didn’t want to, I had to kill him. I steeled myself and the deathmatch began. I rushed towards my opponent, sword raised, yelling like a maniac.

BOOM! He disappeared and the cannon sound rang out. I stopped in my tracks, confused. What had happened? I then noticed an announcement: “Tribute RC_4777 from District 7 has won the Survival Games!”

What?!? I stood there dumbfounded. I had no explanation; to this day I do not. But suddenly the joy of success filled me. I was the 1 of 24: the sole survivor the lone victor. It was the best feeling in the world.

Now, sitting here, reflecting, I am still the 1 of 24. I have come so far. Even when I do not win, I stick out like a creeper in a cave. I am a VIP, a big shot, the talk of every lobby. People call out for my attention and try to take me down for glory and attention of their own. But even in this network of many VIPs, both of the rank and not, I stand out. I am a familiar face to all forumers and a friend to many. I am the #2 poster of the whole network; I am 1 of 2 million. And while it may seem like some distant title for someone else, we all have the capacity to be 1 of 2 million. The potential is in all of us, from the highest administrators to the lowest tribute. We are all 1 of 2 million; you are 1 of 2 million. Now show everyone else.
Why RC? ;-;

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