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A controversial post - Mods and hackers.


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
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Perhaps we're on another computer apart from our regular one temporarily? You're right that we need to be able to record, but there are times when it just isn't possible.
That is 100% fair enough and I accept sometimes there is reasons you cannot record but on the point of fraps not working or memory too full you Connor disagree with me :)


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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I've been on the TeamSpeak a little bit today, and I found a surprising number of Moderators who had [On Leave], but were still on the TeamSpeak, and one of them was actually performing Mod duties by banning someone off of the TS. This made me wonder... Is he/she really "On Leave"?
As stated,
Mod on leave: Very many mods have school, a social life and other things they need to maintain. I for one, used a leave of absence to study up for Spanish, Math and science tests, and that was for three days. But i also have the threat that if any of my grade are below a 3.0 (B) i have to quit minecraft for two months, and can only moderate forums, and occasionally game. Mods on leave you can't really make assumptions about until you have understood what is going on.
A L.o.A should be used to do things other than MCGamer duties. Staff: If you're going to be on the network but say that you're on a L.o.A, doesn't that mean that you're just Off-Duty?
Perhaps this is a bit picky, you could say, as in this sort of case all they're doing is using the On Leave rank as a substitute for [Off-Duty], but there should be a clear difference between the two.
It is my understanding that in a real job, a Leave of Absence is used to take care of pressing and personal issues, such as health concerns or family emergencies. As a young staff member and student, it could also be used in order to maintain dropping grades or long-term familial responsibilities.
In comparison, being "Off Duty" is simply when you don't want to deal with your voluntary duties as a Moderator. It's for times when you just want to be a regular player and not have to worry about responsibilities.

Personally, a small way to change this is taking preemptive steps in the staff application process.
For example, in the application, there could be a section such as "Are you expecting to be gone for a long span of time within the next four months?"
In addition, within the Interview itself, the interviewers could as the interviewee a similar question.

If a staff member can't record, it makes me question what on Earth they're doing.
However, it does remind me of situations where I haven't been able to log in or record.
- Conflicts with parents preventing me from logging in (Basically, if I do they'll kick me off of the computer. xD)
- If I'm streaming, I can't record, as opening one program crashes the other one.
- Minecraft servers are down?
- If I'm on only my laptop, which can't record. Desktop can, laptop can't. Luckily, they're right next to each other on my desk. I'm actually typing on my laptop right now. (Click the bold text if you wanna see a picture :3)
- Desktop lagging? :S But then I usually just restart it
- Strict time restraints, if I have somewhere to be or someone to meet soon.
- If I'm making a post that I'm really motivated to finish >.>
- Playing League of Legends :3
So I guess there are quite a few different circumstances in which Mods can't record. Luckily, I don't see many Mods with the [Can't Record] tag, but then again I don't really go on TS that often.

If a Moderator doesn't respond to the poke, I usually check their Idle time after around 15 seconds.
If anyone isn't aware of how to check a person's Idle Time (Time since they've last interacted with TeamSpeak), it's done by middle clicking with the scroll wheel on their name, which opens a miniature window which displays a bit of the person's connection information such as Idle Time.

If I see that the Mod is still active and hasn't responded to my poke within a good ~30 seconds, I try poking them again with a bit more urgency. Still ignored? Then I go to a Senior Mod, with screenshots of when I poked and proof that they aren't AFK.
Luckily, I don't usually have to do this, for a few possible reasons:
- I poke only Moderators that I know or have heard of from the forums. I am of the personal opinion that they're often friendlier and more mature. In addition, most Forum-Mods are acquainted with my name, and might be less likely to assume that I'm a "randy" who won't report them. (This sort of goes with the whole "Prominent Forumer" thing. One of the perks of being in the MCGamer Awards! :p)
- Don't poke Moderators who have unusual tags like [Don't Poke]/[Off Duty] etc., look like they're currently dealing with someone, or are talking to a higher-up staff member. Generally, these people are busy, which isn't a surprise. If you want to poke a Mod who's more likely to be available, look at the "Available" channel first. If that's empty, then look at some of the regular Moderator Chats.
- Using good grammar, being polite, and being reasonable is a great way to have someone take you seriously. It implies that you're older and mature, and more likely to see a real rule-breaker rather than sending in a false report.
- Do not request the assistance of Moderators who are in Meeting Rooms or DND Channels.

There are a few types of DND channels on the MCGamer TeamSpeak.
- Recording - [DND]
- Staff DND
Yesterday, I actually went into a Recording lounge and started recording my TeamSpeak window. Within minutes, there was already a number of trolls who joined the channel and were goofing off. I called in a friendly face, Whiteipad2, and had a bit more fun with them before sending them off to the land of the banned. (Hey, that rhymed! :eek:)
I guess that just goes to show how widespread irresponsibility is on the TeamSpeak... :(

However, Staff DND channels are entirely different, and labeled DND for a different reason.
(By the way, DND = Do Not Disturb for those of you who don't know.)
As a person who doesn't really associate with Staff on TS much, as I just don't go on the TS at all very often, I can't really say much on this, so please do correct me if I'm wrong.
If you don't want to be bothered on the TeamSpeak, why are you even on there at all?
- If you're sleeping... LOG OFF! o_O It's a waste of electricity for you and the server, and burns out your computer faster. Why bother staying online?
- If you're eating, just go to the AFK room... This isn't Instagram, where you have to let everyone know when and what you're eating.
If you're actually using the DND channel correctly, then go for it. But if you're using it for silly reasons like that... it could be said that you're unnecessarily flaunting your powers.

:eek: whoa, I started writing an hour ago.
Last edited:


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
I agree with most of this, 1/3 times I seem to find myself looking for a second mod to poke on TS because the first one either didn't reply or said they can't for some reason. I won't go into detail on anything else because it's late, but I've seen all of these things as well.
Mooclan you forgot to delete your reference.
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
This post is true for the most part.
I wonder how Darkrai was like when he was mod
I remember dq being a mod when i first joined when i saw his grammar i thought English was his second language but when i saw the thread back a couple days ago i saw he was joking so mods like that should be demoted. But Like Mooclan said its not true all the time there are mods that are really active in-game and the forums and there are mod that hasn't been active since 28 September


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
  • Mods on leave.
  • Mods that cant record.
  • Mods not responding to pokes.
  • DND Channels.
^^ Using this list for reference. If I don't delete it before I make this post, please remind me to edit it :p

I've been on the TeamSpeak a little bit today, and I found a surprising number of Moderators who had [On Leave], but were still on the TeamSpeak, and one of them was actually performing Mod duties by banning someone off of the TS. This made me wonder... Is he/she really "On Leave"?
As stated,

A L.o.A should be used to do things other than MCGamer duties. Staff: If you're going to be on the network but say that you're on a L.o.A, doesn't that mean that you're just Off-Duty?
Perhaps this is a bit picky, you could say, as in this sort of case all they're doing is using the On Leave rank as a substitute for [Off-Duty], but there should be a clear difference between the two.
It is my understanding that in a real job, a Leave of Absence is used to take care of pressing and personal issues, such as health concerns or family emergencies. As a young staff member and student, it could also be used in order to maintain dropping grades or long-term familial responsibilities.
In comparison, being "Off Duty" is simply when you don't want to deal with your voluntary duties as a Moderator. It's for times when you just want to be a regular player and not have to worry about responsibilities.

Personally, a small way to change this is taking preemptive steps in the staff application process.
For example, in the application, there could be a section such as "Are you expecting to be gone for a long span of time within the next four months?"
In addition, within the Interview itself, the interviewers could as the interviewee a similar question.

If a staff member can't record, it makes me question what on Earth they're doing.
However, it does remind me of situations where I haven't been able to log in or record.
- Conflicts with parents preventing me from logging in (Basically, if I do they'll kick me off of the computer. xD)
- If I'm streaming, I can't record, as opening one program crashes the other one.
- Minecraft servers are down?
- If I'm on only my laptop, which can't record. Desktop can, laptop can't. Luckily, they're right next to each other on my desk. I'm actually typing on my laptop right now. (Click the bold text if you wanna see a picture :3)
- Desktop lagging? :S But then I usually just restart it
- Strict time restraints, if I have somewhere to be or someone to meet soon.
- If I'm making a post that I'm really motivated to finish >.>
- Playing League of Legends :3
So I guess there are quite a few different circumstances in which Mods can't record. Luckily, I don't see many Mods with the [Can't Record] tag, but then again I don't really go on TS that often.

If a Moderator doesn't respond to the poke, I usually check their Idle time after around 15 seconds.
If anyone isn't aware of how to check a person's Idle Time (Time since they've last interacted with TeamSpeak), it's done by middle clicking with the scroll wheel on their name, which opens a miniature window which displays a bit of the person's connection information such as Idle Time.

If I see that the Mod is still active and hasn't responded to my poke within a good ~30 seconds, I try poking them again with a bit more urgency. Still ignored? Then I go to a Senior Mod, with screenshots of when I poked and proof that they aren't AFK.
Luckily, I don't usually have to do this, for a few possible reasons:
- I poke only Moderators that I know or have heard of from the forums. I am of the personal opinion that they're often friendlier and more mature. In addition, most Forum-Mods are acquainted with my name, and might be less likely to assume that I'm a "randy" who won't report them. (This sort of goes with the whole "Prominent Forumer" thing. One of the perks of being in the MCGamer Awards! :p)
- Don't poke Moderators who have unusual tags like [Don't Poke]/[Off Duty] etc., look like they're currently dealing with someone, or are talking to a higher-up staff member. Generally, these people are busy, which isn't a surprise. If you want to poke a Mod who's more likely to be available, look at the "Available" channel first. If that's empty, then look at some of the regular Moderator Chats.
- Using good grammar, being polite, and being reasonable is a great way to have someone take you seriously. It implies that you're older and mature, and more likely to see a real rule-breaker rather than sending in a false report.
- Do not request the assistance of Moderators who are in Meeting Rooms or DND Channels.

There are a few types of DND channels on the MCGamer TeamSpeak.
- Recording - [DND]
- Staff DND
Yesterday, I actually went into a Recording lounge and started recording my TeamSpeak window. Within minutes, there was already a number of trolls who joined the channel and were goofing off. I called in a friendly face, Whiteipad2, and had a bit more fun with them before sending them off to the land of the banned. (Hey, that rhymed! :eek:)
I guess that just goes to show how widespread irresponsibility is on the TeamSpeak... :(

However, Staff DND channels are entirely different, and labeled DND for a different reason.
(By the way, DND = Do Not Disturb for those of you who don't know.)
As a person who doesn't really associate with Staff on TS much, as I just don't go on the TS at all very often, I can't really say much on this, so please do correct me if I'm wrong.
If you don't want to be bothered on the TeamSpeak, why are you even on there at all?
- If you're sleeping... LOG OFF! o_O It's a waste of electricity for you and the server, and burns out your computer faster. Why bother staying online?
- If you're eating, just go to the AFK room... This isn't Instagram, where you have to let everyone know when and what you're eating.
If you're actually using the DND channel correctly, then go for it. But if you're using it for silly reasons like that... it could be said that you're unnecessarily flaunting your powers.

:eek: whoa, I started writing an hour ago.
Posts like these do indeed deserve a multi-like button.
Also, with the moderators who do [On leave], what if they have mistaken [Off duty] with that? Yet again it would be quite an unlikely case, and I've got to admit, you have a pretty advanced desktop! It looks wonderful. c:


Sep 21, 2013
Reaction score
Haha one day my friend poked a mod about a hacker.

First Poke >> 30 seconds later >> No Response

Second Poke >> 30 seconds later >> No Response

Third Poke (He told the mod that he's gonna report for not responding) >> 20 seconds later >> The Mod comes >> 30 Seconds Later the mod leaves.

It definitely needs some improvements. :p

  • Mods that cant record.
  • Mods not responding to pokes.
^ I personally think these ruin the moral of the Staff :3


May 12, 2013
Reaction score
Mods on leave: My opinion, If you are on leave, why are you even on teamspeak? Usually this was for, taking a vacation somewheres, or being really sick. Not just to have more time talking to other mods without doing your volunteer job. If you are on ts, able to record, while on leave, and someone pokes you, you should be able to respond to them.

I know when Tal was on leave for the last month of his moderation, he didn't put on leave in his name at all. Because he was still able to record, he was still able to answer any questions.

If you are going to be on leave, just go talk to your friends on another ts, or Skype.

Mods that can't record: If you are on a device, that isn't your computer, i.e your phone, tablet, whatever that doesn't have a recording software, I understand. I've notice that going towards night time, in any region that mods put this because maybe their internet is slower with so many people using it around them. This doesn't stop you from recording, and uploading later. Also if your fraps isn't working, there are MANY other recording software for FREE on the internet. Ask around, many people use them.

Mods not responding to pokes: If someone pokes you with a hacker, just respond to them, even if you can't go them, get another mod to. Unless you are afk, I understand, but you have no reason as to why you can't respond with a simple poke "on my way" or "can't atm" or "getting another mod to go :) " just something so people don't have to spam every mod on the ts.

DND Channels: These get abused TOO TOO much. I know that at one point sometime ago, not that long ago, everyone that was on the ts that was staff was in a DND channel. Like come on. Can't someone put in their name something on the lines of "Poke me IF needed" just because if they actually look, they are the only ones on. I find this to occur in early mornings in US region/afternoon in EU sometimes. Also some people just put DND to talk to their friends. YOU are SOMETIMES are playing Minecraft. If you really want to be DND just go to another ts, or even Skype so no one will bother you.


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
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I will add another point to this discussion. If you watch Huahwi's episode #109, it seemed that mods were abusing their powers, and announcing that a disguised Huahwi was in the game.


Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
I will add another point to this discussion. If you watch Huahwi's episode #109, it seemed that mods were abusing their powers, and announcing that a disguised Huahwi was in the game.
and apparently announcing that a disguised player is "for example Huahwi" is against the rules. =DDD


I skimmed through everything, but I'm going to try to make a few points that I think I did not see.

In my personal opinion, if one wishes to have a personal conversation without being pestered about moderator duties, they can simply join a different TeamSpeak server or use Skype. When a Moderator is on TeamSpeak, players will ask them for assistance, as they signed up to do. Often times the Moderators (specifically Sr. Mods) seem to completely ignore you. Some mods may even mislead players by their tags on TeamSpeak, which brings me to my next point...

Even if you are unable to record, log on, review, etc... you are most certainly able to reply. If you're incapable of performing any of your moderator duties, you should at least inform the person requesting assistance to prevent future complications. Nobody knows when you may be demoted from your staff position for simply being lazy.

I feel the need to elaborate on both points, but I feel that what I wrote will suffice for now.

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