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Tutorial on Dealing with Teams

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District 13
Jul 13, 2012
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Recently in Minecraft Survival Games teaming has become an increasingly difficult disadvantage to overcome, especially when multiple teams are dominating the arena. These teams could easily affect your chances of capturing the corn or create other annoying displeasures; ultimately shortening your chances of winning. This guide will hopefully equip you with the knowledge and the tools to tend to these battles with the right skilled mindset, and strategies.

No guide can absolutely guarantee success, but this one will try and give some tips on scenario battles—battles that contain multiple variables.

1.Most common scenario: Typical teamed Cornucopia campers.

When returning to the Cornucopia, assume the worst possible scenario, thus be sure you equipped with decent armor and weaponry. (At worst this armor should be a leather tunic and pants.) Make sure you have a long distance weapon, preferably a bow with a few arrows or maybe the occasional fishing rod approach. And lastly, but probably the most important bit, be sure you have a stone sword or better, you are most likely not going to win over the corn with a wooden sword, unless you have some fine armor. I also suggest you arrive at corn sooner rather than later, possible two minutes before refill. Check this by doing /info. Cornucopia refills at 19m20s.

When arriving at the Cornucopia, arrive in a fashion so you are nearly or are unnoticeable. I highly recommend coming to corn from above, in the trees surrounding the corn in map 1 and 2. In map 3, improvise, and possibly hide out in the leaves above.

From this position where you are tightly hidden, observe what you are up against; analyze the situation. Are the campers preoccupied with something? What armor and weapons do they have? Are they near one another? All these are good questions. However, If you think you can’t take them on, then go and repeat your chest route. If you think you can take them on then continue with these directions.

1.Make sure you food bar is full—eat some steak or cooked food beforehand—not a cookie. Eat something substantial. These cooked foods will keep away hunger for a longer period of time then a raw pork chop, cookie, or somewhat bread.

2.Once they are preoccupied with something, talking, maybe another tribute, crafting, or they are separated, pick one of the team members; either the one that is closest or even better, the one that is least valuable or best equipped. If you are noticed before this time, jump down and try to separate them from one another. But still pick a tribute!

Pro Tip: Separation is key. If you want to win make sure there is space between the team members.

3.If you have a bow, shoot a couple arrows at the tribute you picked. If you haven’t been noticed, make sure you hit him on your first shot, you want the element of surprise on your side—you already have enough disadvantages as is otherwise. If you don’t have bow run at the tribute with your sword and try your best to dispatch him from the game.

4.Once you have successfully killed the most powerful tribute, you should still have a full hunger bar, assuming you followed through with step number 1. Thus this allows you to regain health as you run. Run away from the other teammate(s), (hopefully you have separated them) and regain a full health bar. As you are doing this constantly switch directions, making it harder for the other team member(s) to hit you.

5.Once you have a full health bar, pick another tribute if this is a team of three. Separate this tribute from the other ones and kill him, then repeat step 4 again for the last tribute. (This also works for bigger teams.) If this not a team of three then just try your hardest to kill the other tribute. If you have a flint and steel, then use this as he is running towards you. (There is no greater time to use a flint and steel.) If you have not filled up on your health bar completely yet, use a fishing rod (if you have one) to knockback the other tribute(s) until your health fills.

Congratulations, you have successfully taken out the Corn Campers—pro style!

2.Separation Scenario:

This is by far the hardest scenario to predict. Every single round of Minecraft Survival Games consists are tons of randomized variables, and even bumping into team themselves is a variable all its own. Thus, you can never really prepare for bumping into teams around these maps, except for maybe the Cornucopia, and the split-seconds before you fall into dangers way. However, if you do fall into one of these situations with some decent armor and a wooden sword or better, here is where I can help you.


1.If you have a wooden sword and decent armor in maybe the first ten minutes of a game, you’re probably better off than the majority of people in the map, so if you’re lucky to see two or more name plates, I would recommend trying your chances, and seeing what the team has to offer, assuming this is a team—not a wild chase throughout the map.

2.Try to find a place where you can easily see the team without them seeing you. Stay crouched by holding down the shift key like there is no tomorrow. Do this behind a tree, up high, or behind some buildings or housing. If you think you can take them then go for it. If you can’t try to leave unseen.

3.If you’ve going in for the kills, be sure to make sure you have a full hunger bar. I recommend eating some cooked food rather than a raw pork chop or cookie before the battle that you have the luxury to start, even if you’re only down by a half a unit. By eating cooked food you’ll have a full hunger bar for a longer period of time rather compared to just having a piece of bread.

4.Once you are prepared, pick one of the team members, preferably the one best equipped with armor and has the best weapon. Target this player first if you can. If you don’t have the opportunity to get to this tribute, try to separate the one of the team members and the one that is separated kill. That is your goal. Not necessarily to kill the team, but to separate them. I cannot emphasize how important this is. Focus on one team member, separate him, and kill him. Period.

5.Once you have done this since you are separated, you have the ability to run. In the fight you most likely got hurt a bit, and because you have distance, you can run for a bit to regain health. You should have a full hunger bar since you prepared for this beforehand. Run in circles, and every once in a while turn as to confuse and prevent the other team member(s) to hit you. If the other team member(s) is/are catching up, using a fishing rod to knock them back.

6.Once you are full on health, if you have a long distance weapon, preferably a bow, use this as the tribute(s) are coming closer. Additionally, if you have a flint and steel—there is no better time than to spit fire out as the tribute is running towards you. Then go in for the kill.

Congratulations, you actually read something!



May 17, 2012
Reaction score
1. Most common scenario: Typical teamed Cornucopia campers.
This is MY strategy:

Rush the fools at the corn.

great guide though


Jun 19, 2012
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You obviously gave this some thought and detail. I'm certainly not the best out there, but I can definately see why you have all those kills...
Thanks and I'll be sure to try this out.

One last thing- do you have any strategies on how to play on a super laggy computer? I've tried adjusting graphics, installing optifine, and allocating more memory, but it doesn't fix the problem.
So, I can't really go on the offensive that much. Any tips to try and help on the defensive?



District 13
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
You obviously gave this some thought and detail. I'm certainly not the best out there, but I can definately see why you have all those kills...
Thanks and I'll be sure to try this out.

One last thing- do you have any strategies on how to play on a super laggy computer? I've tried adjusting graphics, installing optifine, and allocating more memory, but it doesn't fix the problem.
So, I can't really go on the offensive that much. Any tips to try and help on the defensive?

Do you have some money saved up? At most 100$? I recommend buying a some more RAM, and have someone help you install it... This is quite tedious, because it involves you going inside a computer--but I bet the results are worthwhile.

I'll also look into writing a report on playing with a lagging computer.


District 13
Jul 13, 2012
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Just had an encounter with a team of three--all great armor, and all had diamond swords. I won because of this strategy.


District 13
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
i already did this, but i got accused of hacking because i did exactly this, and zeejays other strategies, i have been banned for a week just for following pro tips. :(


District 13
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
i already did this, but i got accused of hacking because i did exactly this, and zeejays other strategies, i have been banned for a week just for following pro tips. :(
Once you've written a ban dispute contact a Sr. Mod and try to get things worked out. This has happened to me before. Try to be very suttle and don't spam, just write a short comment and he/she will look at it. If you were doing nothing for the ban, then you have nothing to worry about.

Also being banned for a week means that someone thought you were hacking. When I was banned someone had recorded a really vague video that appeared as I was hacking. Probably the same thing happened here.

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