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Forgotten Legion (AS Clan)- Disbanded

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Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
Savva, i don't know if this is good or bad news, but im quitting MCSG. It's up to you if you wanna put my name in the clan thread or not, but i just wanna wish the clan farewell. Before i leave i would like to say a few things about this clan through out my stay.
1. The clan's teamwork is awesome. They work with each other and listen's to the Elite's commands in game. This can play a big part in clan wars.
2. This is something that is Essential for the clan, i know there is a fair share of older and younger players in the clan, this is for the younger ones. They need to learn to be more mature in attitude wise. The way they act to things is something most people cannot stand, please look into that. I wanna see an improvement in that during my next visit.
3. As for the Teamspeak Server.. I really don't know what you guys can really do about it. I will be staying away from the computer and just work from my iPad.
Good luck in finding a good way of communication!
There's nothing else, bye! Im just gonna be a forum addict now.
Although I am not in this clan, I would like to wish you good luck and have fun with your "get a life" I had fun playing with you, although for around 2 months I did not realize that I have local muted you for some reason. And by fun, it means since I thought you were a hacker, when #Zekky_Bones 2v2ed Legit_Proph3t and T0. Bye and again, wish you the best of luck. :)


Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
Savva, i don't know if this is good or bad news, but im quitting MCSG. It's up to you if you wanna put my name in the clan thread or not, but i just wanna wish the clan farewell. Before i leave i would like to say a few things about this clan through out my stay.
1. The clan's teamwork is awesome. They work with each other and listen's to the Elite's commands in game. This can play a big part in clan wars.
2. This is something that is Essential for the clan, i know there is a fair share of older and younger players in the clan, this is for the younger ones. They need to learn to be more mature in attitude wise. The way they act to things is something most people cannot stand, please look into that. I wanna see an improvement in that during my next visit.
3. As for the Teamspeak Server.. I really don't know what you guys can really do about it. I will be staying away from the computer and just work from my iPad.
Good luck in finding a good way of communication!
There's nothing else, bye! Im just gonna be a forum addict now.
I'll miss you, dude. Come on Skype this Monday, when I get back to Singapore. I'll put you as On Break. We just lost our best PvPer and Teamspeak host. I'll remember you for your contributions to the clan, and I'll try to make sure that this is your legacy. Farewell, my friend.


Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
Although I am not in this clan, I would like to wish you good luck and have fun with your "get a life" I had fun playing with you, although for around 2 months I did not realize that I have local muted you for some reason. And by fun, it means since I thought you were a hacker, when #Zekky_Bones 2v2ed Legit_Proph3t and T0. Bye and again, wish you the best of luck. :)
LOL. Good luck Boner!
I'll miss you, dude. Come on Skype this Monday, when I get back to Singapore. I'll put you as On Break. We just lost our best PvPer and Teamspeak host. I'll remember you for your contributions to the clan, and I'll try to make sure that this is your legacy. Farewell, my friend.


Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Savva, i don't know if this is good or bad news, but im quitting MCSG. It's up to you if you wanna put my name in the clan thread or not, but i just wanna wish the clan farewell. Before i leave i would like to say a few things about this clan through out my stay.
1. The clan's teamwork is awesome. They work with each other and listen's to the Elite's commands in game. This can play a big part in clan wars.
2. This is something that is Essential for the clan, i know there is a fair share of older and younger players in the clan, this is for the younger ones. They need to learn to be more mature in attitude wise. The way they act to things is something most people cannot stand, please look into that. I wanna see an improvement in that during my next visit.
3. As for the Teamspeak Server.. I really don't know what you guys can really do about it. I will be staying away from the computer and just work from my iPad.
Good luck in finding a good way of communication!
There's nothing else, bye! Im just gonna be a forum addict now.
<3<3 Bye! - In Macau on IPad Sw3g


Oct 16, 2013
Reaction score
The amount of people leaving this clan is too dang high!
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