Minecraft Name: Orym or blue_heron
Age: 14
Skype Name: omersiegel
Time Zone: PST
Are you familiar with Voxel Sniper and/or WorldEdit (No WorldPainter)? Mhmm
What part of terraforming are you best at (pick three from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
[ ] Drastic Terrain Changes (Cliffs, Holes, etc)
[ X] Gradual Changes (Mountains, Larger Hills, etc)
[ ] Slight Hills
[ ] Custom Terraformed Trees
[ ] Water themed (Rivers, Lakes, etc)
[ ] Fine Details (Working terraforming into smaller spaces)
[ ] Terrain Variation (Different Materials with splatter commands, etc)
[ ] Ideas (what terraforming what be best in certain situtions)
[X ] Execution and Space Management (When given a huge task, allotting space correcting)
[X ] Custom Features (Arches, etc)
Provide pictures of videos of the two categories chosen above that you have done:
Are you in another build team? No.
Have you ever been in another build team (if so, which one/ones)? None/
Have you ever helped with another map that has made it onto the servers (if so, which one/ones and tell ALL of what you did on it)? I helped test Valleyside and give some constructive criticism, and tried to put in an easter egg, but besides that, no.
Are you willing to do a trial of terraforming if accepted? Of course/